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The next day thomas explained to us that he watched 2 bodies being wheeled into a room.
later on,we were all back in the canteen watching Jenson read out more names.
"i wanna know whats through that door" Thomas whispered again.
"Now, we've been over this.You said the bodies were covered up, so you don't know what you saw.It could of been anything under there." Newt explained to Thomas.
"I know, exactly what i saw. They were bodies" Thomas snapped back. "Aris said they bring in a new batch every night."
"Who the hell is Aris?" Minho asked.
Thomas pointed over to that quiet kid in the corner, staring at a piece of chicken.
"Well, i'm sold" Minho said sarcastically.
Jenson had read out the last name.
"Thank you for you attention, enjoy the rest of your evening" Jenson walked out the door with the people following him.
i watched closely and saw a key card being used  to open that door.
"Okay, until we know anything for curtain,we should just keep are heads down and try not to draw any attention to ourselves, all right?" Newt looked around at everyone on the table.
Thomas immediately stood up and walked over to the doors.
"What is he doing" Newt straightened his back watching Thomas' every move.
" i think he's drawing attention to himself." Fry answered
Thomas got stopped at the door again.
"shit" i stood up and walked over to Thomas.
"now what is SHE doing?" Newt said behind me.
"i think we should scratch that thing about drawing no attention to ourselves" Fry said.
"Get your ass back into that chair" the guard said to Thomas.
"Do you expect us to just do whatever you say?Your all full of fucking lies in this place!" i shouted in the guards face.
Thomas pretended to walk away and ran into the guards.
the guards pushed me and Thomas, i fell to the floor and Thomas pushed the guard back and yelled "Whats your problem man? What the hell, huh?"
"Back off!" the guard yelled.
everyone held back Thomas.
"What the fuck!" i slowly stood back up.
"You fucking sycophants!" i yelled.
"Control your friend!" The guard pointed at the boys.
Jenson pushed through the 2 guards.
"Whats happening here?" He shouted.
"Thomas?I thought we could trust each other.
You know we're all on the same team here." Jenson held his shoulder.
"are we?" Thomas asked.
Jenson rolled his eyes.
"get them to their bunks." he said.
" maybe sort your fucking guards out" i screamed as i walked away.
The guards grabbed my arm.
"you watch your mouth" he snapped.
"get the fuck off me!" i shouted again.
"sophie, i would watch what you say around here" Jenson smiled sarcastically.
"fuck you" i stormed off.
We all got dragged to are bunks.
"Get your asses in there! All of you!" The guard pushed us in.
he slammed the door behind us and locked it.
"What the hell was that about?" minho asked Thomas.
"you don't really think they were gonna let you through?" Newt tried to understand what the fuck Thomas was doing.
"No of course i didn't" Thomas grabbed a key card from his back pocket.
"you smart twat" i laughed.
"ohh" everyone realised what he was doing.
"i'm gonna find out what's on the other side  of that door." Thomas nodded.
"right" Newt crossed his arms.
"Newt, there hiding something, okay?These people are not who they say they are" Thomas walked towards his bed.
" i agree, i tried to say it, there lying pricks" i checked my arm to see hand prints from where he grabbed me.
"No, you don't know that!" Newt shouted. " The only thing that we do know is that they helped rescue us from WICKED. They gave us new clothes. They gave us food.They gave us a proper bed. Some of us haven't had that in a long time."
"Yeah, but..." Thomas tried to explain.
"Some of us a lot longer than others." Newt said.
"You just don't get it" i walked up to mine and newts bunk.
"yeah sophie maybe i don't get it but do you know why? because nothing has bloody happened to make me think any different!" he yelled at me.
"fuck off Newt" i yelled back.
"Don't start Soph this is not what we need right now!" He said calmer.
"you fucking started it!" i walked back over to him.
"Oh sophie, give it a fucking rest-" Newt walked closer to me but got cut off by the vent being kicked open.
we all looked to the floor.
"Hey Thomas." Aris said from the vent.
"What the..." Fry bent down to see under the bed.
"You got it didn't you?"Aris asked him.
"Yeah. Yeah. Lets go." Thomas climbed under the bed.
