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Come morning? Harry was left sleeping in the bed, by his parents. Lily went to find Draco who was currently in the nursery with the three girls. "Draco...are there other kinds of 'Episodes' Harry have?" Lily asked, looking at Draco who was getting Destiny ready for the day. "Harry's...in little space isn't he?" Draco asked, picking up Destiny who he settled on his hip. Lily frowned. "Has...it happened often?" She asked. "Depends...Harry had a bad day yesterday and he is off today, so I'm...not surprised it happened. I'll come get him. He can just seat at the library with me," Draco said. "No, no. I already called my boss, I'm not going in today. I just... wasn't expecting it was all." She pointed out and Draco let out a sigh. "They...hurt Harry...more then he told me about...I'm not...suppose to know and it's messed with him. He should be okay...in a few hours." Draco said softly. "I don't mind, really. Whatever...he knees to fell better." Lily said.


Joseph walked into burger king for his shift that day. "Is there anyway you can talk Mr. Potter into letting Harry work today." His bossed asked. "It's...not an option." Joseph said, fixing his hat. "We are down three people, Joseph." He pointd out. "I understand all of that, I really do, but Harry has things he does outside of who to help him recover. It's not...possible." Joseph said, hanging up his small backpack. "Very well..." He said and Joseph let out a sigh. "I'll send a text and maybe he'll stop by later..." Joseph's said.

Harry? Seen the text message on his phone is parents bought for him. One he didn't really use but his job needed to be able to get ahold of him. James Potter had already been contacted, but they really needed the help so another attempt to call Harry in for the day, would happen.
After seeing the message, Harry stopped what he was doing. Colouring, and got to his feet. Lily, who was making him and herself some later, spotted him. "Harry, did you finish your page?" Lily asked and Harry just shoved his head into his pockets. "...I'm going to...take a shower. Sorry." Harry said, most like himself. "It's fine, really son. You...have to do what helps you. It's your mind protecting itself." Lily pointed out. Harry just shrugged his shoulders and Disappear to take a shower.
After an hour long one, Harry got dressed in his clothes for his job, Burger king, and picked up his phone. Come get me. Not talking to them though. Harry replied back with a message, before he found his hat and put it on his head. His hairs still that uncontrollable thick jet back that stands out more with a shower.
"Harry, are you sure you should go in?" Lily asked when he came down the stairs. "Yeah...Should be fine." Harry said, dropping on the couch.


"Hey, I can go get Harry." Joseph said, as soon as he seen the message, along with another form lily. "Do that." Said his boss. "Harry...isn't in a talkative mood to others and his mom is wanting to come sit in the lobby. I've explained Harry's mental state is up an down, yes?" Joseph asked. "All I need to know is can he work that drive thru? He can do both and we need that right now." He asked. "Yeah." Joseph said. "Go. She can stay." He said.


Lily was able to watch Harry grabbed the headset form somebody, before he disappeared in the back. She pulled out her phone and eased down in one the small booths for two and was toying on her phone. About an hour past, before the manger walked over. "Harry's...one of the children form that house, isn't he?" He asked. "Yeah, what...give it away?" She asked, sitting her phone down on the table. "One of my bosses just stopped by and Harry's hair is to long, so one of the girls put it into a low pony tail and she...pointed out the number tattoo on his ear. Joseph said he was lost today...I don't mind, but if it's to much I can always cut-" He started. "No, no. Harry working as been good, it's just...he was talking to his dad last night and I think he just upset him was all. He's getting better, just doesn't want to talk to them because he doesn't fully sound like himself. Beside, if he doesn't make some kind of money, he feels some kind way and I don't need him... Seeking other ways to make money. I'm only here... because he woke up still not himself and I just...think it might help if he gets... overwhelmed." Lily said, watching him sit down in the car across form her. "Harry's good in that drive thru. Normally, I have to have an order taker and somebody cashing out. He can manage both, fast. I can see now why Joseph said to keep him there. I don't mind, at all. He does keep to himself, and again that's fine, but I couldn't help but noiced he is different then anybody else." He said. "We are working on it, but it's difficult. Harry's a good young man, but he went through a lot. He's married and they have children. No, not like you think but they have always cared for them so-" Lily said. "Then they are their children. Would you want a job? I can work you with them." He asked. "I have one...but let me talk it over with my husband and Harry, I don't want him thinking I am babysitting. Today is different." She pointed out. "Just let me know? The help is very much needed." He said. "I will, sure." She smiled lightly.


