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In the morning,me and Newt got woken up to a knock at my hut door.
"shit, uh liv" newt whispered.
"hide" i whispered.
newt got under the bed and stayed silent.
"come in" i tried not to laugh.
"hi its time to get up"Alby said.
he went to close the door then stopped.
"oh have you seen Newt? he wasnt in his hammock his morning and he needs to get to work" alby asked me because he knew i would know.
"hm no not today, hes probably already at the gardens, knowing newt he has a thing for plants doesn't he"i smiled.
"yeah okay, thank you. Get up!!"Alby said as he closed the door and walked away.
"he has a thing for plants?!" newt mocked me.
i laughed.
"your getting it!"newt got up from under the bed and tickled me till i couldn't breathe.
he lifted my chin up and held my face and kissed me passionately.
"i've gotta go" he threw on his shirt and opened the door quietly. "love you!" he said as he walked out.
"love you!!" i shouted back.
i smiled to myself until i realised i actually had to get up to.
i got dressed and brushed my hair. eventually i went out of my hut and went over to gally.
"soo, gally, where am i working today!" i smiled hoping he would say in the gardens.
"med jack" gally said as he walked off.
"YOUR JOKING! i spend half of my time in there anyway so why should i w-" gally interrupted me.
"just have the day of liv!" he yelled.
"thank you" i smiled as if i got my own way.
i ran up to chuck.
"TAG YOUR IT!" i laughed.
he dropped the box he was carrying and ran after me as fast as he could. i laughed until i fell over and he fell over my legs.
i had cut my knee but i didnt care. i laughed and laughed for ages.
"chuck, come on  i need that box!" a distant voice called.
"i have to go liv, cya!" chuck said still laughing.
"bye chuck" i smiled and laughed.
i walked over to the wall and saw that thomas had added his name, next to me and newt.
i turned around and saw thomas working in the gardens with newt. they were talking about the walls.i then saw thomas walking off with a basket into the woods.probably for fertiliser.
i began to walk towards newt.
"hey blondie" i appeared behind him.
"oh hey love" newt hugged me.
"what have you done to your knee?" newt bent over and make sure nothing was in it.
"oh me and chuck were just playing tag,anyway
wheres thom-"i got cut off by distant shouting . it sounded like thomas. he was yelling help.Me and newt turned around and stared in that direction.
Ben and thomas were running out of the woods.Ben tackled him to the floor. newt grabbed my hand and we ran over with everyone behind us. newt grabbed his gardening brush and hit him across the head with it.newt let go of my hand and told everyone to hold Ben down before he kills Thomas. everyone grabbed his arms and legs and pinned them to the floor.
"what are you doin?" newt questioned him.
"calm down, Ben" gally told him.
"yo what the hell happened?" people asked.
"he just attacked me!" Thomas shouted.
"you okay?" chuck asked Thomas.
Alby walked over to Ben.
"No.No.No" ben worried.
"lift his shirt" alby pointed.
"i didnt mean it!"Ben cried.
"lift his shirt" Alby repeated.
"unh! No!No!" ben cried.
Gally lifted up his shirt.He had been stung.
i put my hand on Newts shoulder.He looked up at me and i was staring at Ben, tearing up.
"it will be okay,love" newt moved one hand on mine.
"No!No!No!please!"Ben was terrified.
newt was shocked.
"hes been stung." Gally looked at Newt and Alby.
"in the middle of the day?"Gally questioned.
Thomas began to walk closer.
"Help me,please"Ben cried, "Please.Please,just help."
"put him in the pit" Alby announced.
"No!No!No!" Ben shouted. he tried to get everyone off him.
"everyone help put him in the pit" someone yelled.
"medjack!" newt shouted.
"calm down Ben" gally told him.
"calm down." newt agreed.
"get off me!Get off me!" ben screamed and struggled.
"be careful Newt!"i shouted after him.
he looked over and nodded.
"PLEASE STOP, you don't understand!" Ben cried and started to get very aggressive.
"He did this!" ben screamed so it echoed around the glade.
after half an hour everyone had calmed down and me and newt sat in the middle of the field looking over at chuck, Thomas and Alby.
"so what happened to him?" Thomas asked  Alby.
"its called the changing"alby began to explain.
"its what happens when someone gets stung"
"listen.We haven't been able to get a clear word out of Ben since it happened.You know.Hes not making any sense. And its only gonna get worst .The infection is spreading. He's dangerous.What did he say to you?" Alby said.
"um, he said he saw me, and that its all my fault." Thomas stuttered."how could this be my fault?" he looked around at everyone.
"...alright, get some rest" Alby patted Thomas on the shoulder and stood up.
"Alby" Thomas said louder.
"yeah" alby replied.
"whats gonna happen to him?"Thomas froze.
Alby didn't reply and just looked down.
a couple hours later, we all got told to gather around the maze door. Gally, Newt,Winston,Zart,Frypan,and Alby stood in a circle with one massive piece of wood each.I have seen this happen before, i knew what was coming.
"just listen to me!" ben was asking.
his arms were tied up and he was being pushed towards the boys.everyone else in the glade gathered in a circle. i pushed myself to the front.
"please Mihno!" Ben begged.
Mihno pushed him to the floor and cut the ropes off his arms.
"Alby!" Ben yelled.
Alby was devastated, but it had to go on.
Thomas ran over and stood next to chuck.
Ben cried and coughed. i started to cry.
mihno walked over to the maze doors and held the bag of food and water in his hands.
"no, no, please. Please dont do it." Ben cried.
Alby nodded his head to mihno.
Mihno threw the bag into the maze.
the maze started to rumble.
Ben tried to move back.
"Poles!" Alby shouted so everyone would stop him from moving away.
"STOP! Please it isnt his fault!" i screamed. "we can find a cure! please Alby.Newt!"
"someone hold her please" newt yelled.
2 boys held my two arms and pulled me back. i tired to run forward to ben.
"im sorry Ben!" i cried.
"Liv!" ben cried.
chuck walked away he couldnt watch.
everyone began to move in and push Ben into the maze. the maze close shut.
i ran into Newts chest and cried silently.
everyone stayed silent.
"he belongs to the maze now" Alby announced.
alby walked off.
newt hugged me and walked away with him. everyone followed.
that night. Gally put a line through Bens name on the wall.
i walked over by myself to a shaded bit in the grass. Thomas walked over.
"hey liv"
i sniffled.
"hey" i replied.
"what did you mean today, when you screamed sorry" Thomas sat down next to me.
i took a deep breath.
"well,at the start. When i first came up. Me and Ben were close you know.We told eachother everything. until we had a massive fall out over Newt. we didnt speak since. I never actually got to say sorry to him. i promised myself i would but never got round to it i guess."i played with the grass.
"oh, im sorry liv. i really hope you okay" Thomas stood up.
"ill be fine,just gotta forget about him" i smiled slightly.
Thomas walked away then Newt came over and pulled me up.
"come on my love, time for bed" newt smiled.
Thomas walked back over slowly.
"wait guys. iv gotta tell you something. I cant keep it in for any longer, i need to tell somebody" Thomas sighed.
"anything Thomas" we smiled.
"i have been having these visions, like memories i think. A girl saying my name. A woman saying "Wicked is good" . i just don't understand, whos wicked? or whats wicked" Thomas stared at us.
me and newt looked at eachother. i looked away and thought.
"i have no idea Tommy" Newt said honestly.
"me either" i looked back at Thomas
newt looked at my knee
"you need to get that sorted before bed love, come on" newt pulled me over to jeff in the medjack.
"what have you done now liv" jeff laughed.
"fell over playing tag with chuck" i laughed
"god liv, ill fix it up for you, it will take 5 minutes" jeff smiled
"thank you again jeff,you will be seeing her alot"Newt laughed.
"yep, always the same person at the door" jeff smiled.
Jeff put a few stitches in and put a plaster over the top.
"right all done" Jeff smiled.
"thank you Jeff, again!" i laughed.
"bye Jeff, thank you" newt said as he opened the door and walked out with me.
"right love,off to bed we go!" newt smiled ,grabbed my hand and ran over to my hut.
we both got in bed said goodnight i fell to sleep quite quick, it had been a hard day.

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