"All right look maybe you guys are right. Maybe i'm just being paranoid. But i gotta find out for sure. Just cover for me. Ill be back as soon as i can." Thomas slid into the vent.
Newt wiped his face  and glanced over at me.
i stood up and moved my stuff onto a different bed and climbed up.
Soon later Thomas still wasn't back and everyone was awake, waiting for Thomas.
Newt was pacing back and forth.
The vent suddenly got kicked open.
"Thomas!" minho yelled.
"We gotta go! we gotta go Right now!" Thomas rushed.
"What the hell are you talking about" Winston asked.
"What do you mean we gotta go?" Newt questioned him.
"There coming aren't they,Thomas?" i sat up in my bed.
"There coming.Come on. We gotta go." Thomas grabbed a mattress and pushed it against the door and used a sheet to tie it.
"What happened!"
"Aris what happened" Fry asked him.
"Thomas, can you just calm down and talk to us" Newt wanted answers.
"She is still alive" Thomas was finishing tying the mattress to the door.
"Who is she? Teresa?" Fry yelled.
"Ava." Thomas said a-bit calmer.
"Ava?" Newt gave a confused look.
"Will you just turn around and talk to us!" Neat shouted.
"Its WICKED!" Thomas yelled.
"I fucking knew it!" i jumped off the bunk bed.
"its still WICKED its always been WICKED" i grabbed my medicine and swallowed a pill.
"what are they?" Newt asked.
"Anxiety, and to control the anger" I threw them in my pocked quickly grabbing everything else that i could.
Thomas threw another mattress on the door.
"Thomas!" Newt slammed his hand next to him. "What did you see?" He said seriously.
Thomas explained everything and we all crawled into the vent quickly. i heard the door being kicked open. we all crawled as quick as possible.
We came out through the other side and we were in this corridor.
"come on, come on" Thomas hurried everyone up.
"okay, lets go, lets go!" Thomas whispered after the last person, which was Aris, came out.
"You guys go ahead. There's something i gotta do." Aris told them.
"What are you talking about?" Thomas went up to him.
"Trust me. It's important. You guys wanna get out of here right? Just go." Aris climbed back in.
"I'll go with him" Winston followed him in.
"okay Winston, Go! Go! come on" Thomas made the rest follow him.
"You sure we can trust this kid?" Minho asked.
"You don't want to know where we'd be without him." Thomas nodded.
we turned a corner and a female doctor was standing in-front of us.
"Ah!" Thomas said in a shock.
everyone froze.
"What are you kids doing out?" The doctor asked us.
The sirens in the hole building began going off loudly.
We grabbed the woman and got her to direct us  where to go to find Teresa.
"sorry love" Newt whispered in my ear.
"i'm sorry too, blondie" we stopped walking and i kissed him passionately.
"Will you two hurry up!" Fry pulled us along.
We ran down the hall with the woman and the alarm still going off.
"Freeze!" a guard yelled on the other side of the corridor.
the guard shot 3 electrical bullets at us. we all moved out the way before any of us could get hit.
"Why are they shooting at us!" i yelled.
Minho stopped suddenly.
"Minho what the hell are you doing?" Thomas asked.
Minho turned back around and ran at the man and the guard hit his head on the wall  and passed out.
" Shit Minho!" Newt was shocked.
Thomas grabbed the gun off the guards body.
"Okay, lets go come on" Thomas ran down the hallway.
the woman lead us to where we needed to be and we pushed her in first.
"Dr. Clawford, are you hear to..." a doctor said inside the room.
the rest of us pushed through the door. Thomas pointed his gun at each person in there.
"Where is she? Where is she!" Thomas screamed.
the mans eyes looked over at a closed curtain. Thomas looked over, passed the gun to Minho and opened the curtain quickly.
Teresa was lying  on a bed with a nasal cannula in her nose.
"Get down!" Minho shouted at the men in the lab.
"Teresa" Thomas woke her up quietly.
"what did they do to you?" he asked again.
"thomas?" teresa woke up.
"Give me your hands!" Newt tied up the doctors.
"your never gonna get away with this!" the woman yelled.
"Whats going on" teresa sat up slightly.
"we gotta leave right now.come on" Thomas took the oxygen thing off her face.
