𝙛𝙤𝙧𝙩𝙮 𝙩𝙬𝙤. 𝙪𝙣𝙙𝙚𝙧 𝙖𝙩𝙩𝙖𝙘𝙠

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"I need to go back & fight. This is my war & the people here are dealing with it for me, it's not fair Lo'ak!" I stood up in frustration.

"No! I won't let you go! I promised my brother that I would keep you safe if any time he isn't around!" Lo'ak held both my shoulders down.

I knew that he wanted to fight too, I can see it in his eyes that he wanted bloody revenge for what these once familiar people had done to his home back at Omatikaya. But how can he go against Neteyam, let alone his father's orders-

"Lo'ak I know you made promises, but people are going to die. Because of us, because of-.. me" I searched his eyes for an ounce of permission to return back to the fire pit.

"Vi.. please. You're pregnant, there's no way you'd be able to protect the baby in battle without my help" he brought himself down to meet my eyes.

"Is that a yes?" I smirked.

Lo'ak helped me up the trees, blending in with the dark leaves as we heard the people's cry from a distance. We hurried back to my pod for our bows & daggers, slower than usual because he had to carry me up & watch my front as I attempt to leap onto the next tree each time.

As soon as we reached the entrance of the roots, there was a bright crimson orangey light with crackling sounds at the front.

"I-is that fire?" Lo'ak leaned forward, slowly feeling the heat spread to the roots.

"Shit! Lo'ak! Our things!" I yelled out.

Running towards the fire, both Neytiri & Mr Sully caught a glimpse of us trying to sneak into the lit up pod without any protection to cover our skin.

"My children! Where are you going?! We told you to hide! Where is Neteyam?!" Neytiri cried out as she struggled to pull out a sack of our weapons that was stashed at the far corner of my pod.

"We tried calling him but there was no signal! We don't know where he is!" Lo'ak said, helping his mother.

"I-I do.." I nervously spoke out.

I explained to Neytiri on her eldest son, Tsireya & Rotxo's whereabouts. Her eyes were teary & mad as she feared Ronal would punish us too, but she was glad that they were far away from this chaotic madness. Tonowari then came-

"My daughter! she is missing! do you know where she is?!" Tonowari asked panic stricken.

"She is safe, for now! we need to evacuate & lead the people to safety!" Neytiri said.

Swarm of rogue warriors evaded the pods one by one as the other bunch continued to attack the villagers, gathering them by the shores. As we got our weapons ready, Tonowari leaded us to the crowd as Lo'ak continued to reach for his brother through his headset.


Reaching the crowd, we hid in the bushes nearby to quickly execute a plan on how to kill every single one of the familiar rogue warriors.

"Vi, you seriously need to stay back & hide. Neteyam wouldn't approve of this" Lo'ak said in concern.

"Im fine Lo'ak, I need to fight & save the people. They are family too" I replied as my eyes searched the crowd for the one responsible for this.


"Kiri! Tuk!" Neytiri teared up, noticing her daughters held in the middle of the crowd with the other young girls-

"Where is Violet?! where is she?!" One of the rogue warriors yelled at the crowd.

None of the people spoke up, making the warriors grow impatient & pissed for not co-operating. So they pulled the 2 forest girls forward, handling them in the most aggressive way possible to draw out one of us.

𝙏𝙄𝙇' 𝙒𝙀 𝙋𝘼𝙍𝙏.  𝙣𝙚𝙩𝙚𝙮𝙖𝙢Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat