Part 12 - Two Hearts In Two Weeks

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"But you had a husband?" Alex said, still honestly extremely confused by everything that's just happened.

"And weren't you both married?" Pearl said, getting slightly annoyed by the fact they weren't celebrating her newfound sexual identity.

"Well yeah.. I mean.." Alex said, his words trailing off into nothing before he turned to look at Miles who seemed to be just as stunned.

A long pause consumed the conversation, neither party knowing what to say as the fire crackled between them. Miles laid down, tucking his hands behind his head as he looked up at the star ridden sky, happy that Pearl didn't decide to kill them. This would be the second time she didn't kill Miles, he really owes her a favor now.
"Well.." Miles said, pausing between his words. "We should get some sleep, we have about eight hours of travel tomorrow."

Alex agreed as he grabbed one of the small blankets they had been sharing, throwing it over top of Miles.
Pearl watched as Alex lovingly snuggled himself up against Miles' side. She let out a sigh as she reached over to a small satchel she had laid down next to her gun holster and boots, pulling out her small bottle of laudanum, quickly releasing the dropper into her mouth. Once satisfied with the amount she'd consumed, Pearl laid back onto the ground, curling herself up underneath her own blanket as she stared up into the sky, waiting for the drug to kick in.

"I'm glad I met y'all." Pearl said abruptly towards Alex and Miles.

"Likewise Pearl." Alex said, rolling onto his side as Miles wrapped himself around Alex, taking the roll of 'big spoon'.

Pearl turned her head back to the sky, her mind started to fade as she began to count the stars, her vision starting to blur just before she closed her eyes and allowed herself to fall asleep.

The following morning, maybe 7:20am

Miles was the first one to wake up. He sat up and stretched out his arms, looking around the camp they set up. Luckily, they had bought quite a few vegetables when they were in town last, a nice fried potato hash sounded quite nice. Miles looked over at Pearl who still laid in the same position she did when she fell asleep, her soft waves laid out delicately onto her blanket, her lips looked fairly blue, probably from all the opium.
Miles placed a small kiss onto Alex's cheek before pulling himself up and onto his feet, making his way over to where their horses stood. Miles pulled a pan from one of the hooks on their saddles, a few potatoes and an onion from one of their many bags, a knife, and finally a few carrots for each of the horses. After giving the horses a few treats, Miles walked back to the fire, trying to be rather quiet as he relit the fire and placed the pan onto it. Miles cut up the potatoes and onions and tossed them into the pan, laying the lid overtop.
Once the food was finally done, Miles moved back over to Alex's side, placing kisses all over his face until he woke up.

"C'mon Al, breakfast is ready." Miles hummed as Alex stretched his arms out, his sleepy eyes just barely cracked open as his lashes fluttered, slowly getting used to the morning light.

"Good morning." Alex said groggily, a small smile on his slightly swollen lips. Miles pressed his lips against Alex's before pulling back away.

Miles made his way over to Pearls side, gently tapping on her shoulder to get her to wake up. She didn't move. Her blue lips began to look a little more menacing. "Pearl?" Miles shook her shoulder a little more violently as he began to panic. He had heard about overdoses, so many people in their town had lost their lives to their opioid addiction. Miles stopped shaking her and looked down at her chest to see if she was breathing. Her chest moved ever so slightly, small shallow breaths. Miles let himself relax a little bit as he saw the movement, hoping she was just out of consciousness.
"Alex, help me!" Miles said, making Alex spring up to his feet anxiously. 

"What? What's going on?" Alex scrambled over to Miles' side, looking down at the peacefully 'sleeping' Pearl.

"We need to turn her over, she'll wake up eventually but we need to turn her on her side." Miles said as he took his place by her side. "Be careful with her."
Alex didn't ask any questions as he helped Miles roll Pearl off of her back and onto her side.

It felt like forever, maybe it was– the food had gone cold long ago. Alex and Miles sat back as they waited for Pearl to wake up, eventually stirred by horrific gagging and coughing noises. They rushed to Pearl's side.

"Jesus Christ Pearl!!" Miles yelled, holding her hair back from her face as she spit out what looked to be last nights dinner.

"You scared the shit out of us." Alex said as he held onto Pearls hand, she was still very much out of it.
"That's it. I'm taking this away." Alex grabbed the bottle and dumped it out onto the ground, Pearl tried to testify but nothing but a hoarse groan came out of her mouth. Miles sat her upright, slinging one of her arms over his shoulder.

"Thinking we should stay here for a bit longer, I don't think she'll be well enough to ride any time soon.." Alex said as he eyed the state Pearl was in.
She looked fucking horrible.

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