The Scorch Trials

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I woke up to minho shouting in mine and Thomas' faces telling us that we have to go. The helicopter was on the ground on top of a building. Newt was still holding me on his lap.
"Wake up! We gotta go! Come on!" Minho yelled.
A man started yelling to telling us to hurry up.
we got walked out of the helicopter. Thomas was still gripping Chucks carved piece of wood.
"Get out of here!" the men yelled.
there was a screech.
"Cranks! We got cranks!" they started to yell.
"Gotta move not safe out here kid!"
2 men grabbed each one of my arms separating me from Newt.
"come on! lets be quicker!" they screamed at me and Thomas.
we ran towards this massive building with lights all around it.
The rest of them were all quite ahead. There were gun shots all around us. shooting those things Ava Paige showed us on that video, cranks they seemed to call them.
We all ran into the huge building with the large metal doors closing behind me.
I looked around to see lots of people running around. This place was huge.

A moment of two later, we got pushed into a room with a table full of food. everyone ran over and started eating.
"you not hungry?" Newt asked me because i was sat in the corner by myself.
i shook my head.
"come on love, i know you must be starving, come eat something for me" Newt smiled.
"fine blondie" i smiled and walked over.
Newt gave me a couple pieces of chicken and something i can't remember ever trying, it was nice though.
Everyone had eventually finished eating and we were all sat down.
"I think frypans stew was better" Winston said sarcastically.
Everyone laughed.
Fry shook his head, half laughing and half not.
"sorry fry" i laughed.
A man interrupted us by opening the door loudly. Another man, grey/brown hair, a jacked and a turtle neck walked in.
"You kids doing all right?" He said.
We stood up and walked towards him.
"sorry about all the fuss" he spoke again. "we had ourselves a-bit of a swarm"
"who are you?" Thomas asked him.
"I'm the reason you're all still alive.Its my intention to keep you that way. Now come with me. We'll get you kids squared away" he walked out of the room expecting us to follow him.
we looked at each other and eventually followed him.
"You can call me Mr.Jenson. I run this place." he said walking us down some corridors."for us it is a sanctuary, safe from the horrors of the outside world.You all should think of it, as a way station.Kind of. home between homes.Watch yourselves" he said because something was being cut above us.
"That mean, your taking us home?" Thomas walked closer next to him.
" A home of sorts. But sadly there wont be much left of wherever you came from. But we do have a place for you.A refuge, outside the scorch, where WICKED will never find you again.How does that sound?" Jenson carried on walking.
me and newt looked at each other. he was smiling but i wasn't.
"Why you helping us?" Minho asked Jenson.
"Lets just say the world out there is in a rather precarious situation.We're all hanging on by a very thin thread. The fact that you kids can survive the Flare virus makes you the best chance of humanity's continued survival. Unfortunately, it also makes you a target, as no doubt by now you've noticed.Beyond this door, lies the beginning of your new lives" Jenson grabbed a key card from his pocket and opened a door which rows up.
"first things first, lets do something about that smell." He let us through the door and led us to a shower room.