Harry sat down at the table his mom was sitting at when he took his break. "You can have my lunch. No hungry." Harry said. "I'm not taking your lunch, son. You really should eat." Lily said softly. "I'm not hungry, mum." Harry said, pulling out the phone his parents got for him. Draco had texted a few times during his shift, and Harry started to rely back. "Would...you feel some kind of way if you Joined you boys here?" She asked. "I'll be fine mum." Harry said, but didn't look up form his phone. "He says you guys need help here?" She asked. "...He seems short headed, yes." Harry said, before shrugging his shoulders. "It's...fine, I guess mum. I guess your worried." Harry said. "Im always going to worry about you, Harry. There was so long, I didn't know what to think." She said softly. "I...know...and I guess if I would of thought about it....I would of had Draco right a letter, and send your way...but we was just worried about the kids. I'm starting to get those headaches again." He said. "You need stronger glasses, that's why I keep trying to get you to come to the mall. They have this place inside that just does glasses." Lily said. "I don't...like doctors..." He frowned. "Just a test to get you the right classes. No touching, I  promise." She said. "The mall...has a lot of people, yeah?" Harry asked. "It does, yes, but we can go very early one day and the amount would be least. Your daddy can come with us too." Lily said. "I...guess. it's getting hard to see the computer screen. What...do you want to eat? Joseph will make it." Harry said. "I'm not taking-" She started to say. "I'm not hungry, ma. I'm usually not on a bad day, okay? Please?" Harry said. "Alright, son. Just...let me get the number one, not Mustard, alright?" She said.


Harry and Joseph finished there shifted and the pair was clocking out. "Harry. Are you sure your schedule isn't to much?" Said there boss form behind. "I'm sure. That's not the problem." Harry said softly, walking over to the mirror. His hair still in the low pony tail. Without the headset, the tattoo behind his ear could be seen. "Guess you talk to mum." He said softly. "Harry. Your a good kid. I was worried." He said. "I...had a bad day, but I'm okay..." Harry said, pulling out the small hair band. "Mr. King. Harry's better left without the time to think." Joseph said, grabbing his small bag. "Okay. Your mom or whoever is welcome to come with you, if need be." Mr. King said. "Thank you...Joe I'm ready to go." Harry half mumbled and walked out the break room. Joseph looked at Mr. King. "I've been living with them for a while now. Harry isn't somebody one can understand, Mr. King." Joseph said. "the branding, on his ear. Have been found in so many dead teenagers..." He frowned. "I've been told, but Harry and Draco made themselves useful...to survive. It's awful, but they lived and are back with their family." Joseph said. "Just...let me know if I can help. His a good kid." Mr. King said. "I will, promise." He replied back.


Joseph placed an order through the drive thru. Jackson wanted dinner and he went ahead and got the girls a happy meal. Harry was in the passenger seat and his mum in the back. "How come you guys keep having so much trouble keeping help?" Lily asked. "I don't know. I don't get mixed in with all that drama." Joseph said, digging out his band card. "Why didn't you say something about food?" Mr. King said, lending out the window. "Because it's for my boyfriend and my girls. It's cool." Joseph said, holding at the card. Mr. King did take it and handed it back a couple minutes later, and the recipe, that shown it her half off. "Mr. King, really." Joseph said. "Get their food and go home, boys." He said.


Harry felt the light kiss to his cheek. He'd been laying on the bed, half asleep when Draco finished his shower. Harry gave him a light smile. "I'm ... Feeling better, but not up for much of that is what your getting at." Harry said softly. "No, just wanted to give you a kiss. Let me fix my hair and I'll be in bed. Lily told me they had your hair in a pony tail?" Draco asked. "yeah, it's too long now. I want it like this though, so she is going to get me some hair bands." Harry said. "Fun." Draco said softly.


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