Chapter 19

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"Jimin! I missed you so much!" Hoseok squealed as the pretty boy walked toward him. Fuck he's so beautiful he thought to himself. Jimin is wearing all black with a red beanie and silver jewelry dangling from his ears and neck. Jimin smiled back sweetly at the red head before balling up his fist and punching him in the jaw.

"What was that for?!" the demon demanded angrily.

"For fucking choking me half to death! You were supposed to get their attention - not nearly kill me!"

Hoseok pursed his lips. "It's not like you can actually die Jimin. I had to be convincing if they were going to take you in."

Jimin sighed as he put his hands on his hips. "You're failing to see the point, Hoseok. You did too much."

"Fine fine. I'm sorry Jiminie. I'll never hurt you again. Forgive me?" the older pleads with a cute pout.

Jimin giggles in response and steps toward the red head. "Of course. Now kiss me before I feel like you didn't really miss me."

Hobi smiles and pulls the smaller closer by his waist before kissing him - slow and sweet to show that he did miss his lover. Just because they are demons doesn't mean they don't have feelings. And Jimin is too damn beautiful not to fall for.

After a few moments together, the taller pulls away and looks at Jimin with anxious eyes.

"What's wrong?"

"I have to take you to him."


"He wants to make sure you're loyal. Informed of the plan. That his second is safe."

"So now he doesn't trust me? Or you for that matter. He could easily tell you the plan. And yes, they have him trapped but he's safe. I saw him yesterday with my own eyes."

"Jimin, it's not up to us to decide who he does or doesn't trust, or why. He wants to see you so I have to bring you. End of story."

"Namjoon will know if I'm gone too long. We have dinner together every night since Yoongi left on a hunt."

"Then let's hurry."

Jimin rolled his eyes but knew there was no use arguing anymore. Hoseok might be his "boyfriend," but he will take him kicking and screaming if he has to. Jimin knows where his loyalties are. The pair hugged tightly and Jimin closed his eyes as Hoseok transported them to the last place in the world Jimin wants to be.

When he reopens his eyes, they're standing in a dark hallway lit by candles. Jimin steels himself for the conversation - knowing it won't go well no matter what. Hopefully he at least comes out in one piece. They begin walking down the flickering hallway toward a set of double doors with large guards outside.

These guards don't need knives or guns. Their black eyes are proof that they need no physical weapon to kill. The branding around their necks leave no question where their loyalties lie.

"Hey boys - long time no see. Miss me?" Hoseok teases with a large smile.

The pair ignore his playfulness and just nod before opening the doors for them to proceed further along the hallway. Soon, they come to another pair of double doors - this time without guards. Hobi looks down and gives Jimin a small smile. Jimin takes a deep breath and nods to show he's ready. He's only ever heard stories of this room and the things that happen here. He's not exactly excited to become one of the horror stories.

Hoseok opens one of the double doors for them both, and they walk into another dark space - this time lit by large torches. This room is a monstrosity with giant stone pillars supporting at least a 100 foot ceiling. The pillars have what look like iron vines and flowers crawling up them. Oddly beautiful for such a place Jimin thinks as he looks around the room. Midway up each pillar is an iron arch. On each arch sits a gargoyle watching them as they walk through the room. Under their feet is a blood red carpet leading to an elevated throne. Outside the pillars is raised stone seating going higher than the torch light allows them to see.

Jimin walks slowly as he looks in awe at the intricate details of each pillar - and the gargoyles that guard the room. Their eyes glow red each time Jimin looks into them - compelling him to look away quickly.

As they near the throne area, Jimin's eyes gape open at its size and design. The throne sits atop a large set of stone stairs with the same red carpet.

The throne itself is again oddly one of the most beautiful things Jimin has ever seen. Made of iron, it has been designed and crafted to show hundreds of small flowers. At the center of each iron flower is a sparkling ruby.

"Dismissed," the man sitting on the throne says to several guards surrounding the foot of the throne.

"But sire," one starts to protest.

"I said... dismissed."

The group left the same way that Hoseok and Jimin came. Once they were out of earshot, the man stood up and slowly walked down the stone steps.

"Hoseok. Jimin." He stopped on the first step as he greeted them.

Jimin nodded slowly in return. "Taehyung."

Devil in Disguise ☆Yoonmin☆Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt