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Through the curtains. It's a wonderful morning with birds chirping happily.

Well it would be for chuuya, if he didn't wake up with his head pounding. He gets up from his bed, but immediately falls with a loud thud.

His face feels as hot as the sun, yet his hands are as cold as ice as he slowly sits up from the floor.

Ring Ring

"Who is it?" Chuuya says with an annoyed voice, as his headache was pounding in his head.

"Chuuya~~ are you free??" Dazai says as he wanted to get ice cream with, and he knew chuuya was free, it was their day off anyway.

"I am, do you want?" Chuuya says as his headache was killing him. "Come meet me in the park" dazai says while hanging up.

"Uhh, what does that Mackeral want?" chuuya says to nobody.

Chuuya gets up and stumble a little, using his bed as support. Chuuya just sighs, and stumbled his way to his wardrobe to change. After changing He leaves his apartment, locking it and shoving the keys in his pocket.

He walks around the park looking for dazai, but feels himself growing weak so he stumbled his way over to a nearby bench, panting for air.

"Chuuya~ Chuuya~" says a familiar voice. Chuuyaturns his head to see who owned the voice to which he wasn't that surprised when he saw it was dazai.

"Hey chibi, are you okay?" Dazai says looking at the boy that was now very abnormally red. "I'm fine why" chuuya says tilting his head in confusion.

"Your face is just really red" dazai says before sitting down beside him. He moves Chuuya's orange coloured hair that is plastered to his forehead and moves and moves it to the side.

Dazai placed his hand on chuuya's forehead and quickly pulls away. "Oh my gaudd, you are running a high fever!" Dazai says jumping off the bench and grabbed chuuya's hand, trying to pull the boy off the bench. "Let's get you home" says dazai, knowing that was probably best. He knew nothing about fevers, so he has to go call oda, when they got back.

"I'm fine dazai" says the orange haired boy his eyes drooping tiredly.

"Your not! You look terrible!"

"Geeh, thanks."

"I didn't mean it like that." Dazai says now tugging on chuuya's sweaty hand, but he didn't budge."Stop being so stubborn and go home and get some rest, don't make me call koykou
she will kill you" dazai shivering at the thought of kouyko and her anger.

"D-don't" chuuya says a coughing fit racks weakening body and dazai takes the chance to pull chuuya up, making him stumble and almost fall on top of the boy.

"C'mon, chibi" dazai drapes the boy's arm across his shoulders. He reluctantly sighs and leans heavily against dazai side.

"Fine, Mackeral" he mumbles in surrender.

Dazai manages to lead Chuuya to his apartment, though it felt more like he was dragging chuuya along, as the boy was dozing off.

"Finally, we're here" dazau says and sweat drops as chuuya collapses face first onto his couch. "You wait there, I'm going to ask oda for help" dazai says as he walks over to the kitchen and starts asking oda for advice on what to do.

After getting the advice

"Uh, chibi~? You might want to take your shoes forgot your couch is white " He pokes the boy, hoping to get a response.

After not get a response dazai decided to take matters into his own hands, and grabs a hold of Chuuya's foot and pulls off his shoes, tossing them somewhere across the room. He rolls chuuya onto his side and he looks sleeply at Dazai. "C'mon, slug,you need to change clothes, your all sweaty, like a slimy slug"dazai says and even though he was teasing chuuya, he was using a soft tone, that chuuya has never heard him use.

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