(Chapter 7) Wanna walk home together?

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(After school)

Alright home time! Hopefully my dad isn't home. Then i may get let off from being beaten like yesterday, but that's a 1 in 100 chance. Sometimes i think my dad loves me only slightly though i am mostly a punching bag though. As i start to walk home i think about my trauma and how my life is, i never knew what it was like to have caring parents i always thought parents treat you like a no body and a useless wanna be. Well that's true right? I then snapped out of it when i felt a harsh tap on my shoulder. I turn to see Pierce. Is it just me or is he a stalker? I don't hate him as much as i did, i still do though.

Pierce: "Hey buddy where you headed?"

Ein: "Home? Where else..."

Pierce: "Well yesterday-"

Ein: "Shut up"

Pierce: "Alright... SO! "

Ein: "Well that didn't last long."

Pierce ignores Ein and continues with his talking. "Can we walk together?"

Ein: "I thought you took the bus?"

Pierce: "I need my exercise. "

Ein: "Yeah i don't give two craps."

Pierce: "YAY!"

Pierce POV

I can't believe I'm walking with Ein! He's so cool and mysterious. I've had a crush on him for so long but I can't bring myself to confess. I don't want to ruin our whatever we have. As we walk, I try to act casual and keep the conversation going.

Pierce: "So, how was school today?"

Ein: "Same as always, boring, and uhm hurtful"

Pierce: "Again, I am sorry..."

Ein: "Whatever."

I can tell Ein isn't really in the mood for talking, but I can't help myself. I want to spend as much time with him as possible.

Pierce: "Hey, do you want to hang out this weekend? Maybe we can go to the arcade or something?"

Ein: "I don't know, maybe."

I can tell he's not really interested, but I'll take what I can get. Maybe if we spend more time together, he'll start to like me back.

As we reach Ein's house, I feel a pang of sadness. I don't want to leave him, but I know I have to.

Pierce: "Well, I guess I'll see you tomorrow."

Ein: "Yeah, see you."

As I walk away, I can't help but feel like I'm not doing enough. I need to show Ein how much he means to me, but I don't know how. I guess we just started getting to know each other but I'll just have to keep trying. 

(I got bored D: )

(430 words)

Dont worry i will make a the next chapter soon! Sorry its short.

Please check out my cringey as MF YouTube channel. Thanks! its called. Willow Sprinkles

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