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@ not.y/n just posted!

y/n  just posted!

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@ not.y/n : We made it to Seoul in one piece!


@ hannah.bang : perfect now come home 😁🤞
——- @ not.y/n: how about no! 😁🤞

@ user.1 : is she the new trainee MNH was talking abt?
———— @ user.2: Yeah! she's a new solo artist

@ yoon.sung : omg pls be my friend when you get here i'll do anything 😁🙏🤞‼️‼️
——— @ not.y/n : pls i just threw my phone and screamed ofc i will 🤭🫶😇


Fruitcake 🫶


Fruitcake 🫶
why'd it taking so long 😕
also who is that yoonsung guy in ur comments
ur cheating on me aren't you 🤬🤬

i'm a slower walker and google maps keeps directing me to sketchy places pls pray 😹🙏
to answer ur second question no, i'm not. he's simply also a trainee and i need friends 😕

okay but i'm literally your friend??? why do you need more!? suspish
also pls be safe and do not get stabbed

i love you but not that much
i made it to the dorms safely pookie pie

Fruitcake 🫶
YAY!  i have to go to work now but pls give a  form your later 🤞 bye bye  love


Y/ n had entered her dorm and looked around. "No creepy people hiding great all alone." she spoke quietly to herself and threw her suitcase on the ground. she checked her phone once more to see a few missed call from her brother and a missed called from her boss.

After calling him back and learning she had a meeting the following morning and he was glad she had made it safely, she had begun to unpack and contemplate what to do for food. Eventually, she grabbed her house keys and went to the store.

(this is boring she went to the store and bought basic supplies to survive yay! Next Day)

The next morning, Y/N had gotten ready and arrived at the company building early. This was definitely a new for her, saying as she's always late. She met with her boss and manager and sat in a rather large meeting room.

"Are we waiting for others?" she turned to her manager to looked quite anxious. "Uh you'll find out soon?" he said shyly smiling. Loud laughing and chattering could be heard coming closer to the room. Soon enough, eight heads poked into the room. "I TOLD YOU IT WAS HER" the smallest of the said.

Y/N's eyes widened, they boys all took a seat the remaining one being across from was taken by the tallest. She stared at him but soon was broken away by their boss speaking up.
"So...you both are trainees and I was thinking you guys could train together so Y/N wouldn't be alone" he said placing a hand on Y/N's shoulder.

Y/N cringed internally, it reminded her on her first day of school when teachers would force students to be her friend so they wouldn't be alone. "Well! We'll leave you guys too it!" her manager clapped and hurriedly left the room along with their boss.

Y/N sunk slightly into her chair and looked to the boys surrounding her. "So um...you guys come here often?" she said tapping her fingers on the table. "Y/n! i've been so excited to meet you! Please ignore the rest of them they are weird and haven't been in the presence of women before" Yoonsung said moving closer to her.

Y/n let out a shaky breath of relief. "You're the one who commented on my ig right?" she said making Yoonsung nod in return. "We've been following each other for awhile but I did some snooping a found out you were coming here and decided to try and reach out" he said the rest of the boys looked confused.

Yoonsung turned to them and glared, "it's called being cordial, idiots. Will you please stop being awkward and introduce yourselves?" he said.
One by one they introduced themselves and slowly everyone was able to be more social with one another.

"Should we get lunch? You guys have any recommendations?" Y/n asked grabbing her bag and standing up from the chair. Yungyu's eyes widened suddenly. "Oh um I know a few places" he spoke quietly but Y/n was quick to pick up what he said. "Choice is all yours I just need food" Y/n laughed patting her stomach.

They all walked down the street to a near by restaurant Yungyu sweared by. "Y/n you don't understand they have the best bibimbap I've ever had!" he said jumping excitedly. Y/n smiled and followed the group of boys. She walked beside Jaeyun and Kyungmin, Jaeyun was busy yelling at Seungheon to stop trying to trip Minho.

Kyungmin walked quietly, Y/n was quick to pick up on the boys shy and awkward demeanor. She looked up to him and coughed to grab his attention. He looked down to Y/n as she spoke.
"So what's you're opinion on the moon landing being fake?" she spoke casually catching Kyungmin off guard.

"The moon landing was faked?" he questioned, Y/N nodded and looked ahead, "obviously, how do you feel about that?" she stated looking to him once more. Kyungmin blushes slightly and smiled, "you want my honest opinion?" he said, Y/n nodded excitedly. "Well..."

Baes idc if you read this or not but i'm so sorry if this is bad pls wait it will get better🙏🙏
you have any opinions whatsoever please feel free to let me know! (pls don't be harsh im mentally ill)
Anyways, i hope you enjoyed!

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