Chapter six

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"Even if we know that, The boys nor those children are going to believe we can keep them safe." Narcissa pointed out and Lily let out a sigh. "I'm aware...But all we can do is play it day by day, Narcissa. It's quiet, you really should try and get some rest. James and I are going by the market, there isn't much, at all, of anything to eat. What's here, I'm sure is for those children." Lily said. "Lucius said they seemed very underweight...but I'm unsure how he could tell. I guess we seen them in baggy clothes, didn't we?" Narcissa asked, more herself then Lily. "It could be very likely they are underweight. That's why we are stoping by the market. Just be sure your hubby, and mine, keep away form the oldest of the kids. At least for now." Lily said. "He knows. However, how much food is it really going to do, Lily?" Narcissa ask and she shrugged her shoulders. "I don't have that answer, right now...will you try and get some more rest?" Lily asked and Narcissa rolled her eyes but Yawned. "Alright. Alright. I'll get some more sleep. Go eavesdrop? I heard the baby fussing on my way down here. The stairs are awful close to their bedroom." Narcissa said. "I don't think it's right for me to eavesdrop. Those children can very easily get the wrong idea of us. We don't want that. We don't." Lily pointed out and Narcissa sigh. "Very well. Goodnight."

Lily didn't eavesdrop, but she wonder the house to see what the children, and the boys, were up too.

Most of the children were sleep, but she couldn't account for the two boys, or the baby, or her son's. The others seemed to have all gathered in the one bedroom to share, and were sleep. 'Close to the stairs' she remembered Narcissa saying. Lily found the door closest to the stairs. The door was opened just a touch and she didn't hear anything coming form the bedroom, so she slowly pushed it up. The baby was asleep in the crib. Harry had a very strong hold of Draco, but neither one laid under the blanket. Odd, the air was on now. They should be cold. The two young boys she was unable to account for, now were. They laid asleep nuzzled together, but close to Draco, under the blanket.
Lily found another blanket, they had summoned everything they could possibly think of for the boys and their children. So there was plenty of everything now. So slowly laid the blanket over the two boys and tucked them into bed. She turned off the lamp, but thought for a moment. The two young boys probably wanted the light on, so she turned in back on, before she exited the bedroom.

The house kept quiet to nearly noon. That's when the children started to wake up. One by one they wondered out of the bedrooms and after the approval form Harry or Draco, they broke into their new toys, and clothes.
Draco eased the baby down in the new high chair, before he opened the refrigerator that was now full of groceries. Draco let out a sigh. "They...went shopping...most of it I don't exactly...know how to make." Draco mumbled, feeling a light kiss on his cheek. "Just make what you know how to make, love. I'm sure they'll figure it out." Harry said, ruffling his little girl's hair. "Okay...Make her a bottle?" Draco asked. "Of course, love." Harry replied.

Soon Destiny sat in her high chair drinking her bottle and then seven children gathered around for a late lunch, as by the time Draco made lunch, it was almost three. "Does...this mean you and pa won't keep going out?" Quinn asked. "We...haven't talked about that yet." Draco admitted and Harry just shrugged his shoulder. "I'm... Not sure they they are staying or not...I would say that they are...but let's see if they still feel the same after a few days..." Harry said, not having much hope they'd really still be there. After all, nobody liked them for ten years. Harry and Draco were used to the beating and such that happened nearly every day for eight years. Non of it, they wished their parents to find out.
"Do...we just do what we normally do?" Zarah asked. "Yes, you do. They might watch...but I don't think they mean anything by it. They...don't want to make anybody uncomfortable, so they'll wait and watch..." Harry said and the uncomfortableness you could almost see in the air. "...Would they talk to me?" Zarah asked and Harry nodded. "If you are comfortable with that, I am sure they'd talk to you." Harry pointed out, starting to clear the dishes. "Okay."

Zarah slowly gave a knock to the open door, upstairs. "Oh, hello...zarah, or Sarah? Forgive me." Lily said and she smiled lightly. "It's Zarah, but Ivy can't talk to good for some reason, so...she calls me Sarah." Zarah said as Lily pointed to the chair by the window. Zarah nodded and slowly took a sit. "You talk about wanting somebody to talk to?" Lily asked. "I mean ... I can talk to them...But it isn't quiet the same...And I don't really ... Like to bother them...I know they have enough to think about...We aren't safe...I know you think you can protect is, but you don't know who your up against." Zarah pointed out. "The last ten years haven't been well, Zarah. We aren't going to let that happened again. We can't." Lily said and Zarah let out a sigh. "...They won't believe it. People liked them...A lot...I don't understand it touch...Nothing happened to me, to much. People didn't really like my videos...They didn't want to see a half Hispanic girl, who didn't know Spanish." She mumbled and Lily let out a sigh. She was unsure what to say, so she would have to think.

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