Chapter 26

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"We can't take him to a hospital because they will do tests and the results will be too abnormal. We've all studied the basics of emergency medicine for things like this. We just need supplies to start an IV to flush his system while we drive home. He won't make it that far without one."

Namjoon's breath catches while he waits for an answer.

Soon he smiles widely, "thank you so much Jae, we owe you."

"You don't owe me anything. I owe you my life."

Namjoon shakes his head but just says, "see you soon," before hanging up the call. He quickly dials Jungkook.

"Hey Kookie, how are you?"

"I'm ok. The water helped a lot. I mostly just have a headache."

"That's good Kook. It'll get better over the next couple hours. How's Yoongi?"

Jungkook looks in the rearview mirror and locks eyes with Jimin. "Not great if Jimin's expression is any sign. Where are we going? You missed the turn for home a while back."

"Remember Jae that we helped a while back?"

"Of course, hyung."

"We kept in contact. I don't know if you remember but she's a nurse. She moved to the next town over recently. She's gonna sneak out supplies for Yoongi's IV."

"But won't she get in trouble or even fired?"

"I hope not. It's just saline, needle, and tubing. Not drugs. They probably don't even keep correct stock of that stuff. But if she does, we will take care of her. We need those supplies for Yoongi. She understands. "

"Have either of you done an IV before?" Jimin interrupts.

"We've studied it and practiced on medical dummies," Namjoon says simply. 

"Studied it?" Jimin replies with a mocking tone. "Wow. Ok. I'll be placing the IV then." 

"What makes you an expert?" Jungkook questions.


"What kind of experience?"

"Does it matter if I can save your brother?"

"No it doesn't actually. You don't have to be a dick about it though."

"I'm not trying to be. I just don't want to talk about it. I don't know you that well yet."

"It's fine Jimin. We weren't trying to pry," Namjoon cuts in. "We're grateful for your help."

Jungkook nods his agreement but doesn't respond. 

Jimin turns his focus back to Yoongi for the remainder of the ride to the hospital.

"I hope you know you're never hunting without me again," Jimin whispers into Yoongi's ear as he squeezes his hand a little tighter. 

"You told me you'd be safe. This is not safe," he forces out as his eyes rake over Yoongi's seemingly lifeless body. If he couldn't feel his pulse, he'd swear he was dead. His skin is still pale  and cool, and his body bounces from every imperfection in the road. The back seat is too short, so his legs are bent awkwardly after all the moving around. Jimin managed to squeeze himself into the floorboard so he could sit next to Yoongi's head during the ride.

He gently runs his fingers through Yoongi's hair and kisses his forehead.

"How much longer?" 

"About 15 minutes. Is he doing ok?" Jungkook asks from the front seat.

"He'll be better once we can get fluids in him. Are either of you a blood donor match for him?"

Jungkook nods his head, "I am."

"And you have those supplies at home?"

Jungkook nods his response.

Jimin smiles down at Yoongi. "I'm gonna make you all better. I promise." He shifts a little and lays his head down so that he is cheek to cheek with the older. 

He realizes, for maybe the third time that day, how much he actually cares for this human. Hoseok will be furious he chuckles to himself quietly. He lays there and plans how to best care for Yoongi when they finally arrive. 

Those minutes pass by incredibly slowly for Jimin, but eventually, they turn into a bright parking lot. Sirens are wailing from the ambulance bay. Namjoon leads them past the bay and into a small parking lot designated for employees. 

By the time Jungkook parks, Namjoon is already closing his door and jogging over to a pretty woman - Jae - and pulling her into a quick hug. She bends down to the ground and unzips the duffel bag that was on her shoulder. Jimin can see her pulling out various items as she, presumably, instructs Namjoon on what to do with them.

Jimin huffs from the backseat - thoroughly frustrated at them for wasting time. A few moments later, he turns his body and leans forward, about to push his palm into the horn when Jungkook slaps his arm away.

"What the hell are you doing?!" he yells at Jimin.

"Hurrying him up! He's flirting while his brother is fucking dying in the backseat."

"He's not flirting! He's GAY! Whatever she's telling him must be important. He wouldn't waste time with Yoongi's condition.

You've known him all of a week and act like you care more about him than we do. Fucking childish. We've been together our whole lives - best friends as children, grieving over dead parents, learning to survive on our own, choosing to stay together as adults. We're family. Do you even know what that word means?"

Devil in Disguise ☆Yoonmin☆Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang