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this chapter is Crys birthday present whoooo

inspo creds for this chapter go to @run2min on tumblr she made a kyungmin imagine and it's amazing

Kyungmin and Y/N sat on the floor of the small dorm playing with Tulip and laughing with each other silently. Suddenly, a harsh knock was heard from the door. Kyungmin and Y/N both looked at each other. "Don't answer it they are gonna steal our child" Kyungmin said taking the small fluff ball in his lap. Y/N shook her head and got up to answer it, "again we are not parents you're merely a family friend to her" she yelled opening the door hearing Kyungmin scoff from behind her.

"WHERE IS IT." Seungheon said pushing past
Y/N and frantically looking around her apartment to find Tulip. A small meow could be heard from Kyungmins lap making Seungheon gasp in happiness. "Ohmygod" he said quickly taking the cat from Kyungmin who prostested greatly and sat on the couch. "Sorry for coming in so late" Minho said patting Y/N shoulder as the rest slowly filed into her dorm.

"How did you find her?" Yungyu said petting Tulip softly. " I heard a meow and forced Kyungmin to catch her with me" Kyungmin cut in. "I honestly thought she was being delusional for a second but then Y/N grabbed her and I got excited to be a father" he said grabbing tulip from the boys and held her like a baby. "You're not her father omg I am a single mother" Y/N said taking Tulip from the tall boy and set her on the ground to roam. "You go girl" Jaeyun snapped his fingers, while leaning back on the couch.

Yoonsung grabbed Y/N's arm and pulled her onto the couch. "I think this a great time ti mention we should have a sleepover" He suggested looking at Y/N with puppy dogs eyes. Y/N rolled her eyes and scoffed, "I want to sleep tonight" the boys all began yelled and protesting. "We sleep too for your information" Haemin spoke up pointing an accusing finger at her.

Y/N let out a loud sigh and thought for second. Pushing her hair back she grumbled, "Fine, but i don't have anything-" all boys ran out to grab blankets and pillows leaving her and the small cat who was now curled up on the rug. "We aren't gonna get sleep tonight are we?" she laughed, looking to Tulip and going to the kitchen  to make a hot chocolate.

"You know if you ever need a roommate i'm happy to move in" Minho said barging back in with neatly glided blankets and a pillow tucked under his arm. "Yeah sadly, I just got my roommate today" she said nodding towards Tulip. Minho grumbled and side eyed the cat who sat looking at his with big eyes. "You're lucky you're cute" he said making himself comfortable next to the the others in the living room.

Y/N smiled watching the interaction, she suddenly felt a presence next to her. "Hot chocolate?" he said looking at the pink mug she held in her hands. Y/N nodded blushing slightly, "you want some?" she said grabbing another mug. Kyungmin nodded and thanked her quietly. Soon the pair joined the others on the couch. "Can I pick the movie?" Seungheon said making Myungho groan. "You always pick the movie" he said snatching the remote from Seungheon. "Yeah, well I'm the youngest so-" Seungheon was quickly cut off by Minho. "We are guests at Y/Ns home let the poor girl choose" he said grabbing no the remote and handing it to the girl next to him. "Oh- hold on" Y/N said turning on the TV and started playing a random movie on disney plus.

An half way through the groups third movie, Kyungmin felt something on his shoulder. Looking to Y/N who was sandwiched between him and Minho, she was fast asleep as the others could barely keep their eyes open themselves. Kyungmin blushed and smiled to himself. Carefully he grabbed the mug from her hands setting it on the small coffee table near. He took the blanket he was using moving it so it could cover both of them. Y/N moved slightly bringing the blanket closer to her.

"You like her a lot dont you?" Kyungmin heard from the other side of the couch to see a sleepy Yoonsung. Kyungmin opened his mouth to respond but Yoonsung held his hand up, "No, I get it. Look, I'm willing to help you knowing you suck at literally anything having to do with love." Kyungmin rolled his eyes and thought to himself, the last girl he 'dated' was in middle school and even then he was awkward as hell. Maybe, Yoonsung had a point. "Okay look, tomorrow morning I'll distract the others and you take her somewhere nice but don't make it overwhelming." Yoonsung mumbled falling in and out of sleep. Kyungmin looked down at the sleeping girl next to him and nodded. "Goodnight you dork " yoonsung snorted to himself. "That's not funny" Kyungmin said leaning his head back and closing his eyes.

The next morning Y/N opened her eyes and yawned slightly. The boys who were once there the night before were now gone. All the snack bowls and cups were neatly washed and placed on the drying rack. She sat up noticing a small note that was left under the remote on the coffee table.

Sorry for leaving before you woke up :(
We had a meeting!! We will see you later sleepyhead, have a good day <3
- yoonsung
p.s i had to write this b/c the rest of their handwriting is trash

Y/N laughed to herself and looked to Tulip, who was curled up on the couch next to her. "I guess we shoukd get some food and supplies for you huh?" she said scratching the cats chin and getting up to get changed.

After getting changed, Y/N left the house quickly running down to the nearest pet store she could find. She looked at her phone searching for basically pet supplies and toys for her fluffy new roommate. After checking out, she carried the heavy bags home. "Okay you owe me rent after this" She said shutting the door behind her and dropping the bags. She set out food which Tulip eagerly ate and set up other necessities for the cat.

(this paragraph was painful for me too dw)

She Lounged around the house for a good while before hearing a knock at her door. Groaning silently she got up to answer it. Opening the door she was greeted with a smiley Kyungmin. "Hi Min, I thought you had a meeting?" he shrugged. "I was able to get out a bit early, do you wanna hang out?" he said adjusting the jean bucket hat he wore. Y/N blinked before nodding eagerly. "Let me get my bag and shoes!" she said dashing to her room slipping on sneakers and grabbing the small bag.

Once leaving, Kyungmin opened the car door for her. "I'm not sure how I feel about you driving" She said getting in and buckling her seat belt. "I passed my test with flying colors for your information" Kyungmin said also buckling his seatbelt. "Soooo where are we going?" Y/N smiled looking towards Kyungmin. He smirked slightly. "You'll see" he nodded paying attention to the road that was in front of him.

"THE AQUARIUM?" Y/N squealed as Kyungmin parked. She quickly stumbled out of the car and grabbed Kyungmins hand dragging him to the entrance. "Slow down there miss!" he said pulling her back slightly to him. She looked around the building with a smile, which in return made Kyungmin smile while watching her. Once they made it through they stood close to each other watching the different fish.

"You know, had I known you love aquariums so much I would've taken you sooner" Kyungmin whispered to her as she looked at jellyfish. Y/N shrugged, "I like the quietness of the envoirment, Hannah used to take me to the one in Sydney all the time" she said. The entire time Kyungmin had realized she had not let go of his hand, sure it was to pull him to different exhibits but she. was. holding. his. hand. That was good enough for him.

While watching a certain shark exhibit, a older woman had tapped Y/N's shoulder making her turn. "Hello! I just wanted to comment, you two look like a lovely couple!" the lady smiled softly nodding to Kyungmin. Both teens eyes widened as they looked to each other, "Thank you, but we are just friends" Y/N said. The older woman laughed, "Oh i'm sure you are" she said looking to the their interlocked hands and shaking her head. When the women had walked away, Y/N looked to Kyungmin and pulled her hand away softly. "Let's go to the gift shop yeah?" she nodded walking to the small store.

While in the gift shop Y/N had found a small plushie of a shark. Gasping she grabbed it hugging it close to her. "MinMin! Look" Kyungmins ear burned red to the sound of the nickname. He turned around to a fluffy shark being shoved into his face. "Very cute" he commented laughing softly. "I'm gonna buy it! You plan on getting anything?" she said making Kyungmin shake his head and follow her to the cashier. Standing beside her, he was able to sneakily put his card into the reader before she got the chance. "Kyungmin!" Y/N growled and looked to him. He shrugged and pulled his card out and thanked the cashier before handing her the plushie. "You're just collecting your debt with me huh?" he said smirking down at the small girl. "No! You just need to stop pulling that card trick with me!" she said huffing in annoyance. He pat the girls head cooing to her jokingly earned a slightly smack to the stomach in response.

Once they got back to the dorms, Kyungmin walked her to her dorm. "Thank you for today"
Y/N said leaning on her door frame and looking at Kyungmin who awkwardly had his hands in his pockets. "Thank you for coming with me, it was cute to watch you fangirl over every fish you saw" Y/N rolled her eyes making Kyungmin laugh. "Goodnight Giraffe" she said to him, it was now Kyungmins turn to roll his eyes. "Goodnight Y/N" he blew a small kiss to her. Y/N played along by pretend to catch it and put it in he jacket pocket. Closing the door, she blinked for a second, a wave of clarity coming over her.

"Holy shit, I like Cho Kyungmin."


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