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How do I tell Yoongi that I've had a crush on him since the first time I laid my eyes on him but I'm too scared to tell him because I'm scared he'll drop kick me like a freaking rag doll?

No, seriously how do I tell him?

I don't know where I got the courage to even walk by his side yesterday but I somehow did that.

That was seriously the scariest thing I've ever done in my entire life and I deserve a cookie for it.

I'm sitting with him in the cafeteria right now and I'm surprised he hasn't told me to stay away from him.

I can't keep my mouth shut to save my life but for some reason, he's listening and laughing at all the bullshit I'm saying.

I thought he was supposed to be scary and intimidating but that is not what I'm seeing right now. The people who are sitting around us are also giving him weirded out looks because Yoongi never smiles.

Oo do I make him happy?

No that's a stretch. Maybe he's just bored and my annoying ass is entertaining for him. That's not very bad at all actually.

If me being annoying makes him smile then I'm proud to be a talkative weirdo with no friends.

We're sitting at the table that is at the very back of the cafeteria next to a couple who have been making out since we got here.

They're eating each other's faces like their lives depend on it. Hell, they might even be fucking right now with how they are moaning and everything.

College couples know no boundaries huh? I secretly wish Yoongi would eat my face like that though and I'd be lying if I said I would let him do it right here so I have no right to judge.

When I look at said man, I see him looking at the far corner of the cafeteria.

I look towards that direction and see the cutest couple I've ever seen. They're looking at each other with so much love that I want to puke.

The guy in a denim jacket is blushing so much that I'm sure his cheeks will be red for weeks and the other guy seems to be adding to it.

"They're so freaking cute, aren't they?" I ask Yoongi as I look at them dreamily, my hand on my cheek with my elbow on the table.

I wish that was me right now. Happy and in love.

"Yeah but we'd be cuter." Yoongi says before he slaps his hand on his mouth.

My head snaps in his direction, eyes wide and mouth hanging open. No fucking way, did he really just say that.

There's no fucking way.

"No fucking way. Really?" I ask him, excitedly bouncing on my seat because my freaking crush just said we'd make a cute couple. Cuter than the one at the other end of the cafeteria.

Yoongi's ears are bright red right now and he's looking everywhere but at me, "Whaaat? I did not say that." His voice sounds high pitched as he lies to my face making me giggle.

"Yoongi," I call as I reach to remove his hands from his mouth.

An explosive reaction erupts in my entire body at the contact, my skin prickles with goosebumps all over and a breathy gasps escapes my lips.

Holy fucking shit!

I look at Yoongi and see that he's looking at me with wide eyes and open mouth like I am.

What the fuck just hap-

Before I can finish that thought, Yoongi's lips slam into mine in a bruising kiss which I immediately respond to.

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