Devastation and heartache—I never felt so shattered like I am now. Talking about my dead mother was just as breaking as if she was alive. I held onto Elijah's hand so tight, hoping that this wasn't the end of all. It wasn't right?

"I had to watch my so-called father beat up my mother till she was knocked out, I had to watch her cook hours on end until he was satisfied with his food, I had to watch my mother stay awake till four am just so he could return home drunk. I watched my mother get pushed down the stairs which ended up her admitted to the hospital."

"She didn't deserve that, and it wasn't your fault." He says, pressing a kiss on my knuckles and starts to make circles on my hand.

"I could have done everything to stop that man. Anything. She went through all the trauma which is why she was admitted to the hospital for a long time." Sucking my breath, a part of me was slowly believing what Elijah was saying—that it wasn't my fault.

"Did he ever try to do anything to you?" I was waiting for him to ask me that but the way he asked was as if he was scared to find out. Yes, he did. He made me feel like I was living in hell.

"He tried to a few times—" Squeezing my eyes shut, a sudden flashback of getting slapped across the face makes my body shudder, "I've been hurt, slapped, forced to watch what he did to my mother." Whatever my mother felt, I had felt, what she went through, I went through the exact same.

"Fuck." His voice was filled with anger, mad that he did all those things to me and my mother and despite him just finding out, it's like he wanted to kill for me.

"I'm okay, Elijah. I'm...okay," I wasn't sure how I was though. It's like no emotion seeps through me yet I feel something in my chest. "My mother wasn't okay though, she went through hell, and I couldn't do much."

"Where is he now?" He asks, worried as if he was going to come back into my life. He won't. He can't because I have no idea where he is.

"He had an affair and from what I know, he left with her, but I have no idea where he's gone." After he found out my mother was put into hospital because of him, he ran off with all her money with his affair and after that they were nowhere to be seen.

But I'm glad I didn't have to see him again. I wouldn't have been able to look him in the eye after everything he put us through. He was a living hell in my life, in my mother's life and I pray that he lives hell himself today. I hope he dies the way my mother died.  

"Do you think you'd ever confront him?"

"No. Not after what he d-did. I've spent my life running away from him, I took my mother wherever I went just so we were safe and that is why we ended up in New York. I don't want anything to do with him, I don't want to even look for him."

"You're safe, you know that right?" He whispers, pushing strands of my hair out of my face. Giving him a faint smile, I slightly nod before wrapping my arms around his chest again.


"Yes, darling."

"What about that nurse? Do you think the police have found her?" I ask him, letting my head replay the event of her coming in, checking my mother, leaving as if she just accomplished something great.

"They will find her, they better do because it's all Stanley's game," I hear Elijah suck in his breath, it was so obvious that he wanted to be out there looking for the nurse himself but being stuff behind bars only made it difficult. "But I want you to go home, darling, freshen up and take a moment to yourself."

"No, n-no, Elijah. I need to work on your case. We don't have long left." I think a part of me was putting the death of my mother away like it never happened but knowing that if I did do that, it will come running after me.

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