everyone was cheering saying how good they felt and we had only just got in.
blood came off my body and on the floor. Chucks blood. I got flashbacks from his and Gally's death.
"fuck" i whispered to myself. i cover my eyes and leaned against the wall.
A couple of minutes later i was the last one in the shower. Newt knocked on my door.
"love? you alright" He asked.
"mhm" i sighed.
"come out here we can talk about it" He waited outside my door.
"Soph? you okay?" Minho asked.
"yeah just one second" i turned off the shower and got changed.
i walked out and saw them all in a circle around my door.
i unwrapped newts skirt off my foot.
It was infected. probably because of the maze and the sand.
newt wrapped tissue all around it for now.
A man came in and took us out again.
we got lead to a room for testing. Me and Teresa got separated from the boys.
I was across the room from Newt.
"Uh, wait, what is that" Newt asked the man with a huge needle in his hand.
"just a little cocktail. Calcium, folate,Vitamins A through Z. Pretty much everything you've been deprived of out there. Try to relax" The man said putting the needle in Newts arm.
Newt looked up at the man and across the room to me before a woman walked in and shut the curtain.
Before she shut the other curtain Minho was on a treadmill with different tubes in his arms, Teresa was in a different room with her curtains closed. Thomas was getting the same thing done as Newt. I couldn't see the rest.
The woman finished closing the curtains.
"So, hello Sophie. I am Miss Elizabeth. I will be treating you today" she smiled sweetly.
she picked up a needle which she quickly stabbed into my arm.
"That hurt?" she smiled again.
"no not really" i looked towards the curtain.
"you will see your friends soon,don't worry, they are getting the same thing done" she wiped the cut on legs.
"we should disinfect that." she grabbed another needle and stuck it into my foot.
i started to shake.
"hey, take these every hour or 2 from now on, they will help with the anger and anxiety" she gave me a box of pills.
"thank you" i nodded.
"no problem!" she did more tests on me to see if anything else was wrong.
A hour or 2 past, the corridor i was on was silent, guessing they had all left.
"You can come with me, i will take you to the cafeteria, your friends and the others are already there" she smiled and stood me up.
"others?" i frowned.
"you will see" she walked me to the cafeteria.
I entered slowly. i looked around too see someone i knew. Minho walked over.
"Min" i smiled and hugged him tightly.
"hey soph, we weren't the only maze you believe that" he hugged me.
"really? Where are the others" I smiled.
"come on" Minho pulled me towards a table with everyone sitting on, with some ransomers.
"who's this gorgeous lady" one boy asked.
"Newts girlfriend" Thomas laughed.
"oh. sorry man" he laughed along.
Newt grabbed my waist and pulled me on his lap.
he kissed me passionately. i held his face gently.
"you okay love" he smiled.
"mhm, just tired again" i laughed.
"course" he laughed along.
We moved on the conversation.
"How long you guys been here?" Newt asked the random boys.
"not long, just a day or two. That kid over there has been here the longest.Almost a week" He looked over at a quiet kid with his hood up, sat by himself.
"His maze was nothing but girls"another boy said.
"really?" Minho looked over at him.
"some guys have all the luck" The boys laughed.
Jenson entered the room.
"Good evening gentlemen, ladies. You al know how this works. If you hear your name being called, please rise in a orderly fashion, join my colleagues behind me, where they will escort you to the eastern wing." Jenson had a board in his hands. I don't trust this guy at all.We have only just met him and he expects us to believe he's just giving a bunch of kids that were trapped in a maze for 3 years a home? No i am not buying it.
"Wheres Teresa, Thomas?" i smiled.
"Not sure, still getting tested on i think" he looked down.
"i'm sure shes fine" i patted his back.
"she will be alright, tommy" Newt nodded.
"Your new lives are about to begin" Jenson smiled.
Everyone clapped. Is this some sort of freak show?
"Connor,Evelyn,Justin,Peter,Allison,squiggy" Jenson called out names.
Everyone laughed at the last name.
"All right, settle down! Franklin and Abigail."Jenson put away his clip board.
"Now, now don't get discouraged. If i could take more, i would" Jenson answered to the booing.
"course he fucking would" i whispered to myself.
" whats that love" Newt asked me what i said.
"Nothing, it doesn't matter, we will talk about it later" i smiled and he kissed me on the forehead.
"There's always tomorrow. Your time will come!" Jenson carried on and left the room with the names he called out.
"Where they going?" Minho asked.
"Far from here" the random boy opposite us answered. "lucky bastards"
"Some kind of farm.a safe place. They can only take in a couple if people at a time" the other boy said.
Newt gave me some more food and water.
"Is that my shirt?" he smiled.
"" i laughed.
"for god sakes soph" he laughed along.
"what the hell" Thomas whispered.
Me and newt stopped laughing and watched him stand up quickly and power walk towards the door.
"Hey Teresa!" Thomas called out.
Teresa was walking past the window with one doctor in front of her and one behind her.
"Teresa!" he yelled again.
The guards stopped him. we couldn't hear what they were saying because of how far away they were.
Another guard came in and took everyone out from are maze and led us to a room with lots of bunk beds.
"I got top bunk!" Minho jumped up before fry could. "Too slow" he teased.
"i could get used to this" Winston smiled and lay down on the bed.
"Yeah its not bad" Newt smiled.
The door locked on the outside of are door.
"Guys, this Jenson is up to something and i know it" i whispered so no guards could hear me.
"What do you think those guys want with Teresa" Thomas said to me and Newt.
"Now,if theres one thing i know about that girl,Is she can take care of herself. Don't worry about it" Newt walked up the ladder to top bunk.
"Newt i swear to god with one more person says that" i stuttered. "there is something going on in this place"
"just come up here and lets sleep okay, we will talk about it in the morning" Newt helped me up the ladder.
me and Newt snuggled up together and Fry turned off the light.
I fell asleep in Newts arms quite quickly.
I Awoke to the sound of Thomas moving off his bed. I leaned over the side of my bed without Newt waking up. He was crawling under his bed into the vent.
"what the-" i talked to myself.
i decided to leave it till the morning, i didn't want to wake up Newt, he hasn't slept since we left.
i fell back asleep again.

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