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Shinobu pov


I said and he looked around and stared at me...

That face.. it pisses me off, I want my revenge.....

"Oh, look it's a demon slayer, you know, you remind me of someone" he said joyfully and it pisses me so much

"Are you ready to be my dinner?" He said grinning and I just 'tsk' 

I ran fast and decided to stab him with my poison, luckily it hit him on his neck...
"You know, it didn't harm me at all" he smirked and I rolled my eyes...

"You're pregnant aren't you?" He said while still smirking, how!! Is it obvious that I'm pregnant, is he targeting my baby?! I'm not letting it happen... "Answer me..." he said "so? What if, I am?" I answered, "so you're actually pregnant, your baby will definitely taste good" he said by sticking his tongue out and I just looked down, I will make our revenge...

When I looked at him, his already gone, I looked around and when I looked back he was already at my back smirking. He sliced my waist and it didn't went that deep..

I grabbed my poison and grabbed my sword, preparing to fight him, it's gonna be hard for me because I'm bad at sword fighting, so I'll try my best to put many poison on his body, I then kept having flashbacks by the time when Kanae nee san died... And it made me angry, so much

I prepared my sword and start attacking him, he kept dodging and pull up some strike, I put some small poison in his body and it will take a while to make a pain in his body...


It's been a while now and I felt that his getting weaker every second, I smirked and he noticed it, he  then attacked quickly and it hit me pretty deep, I spat some blood and touched my injury and it was pretty deep, I felt too dizzy and its like I'm about to faint..

I hold my sword up keeping myself from falling and when I blink in a second he already cut my sword and it shocked me, I stare at his face and he was smirking, it irritates me so much.. I'm glad that, it splash some poisonous blood on his body and it make me grin

"Why are you grinning? I already cut your sword, why are you still grinning?" I didn't answer and I noticed he ' coughs ' some blood, and he then looked at me with pissed looked "what did you do!?" He shout at me and I kept grinning..

Few seconds later and I felt my stomach hurt so bad, I don't know why but I think it's the baby causing this...

I felt like I'm about to fall until I felt like someone was holding me...


I opened my eyes and saw Tomioka carrying like a bridestyle "Why are you carrying me? Where is Uppermoon 2?-" I wasn't finished in my sentence but Tomioka stopped me from talking "Can you be quiet for a second!!" He shouts kindly and when I looked at his eyes there was tears coming out...

"Why are you crying" I said wiping hid tears away, "don't you know, how dangerous it is to go alone with that situation you had!? Shinobu, You're pregnant remember!! what if, he hurts your belly, what if, were too late to rescue you?!, what if-" I cut him off, "our baby will be ok cause, daddy saved mommy" I said while smiling, I then held his cheeks gently, then more tears had fallen from his eyes...

" By the way, who fought Uppermoon 2?" I asked, he was silent and his face looked worried "Giyuu, who fought Uppermoon 2?!" I asked again, he then sigh " it's kanao and inosuke...'' he answered...

This is definitely a joke, KANAO, INOSUKE... "You're lying right?" I asked and tears formed on my eyes... ''no..." He answered, then more tears had fallen in my eyes, "why?! They're still young to fight him?!" I shouted and tried to jump out of his arm, "don't worry Shinobu, the poison was effective, well right now, you had to take some rest" I tried to stay awake but I couldn't... Because of the injury that i got...


I woke up and saw Giyuu sleeping right on the chair, I saw inosuke and kanao right next to me with some small injuries... I'm glad they don't have a lot of injuries...
I then looked at Giyuu and patted his head I smiled and went back to sleep...


Hello, it's been awhile, and I know my grammar sucks, and I'm so sorry about it, I made my stories at night, when I'm already in bed so, it's kinda hard for me, but thank you so much for reading my story I really appreciate it...

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