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"Fuck." I groan as I pace around in my office, gripping my hair tightly in frustration.

That encounter with Jimin yesterday was not supposed to fuck me up this much. It wasn't even supposed to happen.

I know the boy wants me, badly, and I have to admit that I want him too for obvious reasons.

He's my student though and I can't do anything about how I feel for him.

Hell, I'm scared to even touch him because the last time I touched one of my seven, we couldn't help but fuck on the spot.

I don't want to risk touching Jimin and having the same happen in a classroom. Especially not with his classmates lurking in the halls.

I know about the story of the goddess and her soulmate mark she gave only to seven people. I've read the stories multiple times.

In the whole world there is only seven people in every lifetime that are made for each other.

I majored in Greek mythology in college and so I frequently read books about all the myths. More especially, myths concerning the goddess of love.

When I came across a book about Aphrodite's seven, I couldn't help but read it and I got hooked on it to the point where I read each and every one that I could find.

In the books, it is said that The Seven have an intricate birth mark that they are born with.

It is the same for all seven of them in every life time.

I had read about all the soulmates until the last ones to be recorded over a century ago.

Those consisted of three men and four women and were hated by society to the point that they had to go into hiding.

From there, the soulmates became a myth. Although some people still believe they are out there, almost everyone has forgotten about Aphrodite's seven.

The real reason I got very interested in this story is because I was blessed with Aphrodite's soulmate mark which is just two trapezoid shapes that are parallel to each other.

The real reason I got very interested in this story is because I was blessed with Aphrodite's soulmate mark which is just two trapezoid shapes that are parallel to each other

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The mark is a different shade of purple for every soul mate with mine being Lavender.

The only way to find out if someone has the mark is if I get skin to skin contact with the five other people like I did with Jin, but that can never happen in public.

I started as a professor in this University two years ago and Jin had already been a professor for about three years.

He didn't know about the mark and I didn't know he had it when it happened.

He had been in my office by chance that day even though we didn't know each other that well. We only saw and interacted with each other in staff meetings but we had never touched before.

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