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Harry chuckled and reached over. He rubbed her hair. Ivy was a six year old girl, who never told anybody what happened right before they went away. She was just four years old and the memories were starting to go away, but she was scared sometimes to. Her big sister was even scared and that made her fell even scared. "You took care of me when I was a baby, too?" Ivy said and Harry smiled lightly. He walked over to Ivy and eased down to his knees. Emma was the first newborn we took care of, but we found Quinn and Zarah. We also took care of them, but yes...We took care of you too when you was just a little baby?" Harry said and after a pause. "Emma's Mama gave her up, you haven't told me about mine, yet." Ivy said and Harry let out a sigh. "Me, you and daddy will talk later, okay, sweet girl?" Harry said. "Promise?" Icy asked. "Yes, I promise."

Draco made tea and the three of them sat around the coffee table, with Lily and Narcissa close by. He felt the should know, but maybe not all the children should know everything. Their minds weren't damaged at all by what happened and Harry wanted to keep it that way. Ivy sat between them as they slowly started to drink their tea. Harry ruffled her hair a little bit. "You understand what happened in that building?" He asked and she nodded. "You know sometimes the girls where going to have a baby, right?" He asked and she nodded. "Well, sometimes...the mommy isn't old enough." Harry said. "Do...you know how old her mum was?" Lily asked. "Eleven ... Maybe twelve." Harry said and Lily frown. "Something happened to my mommy then?" Ivy asked. "She was...just to young, Ivy. Without the proper care there, they couldn't save your mommy." Harry said. She kept quiet for a long time, and had more of her tea before she nuzzled to Draco. "I love you, both." She said and Draco kissed her head. "We love you two sweet girl." Harry said for them both.

Harry was standing at the sink, washing the tea pot and the tea cups, Harry was lost in his own thoughts, one that wasn't good. Harry went into episodes. He stopped seeing Draco and his kids, only seeing that dark, wet and cold stone wall room, and the men. The men that done so many things to him. Said things. Did things. Physical and sexual. Unfortunately, Narcissa and Lily wasn't very aware of his episodes. Lily was going to the fridge and seen Harry standing there. "Harry?" Lily asked and Harry just crumble to the ground, hands over his ears before he just started screaming. Even if he wasn't screaming in his head, he was fighting in his head. It came out differently in real life. Lily turned to Narcissa, who knew to find Draco. Lily wasn't sure what to do as Harry just folded up, still just screaming, lost in a bad memory. Lily wasn't sure how to held, she didn't know if she should try and grab Harry or talk to him. She just didn't know. It wasn't good.

"Don't. You can talk to him, or try. Don't try and touch, he will hurt you." Draco said. "How...often does this happen?" Lily asked. "Often, I'm surprised it hasn't happened before now." Draco said.

"What's going on?" Jackson asked, coming down the stairs, followed by Joseph. "Harry's been in an...episode for some time now... Narcissa and Lily always gathered the children and are keeping them upstairs, but he's starting to get more talkative, and fighting somebody who isn't there. Whatever is going on, it's real in his head and nothing seems to be helping." James said. "How about actually grabbing a hold of him? Before he hurt somebody." Joseph said. "Draco said not to, but that was nearly an hour ago." James said and Joseph just empty his pockets. "You do realize he can hurt you?" James said. "It's not the first time, at least this way, he doesn't mean anything by it. Not like he can control the shit in his head. I know he can't stay like that forever." Joseph said.

Grabbing Harry wasn't as easy as the boy hoped. Harry was used to fighting off men, more then one, but with Harry not really seeing properly, Joseph was able to get him pend, to where he couldn't move any part of him. Harry just started screaming, and then went real quiet. Draco wasn't sure if he just come out of the episode or the fear of being grabbed caused him to pass out, either way, Harry was unconscious and Joseph moved him to the couch.

Draco just sat at the foot of the couch, unsure if Harry would wake up himself or not. It could go either way and Draco never knew which way Harry would wake up too. He wasn't sure what caused it, was it the conversation they had with Ivy? Because these last couple of weeks, Harry had been okay. Other then the nightmares.
"Draco...?" Harry mumbled and Draco slowly eased down to lay down in front of him. "Hey, just rest." Draco said softly, before Harry locked his arms around Draco and pulled him close. Harry buried his head in Draco's chest who locked his arms around Harry. "It's okay." Draco said softly, giving his head a couple kisses. "Did...I." He mumbled. "No, Joseph finally grabbed you. I wouldn't have...let that, but it's been an hour, you couldn't stay like that much longer." Draco said and Harry just nodded lightly and Draco kissed his head. "Just rest, Harry." Draco said, hearing Harry's breathing changed, until he fall asleep again. At least this sleep was more peaceful and Draco was able to wiggle away. "Is pappy okay?" Ivy asked. "He just needs rest, Ivy." Draco said, but she took his spot on the couch and wiggled close to Harry.

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