Part 16 - Sequels

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About to leave Walsenburg, CO
A little over 100 miles from Cripple Creek

After collecting a few packs of cigarettes and small non-perishable food items, the men headed to the final outline of the small town before deciding it was time to head on out. Trotting onto the usual dirt roads, the landscape was slowly starting to morph into a rocky jagged terrain. Being careful to follow along the base of each hill and mountain, the two men continued on. Only a handful of hours horseback until they would finally reach the base of Cripple Creek.
Miles placed a cigarette in his mouth and struck a match, quickly taking in a few draws until he had a decent cherry lit.

"Cig?" Miles called out to Alex, who immediately accepted the offer. Miles tossed the pack towards Alex, who skilfully caught it.

"Thanks doll." Alex hummed as he placed a cigarette between his own pillowy lips, quickly lighting the end with another match.

The two continued towards their destination as they drew long puffs from their cigarettes. Thankfully the sun was still working on rising, making the morning air quite brisk. Surely the heat would catch back up with them around noon.

"So what's the plan then?" Alex asked Miles, exhaling a large plume of smoke towards the sky.

"Methinks we should try once it's dark out. Not sure when the bank closes in town but I'd be best if we waited till only a few people were manning the streets." Miles replied as he watched the smoke leave Alex's lips.

"Sounds 'bout right." Alex said taking another drag. "We take anything we find behind the desk? I'm wary on the vault.. who's going to keep watch?"

"I'll keep watch, you know I'm quickest with my gun. And unless you find someone in there that could open the vault, just stick to the main tills. I'm sure they've got enough still laid out." Miles quickly responded as he sharply inhaled one of the last few puffs of his cigarette.

In reality, the small banks they robbed were just that: small. There wasn't a large number of people inside, just about three cops in total to worry about. More than anything Miles worried if word had gotten out about the mess they made in Tombstone. Not like they had gotten any sort of new clothes, rags, or hats since their last wanted drawing had been posted. With no towns in between, there wasn't time or the resources to stop and find something new to wear. After the fact would be the most important, covering up and hiding would be tricky. Thank god they've both let their beards and hair grow out. A quick shave and cut, nobody would be able to recognise them.

"I wonder how Pearl's doing." Alex said, pulling Miles out of his deep train of thought.

"I dunno." Miles said, snubbing out his cigarette against the horn of his saddle.

"I hope she took everything well enough, we left her the horse and a decent wad of cash. Just hope she can find her happiness." Alex continued on.

Miles sighed and adjusted his cowboy hat, trying not to think much about Pearl.

"What kinda house do you want when we head out east?" Miles asked, hoping to change the subject.

Alex paused for a good long while, really simmering on the thought.

"Have you seen those new Queen Anne styled homes? Man those are gorgeous. Practically castles. I'd love to live in one of those someday.. can't even imagine the price for one of those things though. You knew what house I lived in back in California–" Alex stopped himself from stammering on, really not wanting to think about the wife that he left behind in that miserable town.

"Queen Anne is nice. Let's build one of those." Miles agreed, catching onto how uncomfortable Alex had become after mentioning California.
"Hey." Miles said, snapping Alex out of his daze. "I love you Al."

Alex gave him a small smile back as he fiddled with the signet ring on his pinky, "I love you too, Mi."

Outside Penrose, CO
Less than 50 miles from Cripple Creek

Coming onto the most dangerous part of their travels yet, Miles and Alex led their horses up steep rocky paths whilst carefully trying to keep an eye out for any potential hungry wildlife. For a trek that was supposedly only going to take seven hours without need for many breaks, this was for sure going to lengthen their travel time. As the sun moved past the midday heat waves, they knew they needed to pick up pace if they were wanting to get to Cripple Creek by sundown. Unfortunately, their horses and themselves would definitely need a break before the big heist plan.

"Mi, can't we just set up camp here tonight? Our horses will be far too tired to do us much good if we push them!" Alex cried out from behind Miles, looking up at the rather steep mountain terrain in front of them. The small town they passed through was only half a mile behind them.

Miles rubbed at his forehead, Alex was making pretty good sense.

"Yeah, I–" Miles coughed before finishing his sentence. "I guess so." He was truly exhausted, and Alex was right. They needed to rest.

Alex started moving his horse backwards, Miles following soon after as they made their way back to the base of the mountain.

"Brush Hollow should be right over there." Miles called out, pointing just past the horizon. "Horses gotta drink."

Alex nodded and headed towards the area Miles was pointing to. Tree after tree, the two men and their horses finally made their way lakeside. Swiftly Alex and Miles unmounted their horses and led them to the water to drink. Miles handed the reins off to Alex and pulled their typical blankets off of the horses saddles. Miles quickly set up a small camp, cigarette dangling between his lips as he collected sticks and large enough branches to start up a small fire.
Alex walked the horses over to where Miles had decided to set camp, and tied their reigns to a nearby tree, quickly dumping what was left of the oats and a few carrots into a dish for the horses to munch on.

Miles pulled out a tin can of baked beans that he picked up over in the last town and dumped it into a pan, heating it up over top of the fire.

"Only a few more days Mi." Alex said with a sigh as he laid his head into Miles' lap, sleepily watching Miles stir the beans in the shallow pan. "Only a few until we can finally just do whatever we want."

Miles tenderly ran his fingers trough Alex's long hair.
"I know baby, I can hardly wait."

Fairly soon after dinner, the sun started to set, shooting beautiful rays of red, pinks, purples, and oranges across the sky as the two lovers snuggled up underneath one of their small blankets. Miles always took the roll of big spoon, huddling his small frame around Alex's body.

"Almost as beautiful as you, Al." Miles cooed as he gazed at the sunset.

Alex shifted, Miles could tell he was all bashful without even seeing his face.
"I don't know what I did to deserve you Mi, but I wouldn't change it for a thing." Alex replied, scooting himself further into Miles' embrace. "'Wouldn't swap ya for a horse and saddle' as my old man would say." Alex giggled to himself.

Miles smiled and squeezed Alex tightly, pressing a few kisses on top of his greasy head.
"Goodnight doll baby, I hope you have the sweetest dreams."

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