"Guys? There coming! where do we go?" frypan yelled.
"Frypan! move!" Newt shouted and pushed a table over to barricade the door.
Jenson and his guards tried to open the door but couldn't because of the table.
"Get back! Get back!" Minho ordered everyone.
"They've got the door barricaded. Send backup!" the guards yelled from outside the door.
"sophie you bitch! open this door!" Janson shouted from the crack of the door.
"shit shit" i whispered.
"Okay, we gotta get out of here!" Minho yelled. "Where do we go?"
"Push!" the guards were yelling from outside.
there was a glass window in-front of us leading to a corridor.Thomas looked over across the room and grabbed a chair.
"Everyone stand back!" he ordered.
"come on!" Thomas hit the window but it wouldn't break.
"Newt help help!" Thomas yelled as the men were slowly getting in.
Newt grabbed another chair and hit the window with Thomas.
The glass shattered everywhere.
"Go, Go, Go!" Thomas told everyone in a rush.
"Come on! Get it open!" Janson ordered.
Thomas and Newt jumped over quickly.
Teresa lay down a blanket so no glass could get us.
Newt grabbed my legs and picked me up and over quickly.
Thomas helped teresa over. Minho and the rest just jumped.
Minho threw Thomas the gun.
"love,your hand"newt held it while we were running.
"its only a bit of glass from that window" i carried on running.
"when are you ever not bleeding" newt smiled.
i smiled back and carried on following Thomas quickly.
We ran down this long hall way, at the bottom was a door.
the speakers were going off above us.
Thomas grabbed the key card out of his pocket and began to wipe the door quickly.
"shit. come on" Thomas said to himself panicking.
"no! no! no!" thomas shouted since the keycard was not working for that door.
"Thomas!" janson began walking down the hall way with guards walking with him.
everyone turned around slowly.
"shit! Min please get this door open" i whispered as Thomas threw it on the floor.
Thomas picked up his gun, cocks it and walked towards them.
"open this door, janson! Thomas pointed him gun at him.
Janson put his hands up and carried on walking with the guards each side of him.
"you really don't want me to" Janson carried on walking closer.
"open the damn door!"thomas yelled.
"Listen to me! i am trying to save your life. the maze is one thing, but you kids wouldn't last one day out in the scorch. If the elements don't kill you, the cranks will. Thomas you have to believe me. I only want whats best for you." he put his hands down and stopped about 5 meters away.
"yeah, let me guess. WICKED is good?" Thomas didn't put his gun down.
Janson smirked.
"your not getting through that door, Thomas"
The door make a quiet bleeping noise and the door opened quickly.
Everyone turned around facing the door. Aris and Winston were standing in the door way.
"hey guys" Aris said out of breath.
"come on!" everyone ran through the door still waiting for Thomas.
"Thomas! come on! Lets go!" Newt yelled.
"come on Thomas! we have to go!" i shouted down the corridor.
"looks like your bleeding sophie, i can take care of that" janson yelled.
"fuck you" i yelled.
Thomas started shooting. Janson hid behind all the guards. The gun ran out of ammo so thomas threw it at them and ran.
"Shut the main vault door! Shut the main vault door!" Janson yelled down his watch.
the door started to close. thomas was still running as fast as he could while janson and his guards were chasing him.
"No!" Teresa yelled.
"Thomas!" frypan rushed him.
The door was nearly fully closed and Thomas slid under it quickly.
"Move! Move!" Aris yelled and broke the key pad so Janson couldn't get through the door.
"Thomas! whats going on!" Teresa was confused.
Janson threw himself onto the door.
He tried to use his keycard to open the door but the electricity started crackling instead.
Me and Winson grabbed guns from the dead guards.
i stood back up.
"go fuck yourself!" i smiled sarcastically.
Thomas put his middle finger up and we all ran away towards the main door.
"you little shits!" Janson said
"come on soph! Min grabbed my hand and pulled me away from the door.
We eventually got to the main door.
Thomas pulled the handle down quickly.
the door opened, sand came flying into are eyes.
"come on!" Thomas got us all outside.
i held Newts hand.
"lets go Min" i smiled.

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⏰ Last updated: May 13, 2023 ⏰

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