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K A R E E M ' S P O V

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K A R E E M ' S P O V

THE DARK NIGHT SKY WAS ILLUMINATED BY THE streetlights as I shoved my hands into my hoodie's front pockets and continued forward. Where I was going was a mystery to me. Looking up from the sidewalk, I squint my eyes as I recognize the familiar figure in front of me. It was Chloe. Even with her hood up, I was still able to recognize her.

"Chloe! Chloe!" I shouted, picking up my pace. She still ignored me and instead kept on walking forward. "CHLOE!"

For a moment my eyes blurred but before I could fully see again, I saw her, laying in a pool of blood on a crosswalk. Running toward her, I see the color out of her face drained as she looks up at me with lifeless eyes.

"It's all," she croaks, her eyes boring into mine, "your fault."

The last I see is an ambulance taking her away before I'm transported into a dark room, and voices scream at me, blaming me for her death. The faces were not visible but they, whoever they were, made sure their voices were loud and clear.

"You caused her to die. You cause it all. You heard her. It's all your fault," the voices hissed, stretching out the words.

"Stop! I said stop," I cried out, covering my ears. Their noise is still audible though and I find myself crying. Using one hand to wipe away the tears, I realize I was crying tears of blood.

Jolting up in bed, I pant heavily before realizing that whatever had happened was all just a nightmare. Chloe wasn't dead and I wasn't in some creepy room. I turn to my roomate who was fast asleep, books piled on top of him, before scrambling to grab my phone which was on the nightstand.


"Of course, it just had to be today," I muttered, remembering the promise I'd made to Pastor Daniel about the basketball team. I had promised to be there at 8:30. Trudging out of my bed, still shaken a little by the dream, I start getting ready, showering, and throwing on clothes before grabbing water and heading out. My mind though is far off, Chloe's face and words imprinted in my mind even as I drive toward the rec center, chugging water with one hand.

It's all your fault. All your fault. Chloe doesn't deserve someone like you.

"Shut up," I hiss back, squeezing my hand tightly to the driving wheel.

It's true. You know it is.

Pulling into the parking lot, I head out into the sun which was already blinding me and everyone else who was awake. Stepping out of my car, I enter into the brown brick building, already exhausted and dehydrated.

"Good morning. How can we help you today sir?" the lady at the front desk asks me as soon as I enter, tucking behind a strand of her brown hair. The heat had caused my shirt to stick to my skin and the building wasn't providing much comfort.

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