I hurried to the buffet table and grabbed whatever food I saw, not really bothered about it as I was on a quest to hurry the hell out of there. I know it's dumb. We were on holiday, that also with other people. We can't just avoid each other. But I can try not dealing with it on an empty stomach, right?

So I hurried to our table and started gobbling up the food as soon as I sat down.

The twins sat there with their mouths agape staring at me eating like I hadn't seen food for ages.

Considering that it's me and I feed myself every three hours, I really hadn't seen food in ages.

"Got too hungry, Nicola?" Sophie asked, looking at me in amusement.

"Mmhmm. I forgot to have dinner last night." I replied.

"Then you should have come down earlier, Niki. It's bad to stay hungry for long. You will get a scolding from Daddy again." Bella, ever the practical one warned me. I just nodded regretfully, continuing to eat.

"Speaking of your daddy, there he is now." Sophie said, making me freeze mid bite. I looked towards the buffet table to see Gabriel filling his plate with food while smiling and talking with a woman who was flirting shamelessly with him. I narrowed my eyes at them before looking at Sophie questioningly.

She shrugged, "That's a guest that arrived yesterday evening."

Well, that answered.. nothing.

Livy jumped out of her chair suddenly, startling everyone. " I have finished my breakfast already. Can Bella and I go to the playground?"

I looked at Emma's plate, and she too seemed to have finished her breakfast. So I asked Bella if she too was done and when she nodded, allowed them to go so I could continue with my breakfast.

"He is bringing her here," Sophie said suddenly, making me stop eating and look up again. Sure enough, Gabriel was heading this way with the flirty woman, both of them chatting and laughing, seeming to be enjoying each other's company very much.

I grabbed a napkin dabbing at my mouth, trying to clean myself up to wipe away all evidence of my unladylike eating. I looked at Sophie for confirmation, and she quickly gave a thumbs up.

Sophie was really great, I thought, smiling at her greatfully as they approached the table, setting their plates down.

"I invited Camille to join us today, I hope you'll don't mind." said Gabriel as he pulled a chair out for her, making me raise an eyebrow at Sophie. She stifled her laughter behind a cough as she saw my face. I sent her an annoyed look before turning towards the flirty girl/Camille.

I gave a quick smile as Gabriel introduced us. Sophie did the talking. "Not at all," she said. "The more the merrier."

I made a face at her while she gave me a lame look. The other two seemed two engrossed with each other to see our exchanges.

"Thank you so much," gushed out Camille in a thick French accent . "Gabriel is such a dear. I am on holiday with my friends, but they are still sleeping, you know, because of jet leg. So Gabriel didn't want me to sit alone and invited me to sit here. He is so nice." She said with a wistful sigh, fluttering her eyelashes at him.

He gave a chuckle saying,"it's the least I could do after almost hitting you with my car door yesterday."

I made a disgusted face as I looked at them both. I'm sorry, is it me, or does this feel like a corny movie scene.

They continued chatting while Sophie and I sat quietly. Sophie ate her meal while I played with my food. Forgive me, tummy, but I think I would vomit if I ate while watching these two.

"Gabriel, my friends and I are going site seeing today. Do you want to join us?" Camille asked.

"I'm sorry, I promised my girls I would take them out today." Gabriel replied. "How about you and I go out tonight instead?" Gabriel suggested making me lose my appetite completely.

I felt like someone was squeezing my heart, making it hard for me to breathe. The pain I was feeling was indescribable.

It was like six years back all over again when I got rejected for Sarah. Ofcause, it's bound to happen, I thought as I looked at Camille feeling my heart sink. She is Gabriel's type. Tall and skinny, with endless legs.

And elegantly dressed, I thought as I looked at her pink tank top with white shorts.

I was so stupid for letting Gabriel close to me last night. Now he knows I like him, and he rejected me....again.


The holiday season is over. And I'm finally free to catch up on my writing. So you guys enjoy..😁

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