That Night

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it was pitch black and everyone was running out with pieces of wood that had been set on fire.
"hey, Winston whats going on?" Thomas asked.
"the doors, they aren't closing" Winston ran off again.
everyone ran over to the doors quickly.
we were all gathered in a circle.
the maze rumbled loudly .
everyone yelled in shock and covered there ears.
"what the fuck" i whispered to myself.
Newt had my hand in his and wasn't letting me go.
All of the doors opened slowly on each side.
everyone stood in shock.
"okay, chuck, i want you to go to the council hall, okay, start barricading the doors." Thomas looked down at him.
"be careful chuck" i nodded.
"mm-mm, okay" Chuck ran off.
"Winston, you go with him" Newt ordered.
"got it" Winston ran after him with the inflamed piece of wood.
"Get the others, tell them to go to the forest, go hide. Now!" Gally yelled.
"Minho, grab every weapon you can find. Ill meet you at council hall." Thomas nodded over at Min.
"be careful guys!" i yelled at people running towards the forest.
"lets go" Minho ran off with a couple others behind him.
"okay, Teresa, you and I are gonna get Alby."
"alright, come on" Thomas said.
"newt and sophie, hide, we cant loose you guys too" he got cut off.
"RUN! GRIEVERS" boys yelled.
everyone began yelling.
my world just stopped. my ears were ringing. my eyes began heavy.
"love!" Newt yelled.
i opened my eyes wide again and newt pulled my hand.
everyone looked over at the maze door we were next to, another griever was running towards us.
"All right, everybody hide!" Thomas yelled.
"go, go, Run!" i yelled at everyone.
Me and newt ran as fast as we could. Thomas grabbed Teresa and we were all running away.
we ran into the corn field. everyone was behind us.
"AHH" distant screams.
"No!" zart yelled as he ran behind us.
"STAY DOWN" Thomas yelled at us all in the field.
we could hear people being killed.
a tear ran down my face. newt wiped it away and held me tightly.
"we will be find love, i promise" he whispered in my ear.
everyone looked up and a griever snatched Zart.
"Zart!" Thomas yelled.
"ahh" Zart shouted being taken away
i screamed but Newt put his hand over my mouth.
"HELP ME" zarts last words were.
"Go, go! everyone get to the village" Thomas shouted and ran at the same time.
we ran back out of the field and ran towards the village.
" Go, Go,Go" Gally was letting people into the box so that the grievers couldn't grab them.
gally closed the gates.
"stay down, stay down" gally ordered.
me and newt ran past them and me and gally nodded heads at each other.
"Gally! let me in let me in" a boy yelled behind us.
Gally tried to open the gate but it was too late, the griever had taken him quickly.
we all ran over to a hut and Alby was being carried by two boys.
"Alby, you okay!" Thomas asked
"whats going on" Alby worried.
"there here." Thomas sighed.
"Grievers?" Alby was catching his breath.
Boys were screaming behind us.
"Thomas what do we do" Jeff asked quietly.
"They are coming!" boys yelled and got taken away.
"Run!" everyone yelled so we did.
"in here!"
A griever ran into a hut and knocked it down infront of us. we all turned back around and ran away.
It got its stinger out so me and teresa grabbed a jar with some fire in it and thew it at his head.
The griever started burning and screeching loudly.
"alright, everyone! Go Go Go" Thomas told everyone to carry on running.
we ran off quickly but behind us the Griever had managed to put the fire out and ran after us again.
"He is gaining! he is Gaining! He is right behind me! help!" people yelled.
someone had been tackled and snatched.
"Keep moving! Oh, shit!" i yelled because the griever was getting too close.
Alby had fallen to the floor which got everyone to stop.
"Get behind me" Thomas shouted.
the griever stopped and got his stinger out.
"Come on!" Thomas shouted again.
"over here, lets go!" Frypan yelled twice.
"Over here, come on" chuck yelled.
"Winston" Thomas yelled for him to follow us.
"Inside, Get Alby inside. Chuck get it" Newt gathered everyone.
"GO GO GO" people yelled outside.
we all ran into  the hut and barricaded the door.
the griever was banging into the door as much as he could.
me and Newt put are heads down.
"careful" teresa whispered.
the griever screeched.
everyone gasped.
"stay back guys" Newt whispered to everyone.
the griever was on top of the hut. everyone looked up to see where it was going.
there was a moment of silence.
everyone was shaking.
The grabber of the griever stabbed into the middle of the hut and grabbed the thing that keeps the roof up.
the roof collapsed and everyone gasped again.
by this point everyone had fallen on the floor.
"Is everyone alright?" Newt yelled.
"yeah, i'm okay" jeff replied.
"Help!" someone yelled because they had been trapped under all the roof.
Frypan grabbed his hand but it was too late.
"Hey! get away from there" Thomas pointed towards the door.
everyone screamed.
"Chuck!" someone yelled.
"Get him, get him" Thomas yelled.
The griever grabbed chucks legs.
i let go of Newt hand and grabbed chucks before he could be taken away.
"HELP ME!" i yelled because everyone was just standing there watching me.
everyone pulled his  arms.
"Chuck don't let go!" Thomas yelled.
"No shit!" chuck screamed.
"Nobody let go!" newt yelled.
The griever put his stinger out  so Alby ran and hit it so the grabber would go away.
Alby screamed in anger.
chuck coughed
"chuck you okay!" i knelt down next to him on the floor.
thank you sophie" chuck cried.
"its okay chuck" i smiled slightly.
"thanks Alby" chuck smiled.
Alby nodded.
A Griever came. his arm snatched my face and grabbed Alby.
"Grab him!" Newt yelled.
Thomas leaped up and grabbed his arms
"Ahh" Thomas yelled in pain.
"Thomas, get them out for me" Alby nodded as he was let go of Thomas.
"ALBY" me and newt  yelled.
"No!" Thomas shouted loudly.
"Thomas? No Don't go out there!" Teresa yelled
"Thomas, No!" i begged.
everyone followed him out.
i heard a loud scream, louder than the rest.
i ran off towards it.
"No love!" newt yelled loudly.
everyone chased me.
i got into another hut .
a griever yelled loudly.
"Soph watch out!" someone yelled coming through the door.
a grievers arm had came through the window and grabbed my ankle.
"SHIT" i cried.
"NEWT" i yelled in pain.
"help us!"Newt was holding my waist trying to get me down.
my ankle was bleeding and so was my face.
Minho and Thomas ran in and grabbed my arms.
i got my other leg and kicked the griever in the nose.
the griever let go and i fell to the floor.
newt quickly helped me up.
"your bloody mad!" Newt hugged me tightly.
i cried in pain
"whats wrong" Min held my arm.
"my ankle" i struggled to get my words out.
"just breath love" Newt made Thomas and Min hold me up while he took a look.
"metal in there" Newt whispered.
"just get it out, newt" i begged and closed my eyes tightly preparing for the pain.
"get her down" Newt told them.
Minho and Thomas put me back down on the floor and held me down so i wouldn't retaliate.
" 1,2,3" Newt prepared me.
he grabbed the piece of metal and ripped it out.
i screamed loudly in pain.
"im sorry love" Newt wiped the tears off my face.
"its okay" i cried.
Min and Thomas helped me up and gave me to newt.
newt ripped a bit of his shirt and tied it to my leg for the blood.
He put me on his back and we ran back out over to everyone else.
"Where is everyone, this that over there?" Jeff asked.
Gally and 3 other ran over and punched Thomas in the face.
"This is all you, Thomas! huh? look around!"Gally yelled.
"Back off, Gally. Its not Thomas' fault." Minho held him back.
"You heard what Alby said. he is one of them" He tried to push Fry away.
"one of who" Fry yelled.
"He's one of them, and they sent him here to destroy everything, and now he has" Gally shouted.
"Look around Thomas. Look around"
"This is your fault!"
chuck was holding a stinger.
"hey back off gally" minho tried to calm him down.
"calm down. what are you talking about?" Newt yelled.
"Gally, calm down please!" i screamed.
Thomas snatched the stinger out of chucks hands.
"maybe he's right" Thomas held the stinger up.
"thomas?" Teresa worried.
"i need to remember teresa" Thomas stabbed the stinger into him.
"THOMAS NO" everyone yelled but it was too late.
thomas collapsed on the floor.
"chuck grab the other syringe" Teresa ordered.
"say something" newt shook him.

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