"His Flashback" part 1

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This world for the most part is fiction. Actually, most everything in this world is fiction. They fabricate, exaggerate, and thoroughly conceal anything incontinent. That being the case, the idol fan is one who wants to be skillfully lied to. In this world lies are weapons.

Y/n's Pov

"Y/n, can you get the test samples from the other day? They're needed today and I left them in the other room." Her coworker said as she kept looking at her papers. She sounded stressed and impatient, as if she had a lot of work to do.

"Yes, of course, ma'am. I'll bring them to you right away." Y/n said with a smile. She was always eager to please her boss and colleagues. She enjoyed working at the hospital, even though it was sometimes hectic and demanding.

Y/n started to walk away to get those test samples. However, she could already hear noises from the room across where she was. This was already normal for her.

The man in the room was her childhood friend, Gorou Amamiya. He was a doctor at the hospital where she worked as a nurse, but he had a secret hobby. He was obsessed with idols, especially one named Ai.

He had a huge collection of DVDs, CDs, posters and magazines featuring Ai. He would watch them whenever he had a chance, even during his shifts.

"I wish I could've witnessed her cuteness in person!" He exclaimed as he got closer and closer to the TV. He was watching a concert DVD of Ai's idol group, B Komachi. He was mesmerized by her dancing and singing skills.

"Doesn't he know that will ruin his eyes? They've already been ruined enough already though." She muttered to herself. She knew Gorou had poor eyesight since he was a kid, and she always nagged him to wear his glasses as a child.

"The idol group B Komachi's absolute ace, their unshakable center, the supremely pretty 16-year-old girl." He raved about Ai and how much their popularity had increased in the past four years. He knew everything about her, from her birthday to her favorite food.

She couldn't help but smile even though she knew he could be watching her at home. She had a crush on Gorou since they were in elementary school, but she never confessed her feelings. She only watched him from afar, like he watched Ai.

"This is where she really takes off! Her stardom is close at-" He was about to say something else when the lights turned on.

"Why are you playing a DVD in a patient's room? Wouldn't it be better if you watched it at home?" Y/n asked him. She had entered the room with the test samples she needed. She saw Hiro sitting on a chair next to the bed of an unconscious patient.

"Observing something beautiful is good for one's health. I mean, it's not like there are any idol concerts this far out in the countryside. It's a form of medical practice." He stated and tried to ignore her last question. He knew she disapproved of his idol obsession, but he couldn't help it. He loved Ai more than anything.

"Even if it's plain and simple, please don't add it to our hospital policy." She said, knowing that he would use that excuse to distract himself from his work if it was approved by the board.

"Come on, Y/n-chan, don't be so harsh. You know I'm a good doctor. I just need some entertainment once in a while. Besides, you should appreciate Ai-chan too. She's amazing!" He said, trying to persuade her to join his tv.

"No, thank you. I have better things to do right now than to watch some teenage girl prance around on stage during work hours. Like saving lives, for example." She said, shaking her head. Then grabbed the test samples then almost walking out the door.

Right where you left me Aquamarine Hoshino/Gorou Amamiya x readerTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang