Chapter 10

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The group reach the cabin at the end of the lake, the time had been around 11:24 PM, Leon gets another strong ache, this time in his chest, he falls down on the ground and goes unconscious, the last things he hears before it fades to black are the sounds of his friends calling his name out with worry.

Leon wakes up and finds himself in a large wooden mansion, everything looks hazy, blurry and nauseating, he starts exploring the dark mansion, in one of the hallways he sees the silhouette of a man, he appears to be holding something in his hand

Leon instantly feels dread as the man just stares at Leon without doing anything, he assumes the object was likely a weapon or something, then the man starts approaching Leon, still appearing shadowy and invisible, he throws the object in his hand at Leon and it hits his face, Leon holds his face in pain, but when he looks back at the man, he's no longer there, leon looks at the object that hit him in the face and it was a short wooden rod, Leon grabs the rod and continues exploring the mansion, he reaches a hallway with a window on it, and the light of thunder made the path clear, but for a second, Leon saw that man again, Leon looks out the window and sees the ocean, seems the place is on a cliff.
He continues walking and he passes by an interesting painting, it featured a fisherman holding a hook with a large whale hung up in the background, must've been hunting big game, for a second Leon could've sworn he saw the fisherman move, Leon decides to continue on and just as he's about the walk away a man with a hook jumps out of the painting and grabs Leon, attempting to stab the hook into his body, leon pushes the man away and hits him on the head with the wooden rod,  the man turns into fog once hit which spreads around the hallways.
The silhouette appears again at the end of the hallway, he stares at Leon without doing anything, and so does Leon, Leon notices that the man or creature is holding something shaped like a harpoon, the man suddenly starts running towards Leon while holding the harpoon in a thrusting position, Leon turns around and starts running away from the man, and he finds the hallway door he just came though closed, the man reaches Leon and he attacks him with the harpoon

Leon wakes up screaming from his nightmare, which jumpscares the others who were with him, he looks around the room and sees Pablo and Luis sitting down looking at him, while Ashley who was asleep had been awoken, Leon wipes the cold sweat from his forehead and sighs
"Just a nightmare.."
Leon lays back down and the room goes quiet for what must've felt like an eternity, Pablo breaks the silence
"So after you went unconscious the girl went to sleep and Luis stayed here to watch over you two, I went outside and guarded the house, but then I heard the sound of a boat in the lake, I took your rifle and used it to scope out the boat, and I saw them dropping Antonio's body into the lake to be swallowed by a giant fish, I saw them coming so I hid behind the house until I heard them stop the boat and climb on the shore, then I came out of cover and shot them dead, I got in the boat and the creature tried to swallow me, so I shot it with my shotgun, then I grabbed a harpoon gun I found in the boat and fired harpoons at it until It died.. or at least I think it did"
Luis continues the story for Pablo
"So after that he caught a few fish with a fishing rod he found on the boat, I lit a fire and we cooked the fish on it, here" Luis hands Leon a large black bass, it was cooked well
"Thanks, I appreciate all the favors you've done me" Leon says to Luis, to which Luis nods his head, Leon was very hungry for a real meal as the only things he's eaten yesterday were all herbs and raw eggs.
Leon looks out the window as he eats the black bass, and he notices that the sun is just coming up
"For how long was I unconscious?"
Leon asks
"Er.. yeah it's been like 8 hours.." Luis says nervously
"What?! We don't have much time"
Leon yells
"Calm down, I gave you an injection which suppressed the growth of the parasite.."
Luis assures Leon
"Where did you even get those syringes?"
"I found them"
"The Los Illuminados lab"
"They have a lab?"
"Probably where they got those needles they injected you with"
"And you just injected a random needle into my veins without knowing what it does?"
"No there was a file on it"
"Why would they have a syringe that suppresses the growth of the parasite if their goal is for it to grow?"
"I dunno, probably for experiments"
"Answer the truth, Sera"
Luis sighs and pulls out a cigarette and a lighter out of his pocket, he puts it in his mouth and lights it
"I used to be a scientist at the Los Illuminados laboratory.. I didn't know what Saddler's intentions were at the time, and I quit when I found out just how much of an immoral puto he is, I felt like human trash for having helped him, so I helped you to do some sort of repatriation, to make myself feel better, I had developed a few drugs to stop the parasite.."
Luis pulls out a bottle of pills and throws it to Leon, Leon catches it and examines it
"Use that whenever you feel the plaga winning control, or at least occasionally take 1 every 2 hours, these should save you until you get a proper plaga removal"
"..thanks, and.. sorry about all that.." Leon says quietly
"No problem. We should get going, the pills can't kill the plaga, they can only suppress it" Luis says, to which Leon nods.

August 15th, 7:12 AM, 2022.

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