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The second Taehyung's big hands come into contact with my wet cheeks, a feeling of absolute contentment settles into me. It feels like everything is right with the world. Like a big, fluffy blanket of protection settles over me, immediately halting all self-deprecating thoughts I was having.

He pulls me into a hug so soft I could cry. His hands strokes my hair as he coos at me and tells me everything is okay, that the reaction I had for his boyfriend must have an explanation. I feel myself calm down in his arms.

A different hand slowly rubs my back as a quiet conversation continues around us.

A few minutes of pure bliss later and we reluctantly both pull away from each other. Taehyung's soft brown eyes are looking down on me with nothing but fondness and I cant help the blush that settles on my cheeks.

"Hi." Taehyung says, his voice soft but still deep, a cute smile on his face.

"Hi." I say back, feeling shy even though Jimin is never one to be shy.

"awww", someone says from the side and the moment breaks a little as both of us turn to look at Jungkook, who has tears in his eyes with Yoongi and Namjoon on either side of him with fond smiles on their faces.

Im quite literally surronded by pretty men. This is crazy.

"So, uh, what now?" I ask, starting to feel awkward with all eyes on me.

Suddenly, the air changes around us. Im confused before Namjoon, with a very deep, threatening voice, asks, "Who did that to your neck?"

When i look up at him, his face is set in a frown, his jaw clenching so hard I feel bad for his molars. Its the hottest thing Ive ever seen and I can feel arousal flare in my body making me feel hot. What the fuck is this reaction to a man I've just met?

My hand automatically goes to hide my neck, but then I remember I did nothing wrong. Hiding Hoseok's marks on me feels just as wrong as making Namjoon jealous. So I choose to tell him the truth.

Well, some of the truth considering im still very much confused about what I spoke about with Professor Kim and Professor Jung earlier.

"Professor Jung did it." I say, taking care of not being too loud so I don't get him in trouble, while also pretending its no big deal.

There's a long charged silence after that reveal. I'm expecting to be judged for "sleeping with a professor" but I instead I feel more than see their reaction. Its like feeling my own heart break but that cant be possible, right?

Except, I just saw two guys with the same birthmark as me a while ago, made out with a handsome stranger and I still have another strangers arms around me.

The need to make sure they understand takes over me and I find myself explaining. "Look, I just came from his office. Im confused about a lot of things right now and Im pretty sure the reaction I had with Namjoon is the same as the one I had with him in there. Its a lot to take in, trust me I know but there's that."

More silence before they all speak at once.

I try to answer them as much as I can until I give up and just say," Listen, how about we all go to his office right now and have him explain because I don't know what this is but you guys might be the four missing pieces."

That seems to silence them but they still look all kinds of confused. Jungkook has the cutest frown on his face I might actually die but they eventually agree to come with me.

We walk together to the elevators. Professor Jungs office is in the top floor of the Arts building and when we get to that floor, I lead them over to his door.

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