Chapter 22

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Meanwhile with Ron

After escaping the prison Ron finds the merchant, he pulls out knife and gets in a fighting position thinking that he was a cultist, the merchant raises his hands up
"Woah, stranger! I ain't trying to kill ya, mate" he says as he opens his coat
"I'm a merchant, I sell guns"
After hearing out the merchant, Ron puts his knife back in his belt holster
"It's too bad I dont have any money, so my only method of self defense is this" he says as he holds his knife up
"Have you seen any guns here or anywhere around this place, I had a Sig Sauer and a SPAS-12 but they were taken from me"
"Hm.. well I do remember seeing two of those enlightened folks holding pistols, one of them had a yellow one, the other had a silver one"
"Enlightened folks?"
"Them robe wearers"
"Where were they?"
"The garden"
"There's a garden here?"
"Hahaha, place's like a maze, you'll be lucky to get outta there if you walked in"
"Alright, thank you for your help"
"You're welcome, stranger! Come back when you've got some cash, I promise you I have the best of the best"
Ron nods and walks away, he walks through the large gate which leads him to another room

Meanwhile with Ada
Ada uses her grappling hook to climb onto the island, on her back was her suppressed M700 sniper rifle and Mossberg Shotgun, at her hip was a suppressed punisher with a red dot sight, and at her thigh was her sharp switchblade
She reaches the military base and walks inside one of the dirty decayed buildings, inside she sees a shirtless and bald soldier holding a pipe, she crouches down and walks towards him, Ada quickly holds his mouth and stabs her knife into his neck
She drags his body and hides it behind a bunch of crates, she climbs up the ladder halfway and looks around with only her head peaking out, she notices a soldier holding a bolt action sniper rifle on the top of the building across so she pulls out her punisher and carefully aims it at his head she fires and the 9mm bullet goes through his head and causes him to fall off the building, killing him.
The shot is heard by the rest of the soldiers and they come running.

Ada reaches the top of the decayed building and takes cover behind the green crates, she waits for soldiers to climb up the ladder, the first one peaks his head and she immediately shoots it, causing him to fall off and fall on every other soldier that was behind him, Ada runs over to the ladder and peaks down, she pulls out an incendiary and throws it at the group of soldiers below, burning them all to death.
Suddenly she hears the large gate open and sees a red beret soldier armed with a heavy belt-fed Gatling gun walk out, ada takes cover behind a chipped wall and he fires for a long period of time, when JJ stops firing she peaks out of cover and shoots him in the chest with her M700, the green tip bullet knocks him down and gives Ada the chance to move to a different cover, she gets behind another half broken wall and switches to her Brown Mossberg loaded with slugs, she aims it at JJ as he's getting up and fires it at his chest, the slug causes him to stay down, suddenly Ada notices a laser being pointed at her forehead so she quickly crouches instantly, the sniper fires and the bullet hits the wall behind Ada, she runs towards the building where the sniper is located and aims her shotgun at the top, waiting for him to come look, the sniper switches to his secondary revolver and comes to take a look, they both fire at the same time and the soldier's bullet hits Ada in the shoulder while Ada's slug lands on the soldier's neck, blowing it to pieces and causing his head to fall off, Ada screams as she holds her wound.
Ada crouches down and uses her knife to pull the bullet out, she then sprays her wound with the first aid spray Wesker supplied her with.
She gets back up and climbs up the ladder of the watchtower the sniper was hiding on, she switches to her M700 and peaks out of the watchtower window, she sees JJ approaching the tower below so she shoots him in the leg, he falls down to his knees and she shoots him again in the heart, this causes JJ to fall down again and she aims her rifle at his head, when she pulls the trigger she hears a clicking sound meaning the magazine was empty, she quickly reloads, but she hears someone climbing up the ladder, she runs over to the ladder and shoots at the soldier climbing up, he falls down and dies, Ada goes back to the window and doesn't see JJ there anymore when she goes back to the ladder she sees JJ below, he raises his gatling gun up and starts firing, she quickly dashes back to not get shot, Ada rummages through her pouches and finds a flash grenade, she pulls the pin and tosses it down, she covers her ears and closes her eyes briefly, and after a few seconds she goes to check, she sees JJ below holding his head, she jumps down the ladder and lands on JJ, causing them both to fall, Ada grabs her punisher and switchblade and flicks it open, she starts stabbing the knife into JJ's neck while shooting bullets into his head until his head gets completely disfigured and he stops moving.
Ada wipes the blood from her knife on JJ's shirt and gets up
"MATALA!" She hears one of the soldiers yell, and when she looks over she sees a group of soldiers, one holding a crossbow, one holding an AK-47, and one holding an Uzi, they all open fire, Ada quickly dives behind a bunch of sandbags to take cover from the automatic fire, after they stop shooting Ada gets up and uses the machine gun on top of the sandbags to shoot them all, after she kills the first one the other two try running away but they fail.
Ada quickly runs through the large gate.

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