Part 18 - Miracle Aligner

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5 Years Gone
Louisville, KY

A cool breeze blew in through the open windowsills as a shorter-haired Alex plucked away at the piano that sat in their front parlor, his wooden foot tapping gently against the hardwood floor as his other bounced on the sustaining pedal, happily playing along to a song he had written up a few days prior. Miles was out in the garden working away on his spring crop, Alex's beautiful songs serenading him through the many windows that lined their home. After hand tilling the whole bed, he carefully planted snap peas, carrots, kale, and broccoli. They had quite the little vegetable farm going, three years strong at this point. Miles was very proud of himself.

It was a happy, content, loving life. Alex finally got the house he so desperately wanted, and Miles got a lovely, and rather large, garden to work in. After the incident in Cripple Creek, Alex's leg became horrifically infected. Once they had arrived in Louisville the doctors had decided amputation was necessary. From knee down Alex's left leg was all wood, but he didn't mind. It didn't really effect his daily life at all and in fact, Miles said he looked even hotter with a cane. There was lots to do in their new town, everyone was so nice and pleasant. They actually had a decent amount of gay men to converse with, although their identities to be kept on the down low, Miles and Alex happily hosted parties at least once a month. Horse racing and motion pictures had really started to become some of their favorite hobbies– Alex would go as far to write his own scripts and make Miles act out in his little homemade plays.

Alex had reached out to Pearl via letter a few years prior, they kept in contact quite frequently actually. Pearl had found a lovely lady named Elizabeth, they were both living quite happily together. Pearl said Elizabeth helped her overcome her opioid addiction, and was now spending most of her days helping with Elizabeth's elderly mother– promising Alex that once she passed on that they'd move out to Louisville.

Alex had gotten a job with the newspaper writing poems for a small column. It was actually turning out to be a hit and was actually very helpful regarding their financial situation.

"Why don't you come on in?" Alex called out through the window, resting most of his weight onto his cane. "Sun's about to set."

Miles ran the back of his hand across his sweaty forehead, tilting the straw hat he had on back a bit so he could see Alex's face peering through the crack of the ornately designed window.

"One last row and I'll come on in." Miles replied, turning back to his work.

With no real way to track the time during their cowboy days, Alex had dubbed May 3rd as their anniversary. And today just so happened to be May 3rd.

Alex hurried into the kitchen, assuming Miles would be done any minute he quickly uncorked a bottle of wine and set out the meal he had planned on the dining table. He was quite proud of his work, he really tried to get every detail right.

"Honey, where are you?" Miles called out as he hung up his hat on the rack by the front door, quickly slipping out of his dirt covered cowboy boots.

"Dining! I have a surprise!" Alex called back.

Miles grinned as he made his way to the dining room, wiping his soiled hands off on his jeans.

"Wait! Close your eyes!" Alex giggled, making his way over to Miles' side, covering his eyes with his large hands as he led him the rest of the way.

"Okay are you ready?" Alex teased.

Miles grabbed at Alex's hands. "I think so.."

Alex pulled his hands from Miles' eyes, and Miles' mouth immediately fell open. In front of them sat a plethora of all the foods they ate while traveling across the country, specially the cornbread Miles had made the night he proposed to Alex– and of course the bottle of wine they consumed that night too. The table was lined with a handful of written notes with Miles' name on top of them stuck in between an assortment of differently sized candle sticks, followed by a small jewelry box that sat on Miles' usual dinner plate.

Miles could feel his eyes well up with tears, he truly felt like the luckiest man on earth.

"Oh Al.." Miles sighed as he made his way over to the table, picking up one of the small letters– quickly beginning to read it.

"Do you like it?" Alex whispered, wrapping his arms around Miles' thin waist after laying his cane down.

Miles sat the love letter down and turned towards Alex, wrapping his arms around his shoulders.
"I love it baby, you're too sweet to me y'know."

"Happy anniversary Miles." Alex hummed just before pressing his lips to Miles' for a quick kiss.

"I've got something for you too, stay here for just a minute." Miles said before darting off and up the stairs.

Miles quickly returned with a rather large case behind his back. "Now it's your turn to close your eyes!"

Alex did as told and squeezed his eyes shut and held his hands out, the anticipation nearly killing him.

"Now, go ahead and open." Miles sang just before Alex opened his eyes.

Alex was greeted with the same guitar he used to have before they left it Raton, NM– except this one had a carving in the back that said:
'happy 5th anniversary doll - MK'.

"I.." Alex said as he gazed at the instrument in his hands. "I don't even know what to say.

"Happy anniversary Alex." Miles said with a grin on his face as he watched Alex admire his gift.
"Now let's eat, I'm practically starved! But I do expect a little ditty from you afterwards."

Alex sat the guitar down and wrapped his arms around Miles' neck, gently pushing him up against the wall of the dining room. "I had something else in mind first..."


Age of The Understatementजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें