Outside the office...

Mercedes opened the door to see Becky at her desk.

"Hey girlie," Becky greets her.

Cookie walked out.

"Hey Beck-oooh nope, nope!" Mercedes twirled back around to leave.

"Aht!" Cookie shouted making her stop from opening the door. "Don't your dare leave. Turn around."

"Heyyy, ma." Mercedes smiles but Cookie only glared looking at her. "You look so nice."

"Save it," Cookie stopped her. "I have been calling your butt all morning and you were supposed to be in the studio yesterday like I told you. Instead you out here in this mess-"

"But I-"

"Get you butt in that studio." Cookie says making eyes roll. "If you going to roll them, I suggest you start walking to the studio while you're at it." A hard stare to her daughter. "Move." Mercedes turned around with Cookie walking right behind her. "I ain't your father or boo-boo kitty, you got the right one. Walk slower I'm in heels!"

Becky watched Cookie slam the door, Lucious looked out his office door.

"You sure giving her to Cookie was a good idea?"

"Couldn't name a better one." Lucious nodded to her. "Lets get ready for the meeting coming in five."


"It don't make no sense the way I had to call you like you owe me money?" Cookie calmly paced while talking. Mercedes sat back in the chair with her fingers pressed to her forehead from the headache. "I'm thinking you here, and you were in Philly?" Cookie stopped to face her. "What were you doing there, huh?"


"Girl, hush." Cookie stopped her making Mercedes throw up a hand and look off. "Then you come back and take your behind to where your father is, are you crazy? You could have gotten your ass shot. Do you know what-" Cookie sighs to herself and has a seat on the couch next to her. "I'm not trying to yell at you."

Mercedes eyes go wide, narrowing them to look at her mother from the side. "You could have fooled me."

"Don't start." Cookie pointed a nail making Mercedes sigh under her breath. "Mariah you scared the hell out of me and even Lucious. What if Legend wasn't there?"

"I know how to duck."

"Girl." Cookie gives her a look.

"To soon?"

Cookie brow raised making Mercedes nod. "I'm serious Mariah." This made her daughter look over to her. "You could have really gotten hurt out there being in the middle of that mess. Why didn't you call me?"
Mercedes looked down. "I know you heard me. I'm here too, it's not just your father. If you think for one second you can't call me-"

"It's not that."

"Then what is it?"

"I just sometimes forget that I can call you." Mercedes admits making Cookies gaze soften. "I'm still trying to get used to the fact that I actually have you here. Running to dad is just what I'm used to, I don't mean to do it."Cookie eyes go down for a moment as she took it in with a nod. "I know that isn't your fault, but I can't help going to who I feel the safest with. He was all I knew before you came back home."

Cookie hand rested over Mercedes, an understanding in her gentle squeeze.

"As low down as your father can be, he is all you knew." Cookie hated to admit it. "But he isn't all you have. I would go to war with anyone over you and sit back right in a cell if I have to."

Twins of EmpireWhere stories live. Discover now