Chapter 7

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Chapter 7


This tiny muscular human was fun to tease as I watched her little bushy eyebrows shoot up. For a second, she opened and closed her mouth before frowning at me again.

"What do you mean?" She asked while pushing a loose strand of her silky black hair behind her ear. It was the same strand I had moved away earlier when I was examining her face. Her round face was soft beneath my scaly hands but her lips were even softer, sweeter probably.

"Just as I said, we are destined to be. I feel it in my heart." I explained slowly as her eyebrows shot up once again and her mouth gaped open. I was finding that expression very cute on her now. I thought as I quietly tried to suppress my laugh but the look she gave me with those beautiful piercing hazel eyes had me bent over laughing.

"I would like to know what's so funny about this entire situation?" She frowned though the corners of her lips twitched as if she were trying to resist laughing herself. "I just got away from whatever the hell that was in the desert only for you to tell me I'm your mate? Explain yourself." She huffed while crossing her arms over her chest, pushing her perfect bosoms up as I focused on her face. My brown tunic had looked great on her though it was too big for her small muscular frame.

"What would you like to know, my little mate?" I questioned as she slowly scooted back on her bed before carefully crossing her legs under her, wincing with her right ankle. She now sat with both her legs and arms crossed while staring at me.

"Mates. Tell me about this whole thing and where we are."

"Okay, we have plenty of time." I smiled while scooting the chair closer to her bed before leaning back to get a good look at her beautiful round face. "Before I tell you about the whole mates thing, I'll tell you where you are. You're currently on my planet called Sinniriel and you're currently in the mountainous region belonging to the Aloreans and the Odeolans. You seemed to have been swept up in the sandstorm season. It happens every now and again before mating season." I explained as she slowly nodded, her frown slowly relaxed with those words. Was she not afraid to be on another planet? So far away from her home?

"Sinniriel." She murmured before nodding to herself as she looked up at me. "So, if I'm in the mountainous region, which one are you? An Alorean or an Odeolan? What's the difference between the two anyway?" She asked while slowly pushing her right foot away from her with a pained expression on her face. "I'm fine." She mumbled though it seemed like she was reassuring herself rather than telling me that.

"I am an Alorean." I revealed, deciding now might not be the time to tell her I'm the leader of my people. "The difference between my people and the Odeolans is the region and location. Aloreans can handle the heat of the desert and the heat within the mountains, so we live towards the bottom and middle of our current mountain. The Odeolans, however, can't handle the heat of the desert during the day time so they stick more towards the top where white ash falls from the sky constantly. The white ash keeps them and their location cool. Sometimes, they come down the mountains at night to hunt in the desert or perform their sacred rituals." I further explained as she hummed for a second before nodding again. She eyed me suspiciously.

"Hmm, 'kay. So, there's snow here." She mumbled more so to herself while playing with the ends of her long hair that pooled around her. "Now that I know a little about that, tell me what's about this mate thing you keep talking about?" She leaned forward slightly as I took that as a sign that she was curious about everything around her.

"Well, the Goddess of loyalty and mates bestowed upon all of our kind the chance to be with our other half. Some are lucky enough to find their mate when they're young and some aren't so lucky." I sighed as she quietly nodded before I continued on. "For me, I was unlucky. Usually, my people find their mates when they become adolescents and will start building their homes together but by the time I reached that age, my mate was nowhere to be found. I had given up all hope until you appeared, surrounded by fire. How beautiful you truly were." I sighed dreamily as the smooth skin upon her cheeks turned a dark red before she turned her attention away from me.

"Th-That's all nice and stuff but what about my friends?" She asked, quickly turning back towards me as the panic seemed to fill her entire body. Her little hands started fidgeting as she grew serious.

"You were the only human we encountered on our mission." I softly explained while reaching out towards her hand before softly grasping it. She stilled under my touch as I gently rubbed my thumb over her hand. "We weren't the only tribe out during the sandstorm so I'm sure they got rescued just like you did."

"So, we're calling it rescue now? Not traumatizing or attempted murder?" She bit back while pulling her hand away while scowling at me. She had a point. I never thought about how it might have seemed to her. After all, she did just get swallowed up by this big ferocious dragon. Before I knew it, I was laughing again as she frowned down at me. "I'm glad to see my trauma is funny to you."

"My apologies, little one. It's not that." I wheezed between laughs before righting myself as we stared at each other again. Okay, maybe more like I was staring at her and she was frowning at me. I wonder what other expressions could she make on that beautiful face of hers. "Anyway, now that you're here and awake, let's get serious." Time to be the leader of my people now that we were actually talking face to face.

"Oh?" This time only one of her eyebrows rose at my sudden change of demeanor.

"Though we are mates and I would love to keep you here, I will not force you." As much as that pains me but I wasn't going to say that out loud in case I scared her away. "If you do decide that you would like to leave here for another tribe, I will help you arrange everything but it'll have to be after the mating season. We can not leave now either as it's the sandstorm season and you are unwell." I explained as she quietly nodded much to my surprise. "So, while the seasons turn, we'll fix you up with a hut to your liking. You may do as you please as long as you're not hurting anybody."

"Huh." Was the only thing she said as silence fell around us. "That's surprising that you're not trying to force me to stay. I'll think about leaving if I feel like it." She finally spoke up while surprise flashed across her face.

"Is there anything you'd like for your hut while you're here? You may request anything and I'll try to get what I can for you." I softly smiled as her eyebrows shot up for a quick second before furrowing together. "Is there something wrong with that?"

"You said anything? So, I wouldn't have to say the bare necessities like a bed, tub, toilet, and kitchen, right?" She asked as I nodded before she crossed her arms while rubbing her chin like she was thinking. "Well, if you're offering, how about some nice fabrics? Different colors and textures would be nice. Do your people have something I could make clothes with?" She asked while staring up at me with excitement in her eyes. Her suggestion took me by surprise. I had never thought that she'd asked me for fabrics, nonetheless something to make them with.

"Do you plan on making your own clothes?" I asked as she nodded excitedly while I leaned back in my chair with a surprised look on my face. "Well, I'll see what I can do. We have a tailor here who makes clothes so I'm sure it wouldn't be hard to ask for something from them. They can teach you how to use our tools to make the clothes you desire. Once you pick out a hut, I'll have the fabrics we have available brought to you. Is there anything else you would like?" I asked as her whole face lit up with how excited she was becoming.

"Can I truly have such things?" She asked hesitantly as I tilted my head. Her sudden shyness made me curious to where her feistiness had gone. She was showing me a new side of her, one that seemed scared and hesitant.

"You can have as much as you want." I smiled while looking up at her as a smile slowly slipped onto her face for a second. Sweet goddess. I had thought her frowning and scowling were beautiful but nothing was more stunning than her smile. Wishing to see more of that gorgeous smile, I promised myself that I would only bring happiness into her life from now on.

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