The crowd cheers.

Mayor Vaughn:(Admist the still-cheering crowd)"Go get 'em, boys! We have the utmost confidence in you guys!"

The crowd stops cheering.

Mayor Vaughn:(Turns to the Village Idiot)"Now what was that idea of yours?"

Scene cuts to all the citizens trying to push the buildings of Amity.

Village Idiot:"Push!"

The citizens strain as they try to push the town.


The townspeople all agree that they need a plan to protect themselves from the shark. As everyone struggles to plan, a Village Idiot suggest physically pushing the town to a safer location, but this idea is immediately shot down by Police Chief Martin Brody. Among the other suggestions is that someone should take on the beast and that someone willing to do the job turns out to be Quint. Matt Hooper and Police Chief Martin Brody go with him. The townspeople then decide, as a backup plan, to follow the Village Idiot's suggestion and start shoving the city out of harm's way.

This was from the Spongebob episode Sandy, Spongebob, And The Worm, so it's not accurate to the movie, but I really wanted to do this! In the Jaws Movie, Quint will find the shark fo $3,000, but kill it for $10,000. Me? I don't get out of bed for less than $100,000! Actually, scratch that! You couldn't pay me a $100,000 to take care of this shark! Unless Chapa and my sister were with me! They would protect me. Then it would be three females at sea! But instead of using a weapon on the shark, I would fluffy tame it. It would be all like: Chapa:(About me)"This girl handled that shark like a boss!" My Sister:"She just swam up to him, started rubbing his nose and belly and singing him a song." Flashback: Me:(Smiling and baby talking to the shark while rubbing the shark's belly and fluffy taming it and it is working and the shark is enjoying the belly rub and is happy and smiling and has his eyes closed and is making puppy noises and panting like a dog and wagging his back fin like a dog)"Who's a good boy? Who's a good boy? You are! Yes you are!" I laugh while the others have shocked and surprised faces. Police Chief Martin Brody:"That WORKS?" Matt Hooper:"Oh, I'll be darned." Quint:"Wha?--You've got to be kidding me." Again I really wanted to do this but this one too isn't probably accurate either because the trailer literally says about the shark 'It lives to kill. A mindless eating machine. It will attack and devour anything. It's as if God created the Devil and gave it...Jaws.' Also people think this shark is possessed by a Demon or Satan. Also they say in the movie that this shark is a rouge and has staked a claim in the Amity waters and is going to stay there until the food is gone. Food meaning the people who swim in the Amity waters. And Amity is a popular tourist destination. 


Uncle Hambone

Chapa:"Even though what you guys did was borderline evil, it made Sage feel better. Thanks."

Chapa turns to Bose and smiles.

Chapa:"Especially you Bose, for having that idea in the first place."

Chapa stands on her tippy toes, puts her hands on Bose's face, closes her eyes, and kisses Bose's cheek with a 'Smerp' while Bose's face was red as a tomato, his eyes widened and his mouth fell open. Chapa slowly pulled away, opened her eyes, and smiled at a lovestruck Bose who has a big, happy, goofy grin on his face. He puts his hand on the cheek that Chapa kissed. He touched where she kissed, savoring how her soft, warm lips felt. 

Bose:(Happily)"I'll never wash this cheek again!"

Miles:"Okay! Now let's head back to the Man's Nest and--"

Bose:(Eyes closed and smiling with his mouth closed; happily)"Shh! Miles! Miles! I'm still savoring the moment! Ho ho!"


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