Chapter 8

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Leon calls Hunnigan telling her about the good news, she tells him to get to the chopper.
when they walk outside of the church they see ganados standing in their way, one of them happened to be the driller they shot in the beginning, and another ganado had Leon's Ruger and jacket, Leon grabs Ashley's hand and pulls her back inside the church, taking cover behind the wall.
Luis tackles Pablo back inside the Church to take cover from the burst fire.
Leon equips his sniper rifle and peaks through the doorway, he quickly looks through his scope and shoots the ganado that took his gun, the bullet lands on his skull and his head explodes, Luis shoots the rest of the ganados dead with his red9. They peak out of cover and see that the coast is clear, Luis walks Pablo out of the church and the other two follow, Leon grabs the Ruger P345 and puts it back inside his attache case, His jacket remains clean with no damage, Leon notices Ashley is only wearing a sleeveless sweater so he hands it to her
"Here, wear this"
"Oh thanks a lot, leon.."
suddenly a distant vrooming sound can be heard, the sound gets closer and closer.
"Run" Leon says as he points to the left, they start running before Salvador could reach them and they reach the bridge area where they have to jump over the gaps, Luis turns around and fires two shots at Salvador and throws his axe at him, the axe gets stuck in his shoulder, Salvador stops chasing after them and removes the axe from his shoulder, buying them some time, they finally reach the door but find that it's closed.
Salvador reaches the bridge and starts jumping over the gaps, Once he reaches the final gap Leon shoots him in the chest. The bullet shoots a hole through Salvador's broken ribcage and destroys his heart, Salvador falls to the ground and stops moving
"You think he's dead?" Luis says in between pants
"Maybe.. maybe.. but we should stay cautious, last thing we need is our heads rolling on the ground" Leon says as he starts picklocking the door, after some time he unlocks it and they enter the giant's den.

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