; Akashi Seijurou

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The red haired male strode around the busied hallways of Rakuzan, its cultural festival that's why the normally plain hallways are dressed into different festive colors with matching confetti and banners.

[First Name]'s class is about Magic, so they'll be Magic shows, Tarot cards, fortune telling stuff like that and today their focused onto the Magic show but unfortunately [First Name]'s partner was nowhere to be found and that's why she's anxious and panicky.

Mibuchi Reo stopped over [First Name]'s class "Wahhh~! Look a magic show! Let's watch!!" Mibuchi exclaimed making Kotaro agreed in same tone and stepped inside. Together they looked over Akashi waiting for him to join them, Its not like he has anything better to do that's why he took a sit to one of the chairs near the mini stage, next to him is Mibuchi and Kotaro.

Soon, the red curtains moved revealing a nervous [hair color] haired lady with a top hat placed on her, she anxiously smiled while scanning the area, oh how she hates crowds. If it weren't for their persuasive class president she wouldn't be standing on the stage with all eyes on her.

Akashi's eyebrow raised in amusement as he watched the female tried her best to hide the uneasy feeling on her. His heterochromatic eyes watched the female instead of her tricks down to the last one, seemingly captivated.

"Minna-san, I need a volunteer to complete the last trick~!" Her voice cheery but laced with nervousness makes Mibuchi perks up and raise his hand however Akashi stood up and walked towards the stage already.

Gasped of few students can be heard, Mibuchi's hand retreated while he pouted in defeat, Kotaro pat his back pitifully.

The [hair color] haired magician, gulped as her uneasiness grew by a large swing of numbers and she's sure that she will pass out right then and there.

"Psst [Last Name]-san! You can do it!!" her fellow classmates saluted her from the back stage which only makes her sweatdrop even more.


Haha, Arigato Akashi-san for volunteering" The female magician fiddled with her skirt as edginess completely took over her mind and body.

The red haired male bobbed his head up and down "H-here step r-right into this curtain Akashi-san"

He goes into the violet curtain that walls around him and down to the floor where it rolls, considering it is small his shoulders touched its four sides; however the female magician's [eye color] orbs widen in disbelief as she has forgotten what to do to the trick. Her heart beat picks up from terror and mortification.

"I-I-I forgot the t-t-trick" She whispered dangerously low, mentally scolding herself of what have she done. She's sure that from the almost like a wind whisper no one would notice but a voice whispered back at her, a male voice, definitely not hers. "Do you remember the words to say?" It wasn't really a question more like a demand; she silently whispered a no as she glanced over the impatient yet curious audience waiting for the trick to happen, the trick she forgot.

"Say a make up word and I'll make myself disappear" His voice ordered, even without seeing his figure he has a great authoritative aura and tone that it makes the [hair color] haired female nod in awe.

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