Arlong Park part 10

Start from the beginning

*Later that night*
Nami: Hey, Bellemere, why haven't you been eating dinner with us?
Bellemere: I've been eating tangerines. I'm on a diet, that's all.
Nojiko: Then I don't want to eat, either.
Bellemere: What's with all the drama? You need to eat because you are a growing girl.
Nojiko: Why do you keep lying to us?! You don't eat because we don't have enough money to buy food, that's why!
Nami: Really?
Nojiko: You're starving yourself so that we don't go hungry!
Bellemere: Tangerines replenish my skin with the power of liquid sunlight. And they're the only reason I'm such a ravishing young beauty, even though I'm 30.
Nami: But your hands are all yellow.
Bellemere: Would you just shut up and eat your food already!
*Bellemere finished sewing a dress with a lion on it for Nami.*
Bellemere: Here you go, Nami! A Bellemere one of a kind original!
Nami: Great, a hand me down.
Bellemere: True, but it suits you.
Nami: The lion used to be a sunflower.
Nojiko: Quit complaining! You have to take my hand me down or you don't get any new clothes!
Nami: But it's no fair, you get new clothes all the time and all mine are used!
Nojiko: I get old clothes too, you know! So suck it up, Nami, and take what you can get! Understand?!
Nami: We didn't come from the same parents, anyway! We're not real sisters, so who cares!
Bellemere: Nami!
*She hits Nami.*
Nojiko: Bellemere...
Bellemere: So what if you don't have the same parents? I don't want you ever saying something like that ever again!
Nami: I... don't care! You're not our real mother! You're just some lady who's taking care of us! You wish we'd never come here so you can buy food and clothes for yourself! You'd be better without us, wouldn't you?! You get to be selfish and do whatever you want! I wish... I wish a rich family adopted me and my sister instead of a loser like you!
Bellemere: Well, fine... If you hate it here so much, you can go somewhere else to live. I didn't sign up for this.
Nojiko: Stop fighting! Please, just stop!
Nami: I'm never coming back!
*She runs out the door and into the rain.*
Nojiko: No, don't! Nami!

Nojiko: Bellemere... The 3 of us are a family and that's the truth! Nami knows that the same! No matter what she said.
Bellemere: Look at who's being the adult here. I blew up and you're the level headed one. Why don't you go find Nami? I'll make something special for dinner and we can all make up, ok?

Genzo: So, you've run away from home and come to the village. Now what's the plan?
*He gives her some tea.*
Genzo: Drink before it gets cold.
Nami: Bellemere would be so much happier if she didn't have to take care of us.
Genzo: And why would you say that?
Nami: Well, you need a lot of money to take care of 2 kids. And because of me, the whole village hates her right now.
Genzo: That's progress. At least you're considerate of others. But don't worry. When Bellemere was your age she was a complete nightmare, terrorizing the village.
Nami: Is that true?
Genzo: Sure. Even now the village looks at her as some kind of a screw up. So you can imagine the surprise of everyone in the village when she joined up with the marines.
Nami: You mean Bellemere was in the marines?
Genzo: That's right. She said she couldn't stand by as pirates killed innocent people. Then she left the village. She was on the verge of death, until...

*Flashback, A young Bellemere lags wounded on a battlefield.*
Bellemere: If this is the end, then so be it...
*But she sees a 3 year old Nojiko carrying Nami as a baby. This gives Bellemere the strength to get up.*
Bellemere: Your little sister?
Nojiko: I found her.
Bellemere: How did she survive?
*They start to cry at the sight of Nami laughing.*

Genzo: That innocent child was you, Nami. And seeing how precious you were gave the right reasons to live again.

*Bellemere sails back to Cocoyoshi village with Nami and Nojiko.*
Bellemere: Doctor! I need a doctor!
Genzo: Bellemere?
Doctor: Did someone call for a doctor?! Who are these children?
Bellemere: Doctor, these children are burning up! I'm afraid they might be really sick! Please, help them!
Doctor: Alright, give them here.
*He holds onto Nami and Nojiko.*
Doctor: And we better mend those nasty wounds of yours, young lady.
Bellemere: Never mine me, just don't let them die! Please, you have to save them! I'm begging you, doctor!

Genzo: I don't believe it. Could you say that again?
Bellemere: I said I'm going to be the mother of these 2 girls, it's that simple.
Genzo: No way!
Doctor: That's insane! You're far too immature to hand this responsibility on your own!
Genzo: You can't handle this by yourself! Just hand them over to the authorities-
Bellemere: I've made up my mind! You can't deny that I'm an adult. And what I've lived through as a marine, it's given me the right to be treated with more respect. I'm more than capable of raising these young girls. And nothing will stop me from raising them to be wonderful girls. So now, we're going to be a family together. Nojiko and Nami have renewed my love of life.
*Flashback end.*

Genzo: The bond between the 3 of your girls goes far deeper than any normal family.
*Nojiko finds Nami at Genzo's house.*
Nojiko: Nami, I thought I'd find you here!
Nami: Nojiko?
Nojiko: Come on! Bellemere's waiting for us. She's making us a special supper.
Nami: Sure!
Nojiko: I think she's making your favorite!
*They begin to run back to their home.*
Genzo: Time sure does fly. It seems like only yesterday they were fighting for their lives.
Doctor: I think it makes everyone in the village happy to see those 2 girls grow through so much.
Townsfolk 1: Pirates are coming! Hide!
*The people of the village see a ship make landfall.*
Townsfolk 2: It's the Arlong pirates!
Townsfolk 3: Arlong?! That's impossible! Why would fishmen come here?!
Townsfolk 4: The rumor between the fishmen pirates splitting up was true!
Genzo: Nami. Nojiko. It's too dangerous for you to be here right now. Go hide in the woods.
Genzo: You must go, now!

*Arlong and his crew walk into the village.*
Arlong: Greetings and salutations, you pathetic humans. From this moment on, this entire island and its inhabitants are part of my domain! Listen closely, from the first day of every month you will buy your lives from me! $100,000 for adults and $50,000 for children! Those who cannot pay, will die! Shashashasha!

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