Part 3 - Standing Next to Me

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Chiricahua Peak, AZ
Midday, somewhere around 3pm

Miles and Alex continued to make their way east heading directly for Chiricahua Peak, not stopping until they had reached the safe hiding spots of the mountains landscape, in the hopes they could set up camp for a day or so before heading north. Hopefully word wouldn't spread too quick about two gunslinging cowboys killing a local cop. The mountain range was quite the beautiful sight, especially as the sun began to set. Tall rounded beams of rock shot skyward, perfectly sculpted by water that used to fill the entire land, now lay fairly dry. There were jagged dead trees stuck in between the beams of rock, brittlebush and tumbleweeds embedded in the ground. Alex's horse weaved their way through the rocks and trees, eventually coming onto a clear landing, a small creek trickling over tons of small rocks in between some of the greenest grass Miles or Alex had seen in a long time. Looked to be a perfect place to camp out, and there was definitely enough dead and dry wood nearby to make a small campfire as well as fresh water to drink and grass for the horses to gnaw on.

"Here looks good." Alex yelled back at Miles, brining his horse to a stop before heaving himself off.

Alex walked his horse by the reigns over to the water, letting them drink from the cool creek. Miles pulled himself off of his horse, the guitar that strung across his shoulders made a soft strumming sound as he feet landed on the ground before he made his way over to Alex's side. He quickly pulled a small sack off of his horses saddle and placed it into the creek, letting the flow of the water fill up the canister. Alex bent down and pulled his necktie off of his face, scooping up a small handful of water– bringing it to his mouth as he drank from his palm.

Miles walked his horse over to the small grassy pasture, wrapping his reigns around a short nearby tree, pulling his guitar off of his shoulders, sitting it against the tree. Miles watched briefly as his horse began to eat before turning and looking for some dry wood. Miles walked around the creek, collecting as many sticks and decently sized termite infested logs as he could to begin a fire. The sun was going to be fully set soon, and the desert is nothing but cold at night. Miles tossed all of the larger pieces onto the ground first, trying to stack each piece against each other to make one large pile. As Miles finally finished arranging the sticks to his liking, he walked back to his horse, rummaging around in one of his many satchels to find his piece of flint and steel.

Miles turned his head to look over at Alex. "So what'd you get from the store?"

Alex pulled off his hat and ran a hand through his hair, the cool water feeling refreshing as it coated his unwashed scalp. He dipped his hands back into the water and splashed it onto his face, trying to get most of the dust off of his face before responding to Miles' question.

"Tell me you got soap." Miles chuckled to himself, it had been at least three days since either of them had their last bath, both of their beards had started to grow back out, the sweat and dust built up on their skin. Miles struck the flint against the dry wood multiple times before eventually lighting a small piece. Miles let the fire start to burn into the wood before blowing against it, making the embers grow stronger. Once the fire was going well on its own, Miles walked back over to his horse pulling the tie loose from his blanket, taking it off of the saddle and laying it out on the ground next to the growing fire. Miles pulled off his hat and necktie, placing them on the edge of the blanket, quickly pulling off his cowboy boots too before placing his wool sock covered feet in front of the fire.

Alex made his way over to where Miles' horse stood, tying his horse up next to his before grabbing his own blanket and two satchels off of his horses saddle.

"Well." Alex said, making his way towards Miles. "I grabbed us some salted beef." Alex tossed a bag into Miles lap as he sat down next to him, wrapping his blanket around both of their shoulders. "Oatmeal, some whiskey, tobacco, and crackers." Alex emptied out the bag in front of them, staring at his small gathering of items. "So, no soap."

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