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Another month has gone by, with nothing new happening, other then today, January 14th, was the day Destiny was born to Harry and Draco. They really didn't want much done for her birthday, she was just a baby girl afterall and Draco was in the last couple of months of pregnancy and wasn't feeling to great. Harry? Had his up and downs with the stuff going on inside his head.

After yet another nightmare, he went to his parents bedroom. He grown used to waking up his father, even if he didn't want to talk about his dream. Some times, James could just tuck Harry back into his own bed. Other times, Harry wiggled in their bed. Sometimes he somewhat fuss until James got out of bed and come into the living room. James could normal tell just how bad the dream was, but how easy (or not so easy) it was to get Harry back to sleep.
Today? Was one of those days Harry wouldn't go back to bed, so, James got out of the bed and took his son downstairs to the kitchen and started some coffee. "Do you want to talk about your dreams?" James asked. Harry shook his head, he never wanted to talk about his dreams, it just made the feelings worst. "Hungry?" James then asked. "Maybe..." Harry mumbled. "I'll start some breakfast then, I'm sure the household will be waking soon. How's work?" James asked. "Okay...Mr. King, knows...but you and mommy." Harry said, getting an eyebrow raised at him. "Buddy, how old are you?" James asked. "Don't...know, yet." Harry kind of mumbled. "Alright, sweet boy. Have some milk. Think...you can still go to work, or should I call Mr. King?" James asked and Harry just shrugged his shoulders. "No worries, Harry." James said, turning to start breakfast for the household.
Half an hour went by the the children all came downstairs, Draco yawning putting Destiny in her high chair. "Are you going to work today, Draco?" James asked. "Yeah, I missed yesterday already, I can't miss today. I will cost me my job." Draco frowned, handing Destiny her bottle of milk. "Jackson is home." Lily told her husband. "Jackson is also supposed to keep in bed, Lil. Mr. King said it was fine...but I don't think it's a good idea if he can't talk like he is supposed to." James pointed out. "Joseph will be there and nobody can miss more work right now. I'm sure it will be just fine." Lily said and James let out a sigh. "Very well. Joseph, call me, if it becomes to much." James said, looking at Joseph who was feeding some apple sauce to Faith. "I will, promise." Joseph said.


Harry grabbed the headset form somebody and walked to the back of the restaurant. He grabbed one of the kid meal toys and unwrapped it, sitting it up by the computer, before he started to take the order. He sounded almost like himself, but the toy wasn't like him. Joseph stood in the break room, finishing up a text to his partner, Jackson, when Mr. King stood at the doorway. "What... exactly is going on with him today? Mr. Potter didn't explain." He asked. Joseph finished the message, clocked in and grabbed his head. "They call it, little space, but he was going to work. James couldn't get him back to bed this morning, I think it's just his way of working through a nightmare. He still has trouble voicing his thoughts. I'll pay for the toy." Joseph said. "No need! I have a few to give him anyway. Please a couple of under three, or how many are there?" Mr. King asked. "Ash, Destiny, Charity and faith. However, I feel as if Peter will feel left out. He is close to Ash." Joseph said. "I'll have another one provided, then. I'll let the others know, to leave him be, alright? Take your break when he does." Mr. King said. "Will do." Joseph said. "How is, Jackson?" He then asked. "He? Is resting most days. I'm about to punch a doctor however." Joseph said. "You can't very well do such a thing, son." Mr. King tried to point out. "Let me hear the word, termination, one more bloody time." Joseph said and He let out a sigh. "How far long is he?" He asked. "27 weeks." Joseph said. "Termination isn't even an option anymore. They will however, choice him, over the baby, but delivery is an option in a week." He said. "They want to talk it over with us, but The healer is worried about the baby. She's half blooded and sometimes they can't handle a lot of magic...so, I don't fucking know." Joseph said. "I'm sure between you all, the best and safest course will be took." He said and Joseph let out a sigh. "Hopefully."


Harry wouldn't touch his lunch, just keep toying with the little toy he picked up easier. Joseph tried to get him to engage in any kind of conversation, but Harry didn't want to talk about what his dream was about. He just wanted to be left alone, what about that was hard for people to understand? "No!" He finally fussed out, getting up form the table and going outside. Joseph let out a sigh and finished his lunch, as he could see Harry form were he sat, before he went outside.
Harry sat pushing his toy on the sidewalk when Joseph joined him. "I promise, things will become easier. Your parents love you and Draco loves you, very much. I can see it's hard for you to see that, but it's a silly thought." He said and Harry just shrugged his shoulder, and continued to play. Joseph check his watch. "Come on then, it's time to get back to work." He said watching Harry get to his feet, tucking it into his pocket and hurried inside.
Joseph wished he knew more how to help the young man, but he's own mind was rasing because he had two children, a partner and another one on the way that was struggling to join their family. He wished he would get to hold his little girl soon, and make Jackson his.

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