Chapter Eight

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"Dad...said you were cooking?" Zarah said, slowly coming up beside her in the kitchen. "I was. I thought Draco would come down here?" Lily said and she shook her head. "He...doesn't want instructions...If ended badly the last time somebody tried to teach him to cook...So...I said I would." Zarah said and Lily let a frown show, but nodded. "We are going to try and help you all with your fears." Lily said, but cooked in company of Zarah.

Lily and Zarah sat the table and Zarah called for the kids who all came running for lunch, all of them really hungry, but wouldn't ask for food because they knew it meant Harry and Draco would have to be gone longer, they didn't want that. Zarah put the younger two boys in the Chairs.
Harry and Draco come down, with little Destiny nuzzle to Draco's chest, and they slowly sat down to join the table.

A couple days later, Allen knocked on that door. James opened the door, not at all happy to see the effects of the beating Jackson. Not only did he have a head injury, there was a cast on his foot and a bandage on his arm. "Be sure he doesn't go anywhere, please." Allen said. "Come on, inside Jackson." James said, pushing open the door the rest of the way.  "The youngest of those boys, send him here if you see him." James said. "I'll do what I can, thank you." Allen said.
James took Jackson to a bedroom in the ground floor, a bedroom they added to the house for him. "There's a bathroom through that door over there and the woman will come talk to you soon, I'd say." James said. "I...rather just sleep...I've...been up a long time." He pointed out. "Alright, get some rest, Jackson. Please, let us know if you need something." James said.

Draco was sitting in the library, a book in his hand, when Narcissa entered the library. Draco slowly looked up form his book. "Oh, hey." Draco whispered and Narcissa smiled lightly. "Hey...Care for some company?" She asked. "Sure..." Draco said, shutting the book and she slowly walked over, having a sit in the chair. "You...and dad...really just came here?" Draco asked. "Yes, we did. We had nothing else to go on, and the world there was going to hell anyway." She admitted. "I...don't want to go back, I don't want to loose my family..." Draco whispered. "Draco, understand your father and James, wasn't aware of the children when they first found you. They were only trying to help." Narcissa said and after a pause, Draco nodded. "Quinn...might take a while to get used to them." Draco whispered and she nodded. "We don't expect it to be easy, Draco. Jackson is also downstairs now." Narcissa said. "Harry...told me he is staying here. Something happened." Draco said and she nodded. "He got hurt pretty badly, unfortunately." Narcissa frown. "Harry and I got hit a few times, but I guess there is a difference if he got really hurt." Draco whispered and she nodded. "Maybe try and make a friend?" She asked. "Harry doesn't like that idea..Jackson ask to many questions." Draco said. "I don't think he'll be asking to many questions, Draco. He could use a friend, and somebody else looking out for him." Narcissa said. "I'll...bring up the idea about taking to Jackson to Harry..." Draco said and Narcissa gave a nod. "Zarah said something about you...not wanting to take instruction about cooking?" Narcissa bought up and Draco eased down to look down at the scar on his hand, before covering it up with the other.
The scar on his hand? Was done by one of the men that was angry at Draco who didn't pick up on cooking something fast enough. Draco's reading leaving was that of only a fifth year level, so he didn't understand the all the words. He messed up on dinner and was hit with one of the knifes that cut his hand opened pretty badly. "...I...missed up night...some fancy meal...they wanted...and I couldn't read the instructions...ended up...getting hit with one of the kitchen knifes there...won't cook for somebody else again..." Draco whispered. "I can promise that won't happen again, Draco. You and Harry don't really eat much, because you two can't cook for what you need." She said and he shook his head. "No...we just didn't have the money to eat lot...we don't have any left, but Allen won't let us go...." Draco whispered, before she eased down to rest on her ankles before him. "Draco, you two aren't going to be doing that anymore. Your father, Lily and James are going to help you two out with your kids. You don't have to do any of that anymore, nor do you have to worry about being hurt like that, again." Narcissa said and Draco shrugged his shoulders. "I...don't know about cooking...It's difficult." Draco whispered, but got pull to his feet. "Come." She said.

"Why, hello." Lily smiled lightly and Draco nodded at her, before letting his mom walk him into the kitchen. He didn't at all have a good feeling about this. His hand was starting to hurt. He knew it was in his head, was all to fresh in his memory. "I...don't know..." Draco mumbled, but felt the hand on his shoulder. "How about we bake? Those cookies are very good and I'm sure the children would love them." Narcissa suggested and Draco slowly nodded. Together he learned how to make cookies with his mother and Lily. The children did love the cookies and Draco was slowly learning he enjoyed cooking in the kitchen..once the fears of being hurt went away. He wasn't sure if they'd ever go away or not, but his morning was helping.

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