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Three normal weeks would go by, marking a cold first day of December, and what Harry and Draco called Ivy's birthday. She is now eight years old. Lily and Narcissa both wanted to do something, but Harry and Draco were worried it would overwhelmed the young girl, who still had trouble speaking, so the day started the same.

Narcissa had breakfast on the table and the children joined the table. Joseph, however, came downstairs with his girls and left Jackson in bed. "Where's Jackson?" Lily asked. "Running a fever and I can't call a doctor so what the fuck am I suppose to do?" He frowned. "Language!" Both James and Lucius said but Joseph just continued to frown. "I'll check on him and If I need to, I'll stay home, okay?" Lily said. "I can't ask you to do that." He said. "You didn't, I offered, and if you don't go, Harry won't go and Mr. King will be very worried and knock on the door, again." Lily pointed out. "He's a good man, trying to help is all." Joseph said. "Maybe. However, the man can't show up here and see the inside. It's charmed and half the time after school (or daycare) a child is on a broom." Lily pointed out. "Very well...Thank you." Joseph said.


Jackson was woke up to a light shake. "I called a healer, Jackson. Your not magical yourself, but your baby is so she agreed to come see you. Your temperature is still to high and it's putting you both at risk." Lily frowned. "...it...pass...No touchy." Jackson mumbled. "You are seeing her. Joseph is very worried about you and Little Faith?" Lily said as Jackson was slowly sitting up. He seen Faith sitting on her lap. She'd been upset and reached out for her pappy. She was worried about him. Jackson would settled the baby on his lap. "Just...a cold, Lily...Promise." He said. "You have a temperature, a high one, and I can't take you to see a doctor. I can't get a good read on your baby and I have to know you both will be okay. Your girls and your partner are very worried about you." She said. "Very well."


The news wasn't very good, and it led the Healer to pull likey to the side. "You are going to have to get a doctor for them. He is somebody who can't have magic on and because she's a half breed, she's susceptible to their illness." She said. "I don't understand." Lily frowned. "Something's growing on their baby, it's causing his body to be unsure how to react. Just keep telling them, and fix memories if you just, but they need somebody who can be more then then I."


Lily Potter took him to the hospital and she was lucky in finding a doctor would agreed to not as questions. He did request the other parents, so Lily would leave Jackson there, take Faith to daycare anyway and head to Burger King. Mr.  King spotted her quickly and headed over for her. "What's wrong?" He frowned. "I need Joseph, Mr. King. Jackson's been admitted to the hospital. I'll try and convince Harry to stay the reminder of his shift." Lily said. Mr. King called for Joseph who was currently in the kitchen. "Maybe I should tell you. I'm aware of who you and your husband are. I'm aware of Hogwarts." He said softly and after a pause. "He was still admitted to the hospital but it involves the child he is currently pregnant with. Understand why I didn't just come out and say that." She said. "Of course." He said and Joseph frowned. "What the hell is going on with her?" He asked. "I'm not fully sure yet, but you need to come with me. I'll come back for Harry. He might not noiced right away your gone." She said. "Okay."


"I know you don't understand, but I'll be damned if I terminate her!" Jackson half cried, the doctor then would sat down on the stoll. "The tumor is feeding off your daughter, Jackson. She won't make it to term and she is only going to get under more stress. She won't grow...The likelihood of her making it to viability is very low, Jackson. I don't know what effect it will have on you, if she dies inside you." He said. "She has magic inside her, Doctor. She won't give up and I won't give up on her!" Jackson cried and he let out a sigh. "Who told you to come to me?" He asked. "A healer..." Jackson said. "Can you get them here? Maybe...together we can see what can be done." He said. "Lily can, I'm sure." Jackson said.


The healer would follow the doctor back into the hospital room. "Understand I'm only doing this because Lily and James are important in my world. I don't trust you." She said, facing the doctor. "And I don't understand how the fuck a 24 year old young man is Pregnant, but here we are." He said. "Very well." She said.
Jackson laid asleep and the healer handed Lily some paperwork. "I can't promise the outcome of either one, Mrs. Potter, but he handled the potions okay. He's currently sleeping. It should slow the growth of the ... growth, but they are both going to have to be watched. Once the baby is big enough, the baby will be removed and I'll come back and do what I can for her. Him going fully amount will kill him, make them understand that. He really should judt-" the healer started to say. "Say that one more time, and you'll see what somebody can do without a wand! You won't push us into killing our child! She's alive! She matters! And somebody will fix her." Joseph said. The healer just let out a huff. "I'll make visits to check on the baby, he will keep checking on Jackson. No matter what, like with woman. Something happens, his life will come Frist." She said. "Thank you..." Lily said.


It would be a day by day for Jackson and their unborn daughter, who would have to fight to live.

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