"I am Kaela, the goddess of youth!"

Said a girl probably of Cale age.
She had purple hair and fucsia eyes.
She was wearing a fluffy pink dress with a big bow on the back.

Cale's mother was wearing a beautiful red dress and her hair were carefully tied in a braid with golden flower leaves braided into them.
His father white hair tied in a ponytail, he was wearing a light blue with a boob window and loose sleeves.

They were all of an outstanding beauty.

"You were waiting for me to fall asleep, right? So you could bring me here"

Kaela and Aisha nodded.

"I doubt you called me here simply to introduce me to other gods, so...why am I here?"

Asked Cale

"sigh...we need to tell you something and give you a divine item to give Alberu"

Angelina said as a necklace with a blue pendant materialized in her hand.

"You have to give him this, it's for his disguise and to protect him from the power of the sun priests"

"It's because dark elves control dead mana and their opposite element is your power, right?"

"you are right, if one of my priest come in contact with the prince he will only get hurt"

said Angelina as she looked deeply at Cale.

"the last thing we want is for him to get hurt"

Angelina mumbled sadly.

"so you're telling me that this means that I can use this to keep him safe ?"

asked Cale.

"yup! Your little friend will be safe from any danger regarding his race or affinity"

Said his father happily.


"Don't thank me, thank Angelina, it was her idea and she created the necklace"

he responded while giving his son a warm smile.

"thanks miss Angelina"

Angelina smiled.

"haha, you can call me unnie if you want to"

Cale nodded at her.

"you must excuse us now. We need to go home and you too"

Aisha said and gave him a quick kiss on the head before walking away.

"she is right, it's time for you to wake up"

Said his mother as she touch his forehead and the next second he was back in his room.
He could feel the necklace in his hand, he sat down and opened his palm to find the divine item.

"I need to find Alberu and give it to him"

Said the little god confidently.
He walked outside his room and headed for where he thought could be his hyung.

However his plan failed when he couldn't find the dark elf anywhere.

"Where is he?"

He asked himself frustrated.
Cale searched around for a couple more minutes and found nothing.
He then decided to try to ask Ron.

"Ron, do you know were is Alberu?"

"at the Palace, why?"

"nothing i just need him for something"

"ok then, if there is any problem you can find me in the kitchen"

"Ok thanks"

Cale smiled a bit relieved.

"I'll go find him then"

he told himself and ran off.
In the green house of his palace Alberu was looking at the flowers thinking about everything he had told Cale.

'he probably hate me now'

he thought to himself as tears threatened to start forming in his eyes again.
Sudently a familiar voice was heard.

"haha, what we have here?"

The fake blonde looked up just to see, Anna, one of the maids who tormented him and her three minions.
One of them was holding a bucket which Alberu didn't notice as he was too focused on Anna.
Wanting nothing to do with them he continued to look at the flowers, ignoring them.
Suddenly Alberu was drenched in some dirty water that the maids had used to clean the floors. Tears formed on his cheeks and he began to shiver from the cold wind and freezing water.

"What are you crying about? We should cry because we have to serve someone like you! Why don't you go back to where you've been these past few weeks?"

The other two maids burst out laughing at the prince's misery.


Hearing a child voice everyone turned around only to find Cale with the king behind him, the boy had a smirk on his face and the king was furious.

"Guards! Capture these three women and throw them in the dungeons to be executed"

Said the livid king. Even if he didn't pay attention to his son this didn't give the lowly maids an excuse to insult him and treat him like this.

He approached his son and hugged him tightly, not caring if he got dirty.

"I'm sorry, if it wasn't for your friend I would never have known what was happening"

Alberu was confused

"your friend here saw you from the window and noticing what happened immediately rushed to me asking me to intervene, which I happily did"

"We have to take him in or he might get sick"

Cale said worried

"you are right"

Saying this the king lifted the prince off the ground and carried him in his arms to his chamber in the palace.

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