Chapter 13

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After what felt like an eternity, Leon had calmed down, though he was sitting there for a while, Luis pulls out a cigarette box from his pocket and put one in this mouth, he lights it on fire and walks over to Leon, he hands Leon a cigarette, even though Leon had refused to smoke before all his life, he decided he needed some relief, not like he was gonna get addicted that fast anyways. Leon takes the cigarette and puts it in his mouth, Luis lights it for him and then sits down next to him, they both smoke together, Leon looking down at the ground, while Luis looks up at the sky, and they stay like that for about 6 minutes in silence.

"Never gets better, does it? First my girlfriend cheats on me, then just when I get a good job it turns out the place where it's located is overrun by grotesque abominations, I'll never forget the horrors I'd witnessed in raccoon city.. just when I felt glad I survived, I'm forced to join a top secret government program.. I couldn't handle the harsh training, we weren't allowed to get a healthy amount of sleep, we fought each other in the mud, we ate terrible food.. the constant drill sergeants yelling at us.. the endurance training, it was all horrible.. and then I was sent on my first mission.. operation Javier.. with that agent.. Lieutenant Krauser, as cruel as he was, he was my best comrade.. poor guy died in that crash two years ago.. and now here I am, I've lost another comrade, I shoulda done a better job protecting him, I was well equipped and he wasn't.. I just can't get a break from misfortune, can I?" Leon thought to himself as he smoked the cigarette.
Leon drops the cigarette on the ground, he sighs and pulls out a water canteen from his bag, he drinks some water and gets up, he steps on the cigarette, and Luis gets up as well.

Ashley, who was awkwardly standing away from the two walks towards them and follows, Luis touches Leon on the shoulder to get his attention, Leon turns around and looks at Luis
"Listen, I'm sorry but I'm gonna have to go, here, use this to navigate around" Luis hands Leon a map and he leaves the two
"Take care you two, don't forget to uh.. take the pills.." Luis says before leaving the yard to go back to the bridge region, Leon nods silently.
Leon looks at the map and decides to go back and use the boat, the skies get cloudy and it starts raining heavily, with thunder flashing every few seconds, Leon and Ashley sit down on the boat facing each other and drive off, they drive to the other side of the lake and stop at the shore, they follow the trail that was in the middle of the forest, but they stop because Leon receives a radio call
"Leon! Where've you been? I tried calling you but it didn't work"
"Hey, Hunnigan.. so a lot has happened, it turns out this los illuminados cult infected me with this Las Plagas, the male civilian I told you about had provided us with medication, though the medication can only suppress the parasite temporarily, it doesn't terminate it. I had passed out in a small shack for several hours and the police officer who I was with.. Pablo Barbera.. he had sacrificed himself to kill a monster.."
"is baby eagle secure?"
"The reinforcements you requested will be arriving soon to provide assistance and extract you, Hunnigan out"
The radio cuts off, and Leon puts the radio back inside his bag, as the two walk around the forest, they hear loud thuds which shake the ground
The trees start getting hurled out of the way, and a giant monster comes into view, El Gigante yells out a loud groan.
Ashley screams and starts running away, while Leon aims his elephant gun at it while walking backwards quickly, he fires his elephant gun at its face, the nose of the monster explodes, and it screams as it falls down onto it's knees, Leon notices the Tentacle Parasite and realizes it's the giant's weak point, he fires the second round in the chamber at the tentacle, and the monster screams loudly as it stands back up and holds it's back in pain, Leon tries to reload the weapon quickly but it takes too long and the monster tries to kick him, Leon dodges the attack and fires at the giant with the only round he managed to load, the bullet hits the giant's belly, the giant yells as it holds it In pain, the damage Leon has done further angers the giant, as it starts running towards him, Leon runs out of the way and the giant ends up smashing into some trees and falling down, Leon reloads his Elephant Gun with its final two rounds, as the giant starts getting back up, Leon fires at him between the legs, the giant stops trying to stand up and it moves violently on the ground while screaming in pain, the parasite comes out once again he fires his second round at it, the parasite releases a disgusting liquid as he fires at it, Leon swaps his Elephant Gun with his Compact shotgun, and the giant gets back up, it grabs one of the trees and hurls it at Leon, Leon ducks down on the ground and the tree flies above him and crashes into another tree, the second tree breaks and starts falling down, it almost falls on Leon but he rolls out of the way and fires at the giant's right eye, the slug blinds the giant, but it continues despite the massive damage, it tries to stomp Leon but he dashes out of the way, suddenly leon hears a howl, he looks over at the source of the sound and sees the dog he saved from the bear trap back at the hunter's cabin
"Hey, it's that dog"
The dog runs towards the giant and barks at it, it distracts him and the giant turns around and tries to attack it, Leon fires 6 shells at the back of the giant, causing it to stagger and fall down onto it's knees, It reveals it's parasite once again, Leon pulls out an incendiary grenade and throws it at the parasite, the grenade burns the tentacle while Leon fires at it, this last attempt is successful and the giant starts screaming it's dying scream as it falls down onto the ground.
Leon pulls out a fish from his bag and cuts a small piece from it, he tosses the piece to the dog and it starts eating the piece, Leon crouches down and pets the dog, the dog finishes eating and it follows Leon around excitedly.

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