Chapter 19 (Leon)

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While exploring the empty hallways of the castle, Leon suddenly stops walking with the other two, he starts coughing heavily as he falls down to his knees
"Leon?!" Ashley calls out his name, but he doesn't respond
"Are you okay?" Ron asks unknowingly
Leon starts vomiting a mixture of vomit and blood on to the floor
"LEON?! WHAT'S WRONG?!" Ashley runs over to him and holds him in her arms
"What the hell?!" Ron says, he was feeling a mixture of shock, curiosity and worry, but mostly shock
After Leon stops vomiting, he removed Ashley's arms from his shoulders, he gets up and swallows one of Sera's pills
"I'm okay.. don't worry, Ashley.." he says, sounding like he just went through hell and back
"No, Leon you're not okay.. you just vomited blood!" Ashley responds
"When is that Lewis guy gonna come back? We need the antidote for this parasite thing"
"I dunno.." Leon responds, he approaches the nearby window and pulls out his water canteen, he looks out the window and smells the fresh air while drinking from his canteen.
Leon sighs and carries on
"It's only gonna get worse if we stay around, come on, let's go.." Leon says to the two of them, Ashley nods and follows him, and so does Ron.


While walking around the breezy balcony, Leon and Ron suddenly feel darts get shot into their necks, the two fall unconscious, leaving Ashley alone and distressed
Ashley hears footsteps and when she turns around she sees a 3 cultists armed with bowguns and 2 with dart guns, the two reload their dart guns, Ashley pulls out her blacktail and shoots one of them in the chest twice, the ganado drops the dart gun, the other ganado finishes reloading and shoots the dart at Ashley's neck, it successfully lands on her neck, and she falls unconscious as well, the ganados walk towards the unconscious three and pick them up, taking them elsewhere.

Leon wakes up when he gets splashed with water, when he looks around he sees masked men standing over him, he was stripped of his gear and clothing and tied to a chair, the room he was in was a prison cell inside the castle dungeon.
Leon struggles to get out of the chair, and one of the men punches Leon in the cheek, the ganado then grabs a sharp knife and starts cutting the shape of the Los Illuminados Insignia onto Leon's face, Leon screams as he tries to escape but to not avail, then the man grabs a bucket of hot water and pours it on Leon's head, Leon continues screaming so the masked man punches him twice, the masked man then grabs a hot iron rod with the los illuminados insignia on it, he puts it on Leon's skin, permanently embedding the insignia on Leon's chest.
Leon starts screaming again and he struggles as hard as he can to rip the ropes around his wrists, Leon's eyes turn red and he successfully rips them, Leon immediately starts beating down his torturer with his fists, another one of the cultists tries to grab leon but Leon push kicks him, the third one tries to slice him with a scythe, but Leon jumps over the slash and drop kicks the ganado in the face, Leon then grabs the ganados scythe and beheads the three with it, his torturer grows a Plaga B and the parasite tries to bite Leon's head off, Leon shoves the sharp scythe inside the parasites mouth, the scythe stabs into its lower jaw, and Leon pulls the scythe back, cutting the parasites jaw in half and killing it, Leon runs out of the room and into a hallway of the dungeon, from the left path comes 3 ganados, armed with bowguns, and from the right 3 as well.
The ganados shoot bolts at Leon and he quickly ducks, the bolts hit both of the ganados in the middle on both sides, Leon throws his scythe at one of the remaining 4, it beheads the ganado, Leon runs towards one of the ganados reloading his crossbow, just as the ganado finishes Leon grabs him from behind and uses him as a meat shield to take cover from the 3 bolts, the bolts all land on his chest and Leon snaps his neck to finish him off, Leon grabs his scythe off the floor and hurls it at one of the last 2 ganados, the scythe beheads him as well, Leon runs towards the final ganado and kicks him, his bowgun falls on the ground, Leon runs towards the downed zealot and snaps his neck.
Leon crouches down and strips the zealot of his clothes, Leon puts on the Zealot's outfit and takes his Bowgun.
Leon hears one of the prison doors get broken down, and he anxiously aims his bowgun at the direction of the sound, he grabs a nearby torch and slowly walks towards the source of the sound, each footstep echoing through the dark corridors of the dungeon, when he finally sees the broken door on the ground he realizes he reached the cell that the sound came from.
Suddenly Leon has a burning acid spewed on him, which puts out his torch and slightly burns his arms, he moans in pain

Suddenly he gets grabbed by the throat and his moans turn to choking, Leon feels 4 sharp needles slowly piercing into his neck before he is tossed away, he screams in pain before getting up and running away, Leon hears loud and rapid footsteps following him, he reaches another torch and quickly grabs it, Leon turns around and the monster chasing after him is revealed, it was a 7'1 tall pale woman wearing a black and blue jester outfit, she had pale skin, red eyes and grey hair, as well as claws and fangs.
Leon does a roundhouse kick which barely phases her, she grabs Leon and throws on the wall, causing him to hit his head and go unconscious.

When Leon wakes up he finds himself still laying in the same spot, he gets up and explores the dungeon, no signs of the jester reappearing, Leon sighs and leans on a wall as he feels himself going dizzy
"I.. have to save.. Ashley.." Leon whispers as he whimpers.

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