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Hello it's me! It's been a long time since I updated this story. I know it's kinda rushed but, I'm trying my best to make it good, it's a bit tiring making this, but I still enjoy it, sometimes I'm busy, sometimes I'm lazy :P


I cooked soup for them and prepared some fruits and vegetables. I'm worried about shinobu... Her injury is worse than the two combined, but I'm still worried about the two... Shinobu made the uppermoon 2 weaken and the two of them finished him off...

Kanao has a huge scar on his chest and on his arm, Inosuke has a bruise on his stomach and his face and a scar on his arm.

Tomioka is so worried about shinobu, when she's still pregnant,

I'm glad uppermoon 2 didn't hurt her stomach if he did, the baby will probably die! Well luckily tomioka saved her, he's still resting beside shinobu and I just prepared the food...

But then... I heard the floor creaked and I prepared myself to fight... And I saw inosuke crawling! "What the hell!" He's still crawling trying to get some food. I slammed my hands to my head and stopped him...

"Just go back and I'll give you food!" I said and he just stared at me... He then went back and I just sighed... What a troublemaker!!!

The food is ready and I went to the room and saw kanao, shinobu, and tomioka are still sleeping... I saw inosuke staring at me deeply, the heck!?

"Do you want to eat here? Or at the table" he didn't answer but he stood up and went to the dining table and wait for me...

I gaved him the soup and some fruit and vegetables, he took some and ate it... His eyes wide and smile brightly "it's delicious..." He complimented me, and I just smiled "thank you..."

( I actually didn't read the manga, I didn't fully base my story on the manga ok!? I just made my own story line, and I don't want a bad ending lol)

I sat beside him, dozing off, he then poked me, I stared at him, he took off his boar and I could see his tired eyes, we just stared for a while, like seconds or minutes...

"Does it still hurt?" I asked concernly... He faced his food and looked down "no... I'm Inosuke, I'm not weak..." He said teasingly with a smile on his face, he then looked at me and chuckled... Damn, he's personality changed!! He's more mature now!!!

I blushed and looked away from his eyes... Gosh this is embarrassing!!!!

He laughed, not that loud... And I pout, "what's funny!?" I asked and looked at him, and I'm still pouting, he still laughed "you're too cute, it's funny." He said while caressing my cheeks, he smirked...

I was embarrassed and closed my eyes, "why are you closing your eyes?" He asked teasingly "because of you idiot!" I opened my eyes slowly and saw him inches away from me, our lips are almost touch!

I just stare at his lips and was silent for a moment... I noticed his lips turned into a smirk... "Why do keep staring at my lips?" He said teasingly! Why does he keep teasing me...

Then. The door opened and we both walked away and act like nothing happened... Damn why does he act mature today??

The three of them came in... Tomioka, Kanao, and shinobu...

"Does the injury still hurt?" I asked both of them... And both of them just nod...

They came closer to us and they sat on the chair in the opposite direction of me, inosuke sat right next to me...

It was pretty awkward while eating...

"I should've stay with you..." Tomioka started...

"The baby is fine-" shinobu was cut off

"What if, that bitch slayed you on the stomach?! What will happen?! If me, inosuke and kanao didn't came at the right time both of you will be dead!!! I'm scared to lose you..." Tomioka massaged his temple and tears fell slowly

"But atleast I'm safe right...?" Shinobu said...



Us 5 finished eating dinner and I head to my room...

I lay on my bed and stared at the wall feeling guilty...

I know that, giyu is so worried about me... He don't want to lose anybody important to him...

Then the door opened and giyu entered, I then sat down and stared at the ground...

He then closed the door and go down in his knees... He caress my cheeks and made me stare at his eyes... "Hey? Are you alright?" He asked and looked concern...

Tears fell down... "I'm sorry... I should've stay..." I said with you, while crying "you can't stay with me when I'm with mission" he said with a soft smile...

"You shouldn't go to any mission. Okay? Your belly is getting big, and demons will probably notice you're pregnant.. " he said it like his my Dad!

I chuckled "you sound like my dad! I'm so sure that you'll be protective to our child..." I said and he just smile...

He then hugged, "please... Don't you ever leave me..."

"I'll try to stay alive for you and our child..."

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