(Chapter 1) First day of school

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(A thanks to ButterB4breakfast for this amazing idea!)


Great... It's a New year... MEANING I am a senior now and that school is starting today! Wait Today!? FUCK! I AM GONNA BE LATE! WAKE UP ME! OPEN YOUR FUCKING EYES! DAD'S FRICKEN HIT WASN'T THAT HARD JUST GET ON YOUR FEET!

As I slowly awakened myself. I then see that I am not on my bed but the floor in my bedroom. Even sometimes my Dad carries me to my bed but I guess I really made him pissed for him to just leave me there.

I manage to gain my balance and walk over to the mirror I see that there is a giant as Bruise on my head!

Ein: "Fuck..." I say under my breath. 

I look around to see if I have any make up left. I see that there is none.

Ein: "Fuuuccckkkk~" I say again but a little louder. 

I am so Thankful for my long bangs right now. I cover the right side of my face. No one is gonna notice right? Everyone will just think I am Emo, like Zane. I Sigh and get dressed in my Uniform. I am so glad school starts at 9:00 Am today since its the first day of school. And the time is- SHOOT! 10 MINUTES!? FUCK I GOTTA GO!

(If some of you guys are wondering why the school starts so late cause in NZ the schools usually start at 8:45 - 9:30 so... I hope that makes sense.)

I packed my stuff which took 5 minutes of my time! I quickly head out the door hoping I did not wake my Dad up with me running around the house or he will be pissed! I will be surprised if I get let off when I get home.

I run to school swearing to myself again and again for being late. I run faster till I arrive out of breath! To my surprise I got to school in two minutes!? It usually takes me 10 minutes to get here but oh well I wont ask stupid questions... I head inside and look at the time, oh i have 3 minutes left... Better head to my form class! As I run to my Form class I see Aphmau. She is my only Friend in my form class.. I see her wave at me telling me to sit next to her. I smirk and sit next to her. I used to have a crush on her but she now has that jerk Aaron as a boyfriend, if I am being honest I would be a better boyfriend but you know what i have lost my feelings for Aphmau and gained NO NEW ONES! So I don't care anymore.

Aphmau: "HEY EIN!"

Ein: " Hey Aph!"

Aphmau: "First of all good to see you!"

Ein: " You too...." 

Aphmau: "BUT, What have you done to your hair? You look like Zane except crappier.

Ein: " Wow... Thanks Aphmau... Its just a temporary look."

Aphmau: "Alright if you say so..."

As the teacher walks in the room and settles the class down he calls for attendance.

After he calls out our names the bell rings and we go to our (PROPER CLASSES!)

Aphmau: "Hey, Ein what classes do you have?"

Ein: "Only the worst subject in History."

Aphmau: "Is it Math?"

Ein: "You Called it."

Aphmau: "L-Bozo! I got Art!"

Ein: " *Sigh* Whatever."

As me and Aphmau depart and go to our classes I head to Math. As I entered the room I saw that popular boy Pierce one of the Alpha's at the school, he is at his desk. A girl is giving him some chocolates and flowers. Typical...

Pierce: "Woah, woah i can't accept this! Its to much!"

Girl: "I know but i made the chocolates for you! Please take them!"

Pierce: "Well alright thank you."

The girl grins and runs to her seat. I Sigh, of course he get all the girls! Daily girls come to ask him out or give him gifts, i wonder why he rejects them all... Well that's what i have heard. Oh well i don't give two craps about this Pierce guy. The teacher Mr Fillens (I know weird name...) is looking at me strangely, Is my bruise showing!? No i don't think it is otherwise the whole class would be staring at me.

Mr Fillens: "Ein, why haven't you seated yet?"

Ein: "Sorry..."

Mr Fillens: "Seating plan is on the TV... just hurry up so I can start."

(The reason Ein and his teacher know each other is because Last year he was Ein's maths tutor.)

Seating plan? Last year in Miss Coopers class we could sit wherever... Oh well new class i guess, and i know for Mr Fillens to be strict he was my old Math tutor after all. 

Mr Fillens: "Ein take your seat please."

Ein: "Right! Sorry!"

I look at the TV and I am sitting next to... PIERCE!? Oh this is fucking great! I roll my eyes and sit next to him. I cross my arms and pout. But I then hear a voice.

"Looks like someone is grumpy." I didn't know who said that but as i look to my right I see Pierce smirking at me.

Ein: "What the hell are you looking at?" I say in a frustrated tone. Not only i hate him but he is in my Math class, AND I HAVE TO SIT NEXT TO HIM! HOW CAN THIS DAY GET ANY WORSE.

Pierce: "Come on man, lighten up a bit!"

Ein: "NO!"

Pierce: "Woah, easy... Why you so down?"

Ein: "None of your fucking buisness you snoop!" I say as I turn my head away from him to look at the teacher...

(908 Words)]Hope you are enjoying this!

Mr Alpha~ (Ein X Pierce)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon