"Decide who will go first. In other words, you need four wins in order to pass." The man across the path says.

"However, the actual fights will not be so simple. The prisoner's sentences will be reduced by one year, for every hour they delay the applications here. So their deal is to buy time."

"I understand. We only have seventy two hours to complete all of this...time is a value thing here." Kurapika says to himself.

"I'm up first. Chose who will go first." The man instructs.

"What should we do?" Killua asks, "he said that we could fight using any method. So anything goes..."

"We don't know what they'll try to pull," Leorio warns.

"There's too much at stake without knowing what they have up their sleeves. Given that, I'll go—." Kurapika starts but is interrupted by Tonpa.

"No, I'll go first. I'll be the guinea pig so we can see what they're up to. Consider this my apology for before." Tonpa says.

"Are you serious?" Leorio asks cautiously.

"Yeah. Besides, you don't trust me right? Do you really want me to be the tiebreaker when the score is two-to-two?" Tonpa continues.

"You have a point..."

Tonpa sets his bag aside as the walk way opens from the platforms that lead to the center arena. Tonpa and the prisoner make their way to the center to fight. "Alright, let's determine the combat method. I propose a death match."

"A death match?"

"They'll fight until the other dies?"

Tonpa agreed and the two get into position to fight each other. The prisoner runs toward Tonpa to attack but before the prisoner can, Tonpa gets on all fours and surrenders.

"D-Did he just say that he 'gives up'?" Gon asks, unsure if he heard him correctly.

"Maybe he said 'give me a sec'?" Leorio asks, hoping that what Tonpa said wasn't true.

"I'm going to kill him," I accused as I feel someone pat my head as a way to calm me down.

"What did you just say?" The prisoner asks as Tonpa lifts his head.

"You win if I admit defeat right? So I give up! I lose!" Tonpa smiles.

The prisoner laughs, "fine. I win this round." The prisoner then turns and makes his way back to his side while Tonpa's comes back to ours.

The score is now one-to-zero.

Tonpa nervously smiles, "man that was awful. He looked so much stronger up close."

"I'm literally going to literally kill him!" I yell, "he's messed up so—!" Killua had snuck up behind me and grabbed me. "Hey! Let me go!"

"No, I'm not going to let you go. Besides, Leorio is taking care of it for you." Killua comments, gesturing to Leorio holding Tonpa by his shirt.

"Killua please!" I beg, "let me at him just this once!"

"I'll let you go when you calm down. Actually, take that anger and direct it at whoever you'll be fighting." Killua suggests.

"Gon! Tell Killua to let me go!" I look over at Gon who backs away as if to say he doesn't want to get involved.

"They just want us to fight amongst ourselves in order to waste time," Kurapika explains.

"But if their goal is to buy time," Killua says now holding my hand tightly, "then the old man made the right choice. That bald guy is probably a filet soldier or mercenary. If you had fought him then he would have started by crushing your throat, that way you couldn't say 'I give up'. Then he would have tortured you, not killing you for the rest of the time." Killua calmly states, a dark aura radiating off him.

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