Honeymoon catch-up

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"Here, see?" Shou turned the phone so that it was now aiming at Ume and she could see her daughters.

The newlyweds watched as their mother swiftly composed herself from what Mei believed to resembled Yuzus' own flustered state. "H-hi girls." Ume didn't seem prepared.

"Hello mother," Mei responded.

"Hey Mama," Yuzu added. "Everything alright?"

"Well...." Ume fumbled over her words before a spark was lit in her eye. Yuzu and Mei watched in confusion as she approached the camera and took Shous' arm.

"We just wanted to announce that I'm pregnant!" Ume cheerfully. She immediately burst into laughter as her families eyes went wide and even the color draining in some of their faces...mainly Shous.

"W-what?" Mei stammered. This was the first time she got to partake in a pregnancy announcement.

"Are you really??" Yuzu asked. She wasn't against potentially having another little sister, but April would end up competing for attention so Yuzu was worried.

"Nah I'm just kidding!" Ume laughed as she patted Shous back, the man slowly regaining color in his face. "Just had to tease Shou a little since he called you girls for me."

"Y-you startled me," Mei confessed, not feeling even a tad bit silly or ashamed in believing her mother in a fairly obvious joke.

"Oh...phew!" Yuzu sighed. "Well that's good, having another kid would be difficult for a woman your ag...."

"Watch it!" Ume playfully snapped at Yuzu, despite this being the norm for them Ume wasn't as capable of hiding her smile.

"Too bad," Shou briefly thought to himself. He wasn't against the idea of having a legitimate child with Ume but logically he knew they already had their hands full with April.

"Mother..." Mei cut in. "You said you were upset with father ,for him calling us, 'for you'?"

"Yeah what did that mean?" Yuzu asked. She had glossed over that part of what Ume said.

"Your mother was missing her girls," Shous' smile had returned but Yuzu and Mei couldn't see it, the camera focusing purely on Ume.

"Aww!" Yuzu giggled. "Mama is that true?"

"I-I don't know what he's blabbering on about," Ume attempted to claim, Her voice and attitude Severely betraying her.

Ever since the wedding Ume had been coping with the fact her little Yuzu was a woman now. The fact that Yuzu was literally married was sinking in slowly and even though it was only a few days since then, Ume found herself missing her little girl.

To make this whole thing feel more inane, Ume knew that Yuzu had been away for longer before. But this time was especially difficult for the mother, prompting Shou to wanna ease his wife's distress. Of course if he could have a little fun while doing so, that's just a bonus.

Of course Ume missed Mei as well but ultimately Yuzu was the one who the woman had raised ever since she was a baby. Meanwhile April was still around at home, kinda hard to miss someone who's a room away.

"It's only been a few days," Yuzu pointed out, laughing a bit at her mom's adamant embarrassment.

"Yeah? And?" Ume countered. "Can a mother not wanna know what her daughters have been up to while on their honeymoon?"

"You could have sent either of us a text message," Mei joined in on Yuzus' side rather than just watching things play out like their father was currently doing.

"Not as good," Ume shrugged. "But while we're on the subject, what are you girls up to?"

"Mhm," Yuzu rolled her eyes. "Well if you must know, Mei was just giving me a back massage."

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