Hon, What ya take?!?

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A/N- Based of a skit/meme I saw. And chuuya and dazai are husbands, and agency have no idea

TW: Overdosing

Friday 22:00

*ring, ring*

*who's calling me, ah it's just dazai* chuuya thought as he picked up his husband's call. He was just going home, after a day of mafia work, to their apartment and was a 5 minute walk away.

"Ya, Mackerel, what is it?" Chuuya says as he was walking, on the empty street.

"What if I gave up on being pretty, I wouldn't know how to be alive." After hearing those words chuuya's eyes widen with shock and he began running.

"I should move to a brand new city, and teach myself how to die" Dazai said on the other side of the phone feeling numb.

"HON, WHAT'S YOU TAKE? WHAT'S YOU TAKE?! HON TELL ME! TELL ME WHAT YOU TOOK. WHAT'D YOU TAKE???" chuuya was right at the building of their apartment, and he was terrified. He rushed up the stairs and busted the door down. He could care about that later, right now he worried to much about dazai.

He found dazai in their bedroom in a corner with a bottle of pills, he couldn't tell, cause dazai took the label off. All the could tell was that dazai was losing conscious.

"HON, WHAT'S YOU TAKE? WHAT'S YOU TAKE?! HON, LOOK AT ME! TELL ME WHAT YOU TOOK. WHAT'D YOU TAKE??? OSAMU LOOK AT ME! TELL WHAT'D YOU TAKE..!!" Chuuya shouted while dazai passed out his heartbeat slowing.

"911, what's your emergency?", "help please send an ambulance, my husband he overdosed on some pills, I'm on *******", "okay sir, an ambulance is on its way, is your husband still conscious?" "No! His heartbeat is slowing", "okay sir, I need you bring your husband out side, the ambulance is just a minute away." " Okay thank you" chuuya says as tears stream down his face. He carried his husband down the stairs and by the time he was out the door, the ambulance arrived.

Dazai was put on a stretcher, and an oxygen mask, and as taken away to the hospital. Chuuya in the back holding his husband hand.

*You promised to never leave me again* chuuya thought as they arrived to the hospital, where dazai was brought to the emergency room .

Saturday 2:00am

The agency's president was told about the incident with their co-worker, so he called all the agency adults, and told them.

Kunikida, Yosano, Ranpo, the President and Atsushi all rushed to the hospital after hearing the news.

When they arrived they realized that dazai was still in surgery, they all were going to sit down and wait anxiously, until the saw...

"Chuuya Nakahara, why are you here?" Kunikida says about the grab his notebook until he noticed the tear stains on chuuya's face.

"The same reason you are here you assholes, I was the one who found that Mackeral like that..." Chuuya says, his voice cracking at the end of his sentence.

He didn't have the energy to deal with the agency, he just wanted to know if his Husband was alive.

"Is anyone here for dazai osamu?" A doctor ask coming out of the surgery room.

"Yes!" Everyone expect the president and Ranpo say. "How is he?" Chuuya asks immediately. "Mr.Osamu is out of danger but now needs to be resting and is asleep" doctor says.

"Can we see him?" Kunikida ask before chuuya.

"Only family members can see him, what's your relationship with mr.osamu?" The doctor asks. "We're his co-workers" kunikida says.

"Unfortunately, you can't see him for a few days, is there any family members?" Doctor says.

"Me" chuuya says, all agency members now looking at him. "I'm his husband", " okay right this way" the doctor says guiding chuuya to dazai's room, while the agency members were left in shock.

Their co-worker, Dazai Osamu, is married, and that to a Port Mafia Executive, Chuuya Nakahara. The agency members left and decide to visit dazai when the were able to, and question his relationship with the executive.

Inside dazai's hospital room

Chuuya was sitting beside dazai who now was laying on the hospital bed. "Why did you do it, you stupid Mackeral?" Chuuya asks to the sleeping dazai, letting out a slow breath.

"You stupid Mackeral, you had me so scared... you said you would never leave me again, then you pull this...you are going to leave me one of these days if you keep doing this,.. you need to talk to me" chuuya says with a few tears, thinking he was just talking to himself.

"I'm sorry s-slug" chuuya looks up at the croaky voice that said those words, and then realised, Dazai had woken up.

"Your awake, you stupid Mackeral,I hate you, I hate you, don't every do that to me again hon" chuuya says tears running down his face at the sight of dazai being awake. He didn't actually hate the man, but was the opposite.

"I'm sorry slug, I said I would leave you and I tried to leave you again, I'm sorry, I don't know what I was trying to do, I'm sorry, won't do it again, I'm sorry, please don't hate me" dazai says, after thing of what he did, and how he must of scared and worried chuuya and how chuuya probably just hates him, his eyes became glossy at the thought.

Chuuya looked up at dazai, who was apologising and saw his glossy eyes. He got up on dazai's bed and just hugged him, as dazai hugged back, tears now beginning to soak into chuuya's shirt. Dazai almost never cries, so chuuya just held him until his cries turned I to soft sobs.

"I'm sorry hon, I don't hate you, I love you, I love every part of you, just promise you will talk to me, and never overdose, or try scare me like that" chuuya says, pulling away from the hug, and looking dazai in the eyes.

"I promise chuuya" dazai says with a tear stained face.

"Oh yea.. Your co-workers might know were married now..." Chuuya says, after he realised he outed the two of them.

"Hehe, slug could even keep a secret now" dazai says looking at chuuya his personality coming back. "Hey, I can you smell Mackeral" chuuya shots back. Dazai just laughs.

"Chuuya can you?" dazai says with a blush looking at chuuya, hoping he understands what dazai wants. "Of course I can you Mackeral" chuuya says looking at his husband understanding that he just wanted to cuddle with chuuya.

It was adorable to chuuya, how dazai was so clingy, but always so embrassed when he wanted to cuddle.

Chuuya climbs in the surprisingly big hospital bed with dazai and cuddles him, being the big spoon for once.

Dazai just cuddled chuuya happily and soon fell asleep. Chuuya looked at his sleeping husband and how he looked adorable.

They were never going to leave each other, not on chuuya's watch.

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