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"I thought I made it clear the last time we talked." Allen said, by then the car had drove off. "You talked." Harry said, crossing his arms. Allen huffed out. "Boys. You all need to go home." Allen said. "Harry, if it's really bothering you some, come talk with me and Narcissa. There's things that need to be taken care of, that might make it easier to accept the help." Lily said. Harry didn't want to have this conversation, nor did Draco, but Allen sure as hell wasn't going to let them out there again. "Fine." Harry fussed. "Jackson. Tell your father you aren't down here, would you? I'm not sure if he is trying to fix you or being sure you aren't here, but it's making the boys uncomfortable." Allen said. "I'll...send a message his way." Jackson said, before he started to walk Harry, Draco and Joseph back to the car. "Send me the youngest one of them." Lily said. "Lily, you can't help everybody." Jackson said. "I'll...talk to them, Lily. I'll lend them thought there's a possibility of something else, no promises." Allen said and Lily let out a sigh. She was just going to have to accept it.

Harry just pulled Draco upstairs to their bedroom. Draco was sitting on the bed. "Are we just going to go back out there?" Draco said a little softly. "No, Allen or any of his boys that will run to him, will run to him and stop it." Harry said, throwing the bills on the end table. "Then what do we do?" Draco asked, as Harry laid down on the bed. "I don't know. I guess I'll have to try and get an actual job, but I don't even know how to do that." Harry said and Draco laid his head on Harry's chest. Harry smiled lightly, locking his arm around Harry and pulled him close. "I don't know if I want you working an actual job...I don't want you gone all day, for little cash." Draco whispered and Harry let out a sigh. "I wish I knew what to do..." Harry said, kissing Draco's head, before the two of them ended up falling asleep.

Lily put little Destiny in the playpen, beside Faith who looked at her all wide eyed. Faith wasn't sure what to think of her new friend. She just knew it wasn't her sister. Her sister was playing outside of the play pen, being a toddler girl with the toys Lily and Narcissa laid out for the younger children. Lily patted their heads, before she walked away form the playpen.
"Where did they go?" Lily was asked by Narcissa. "They are laying asleep on the bed. I put a bell on the doors, so they can't leave without us knowing. The bell won't be removed without a spell." Lily said, getting handed Ash. "Hi, sweet boy!" Lily said, and he smiled lightly, but nuzzled to her neck. "He has a temperature, and won't let me bathe him, like Peter won't let you." Narcissa smiled lightly. "Alright, I'll try and bring his temperature down."

Draco yawned walking into the bedroom that the children often were bathe in. "Oh. Did you have a good sleep?" Lily asked. "I didn't mean to fall asleep." Draco yawned, but then frown. Ash was laying in the bath water. "What's-" He started. "I'm not sure, but Tylenol and a cool both isn't helping, Draco." Lily said. "No, we can't...take him. They'll take him away..." Draco whispered. "I promise I won't let that happen, but his temperature won't come down...Non of your children are vaccinated, Harry is almost, but he never got his last ones. You aren't either." Lily said. "...are you thinking he has one of those...things?" Draco whispered. "I don't know, but I know your children are likely to get sick, unless Destiny, they don't have the magic to override it." Lily said. "Promise....they won't be able to take him?" He asked. "I promise." Lily said.

Harry, Draco, Lily, Quinn (because he wouldn't stay with them. It was easier to stay their when Lily is there if not his parents. He didn't really trust Narcissa yet.) And Little Ash. Ash wasn't feeling very good at all. He was fussy, laying against Draco down to his underwear, with that awful I.V. in his hand. Harry had finished warping it up in pretty colours, but it didn't make him feel any better. Harry gave Draco a kiss on his head a kiss, as Lily was talking to the doctor.
"She promised-" Draco started. "And she meant it...I know they only want to help...I know it doesn't make it easier either." Harry whispered softly, before he eased down beside Draco. "We went through hell to keep our children, I don't want to loose him or any of them." Draco said softly. "I know, but she promised. I guess...she is using magic I would say." Harry said.

The doctor made her way over to them. "Ash will be okay, the next couple of days are going to be rough, but he'll be okay." She said, easing down on the foot of the hospital bed. "I don't... understand wants going on with him. He's been sick before, but like a cold. Tylenol always helped." Draco whispered. "He has the flu, sometimes Tylenol isn't enough. Your mom explain to me the other children haven't been vaccinated either. I'd like to talk about you boys in getting that started." She asked. "Later, please. Fix our son." Harry said. "I promise to talk to them about the other children. It wasn't a matter of them not wanting to, it just wasn't possible." Lily said. "I understand, I do. I'm not upset. I recognize the branding." She said. "Please." Lily said. "It would be best if the toddler stays here, it's a very high possibility of the children, other, to get the flu as well." She said.

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