(Chapter 4) Where did you get that bruise-

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Pierce: "I uhm... Kind of followed you..."

Ein: "I knew it! You are a stalker!"

Pierce: "HEY!"

Ein: "So what do you want?"

Pierce: "U-uhm- I just wanted... to- "

Ein: "You know what, don't finish that sentence..."

Pierce looks down on whats in Ein's hand.

Pierce: "Hey, Whats in your hand?"

Ein: "N-NOTHING!" 

I try to hide it behind my behind my back but he snatches it out of my hand.

Pierce: "Make up? What do you need make up for?"

Ein: "Uhm..."

Pierce: "Hm?"

I can't tell him its for my bruises... My sister? No... I don't have a sister. (In this AU Ein does not have a sister.) Maybe... APHMAU! Yeah! I can use her as a excuse!

Ein: "Uhm... ITS FOR APHMAU! Yeah thats it!"

Pierce: "Why-"

Ein: "Please don't ask..."

Pierce: "Alright?"

Ein: " Now I am going to pay for this and go home."

PIerce: "What!? HOME!? NO NO NO! "

Ein: "HM? Why?"

Does Pierce know about my dad.

Pierce: "We are going to enjoy the light festival!"

Ein: "You know, after I pay for this i will have only $5 left."

Pierce: "It's all good! I will play for dinner!"

Ein: "W-wait! IS THIS A DATE!?"

Pierce goes red.

Pierce: "N-no! I am just inviting you out for dinner."

Ein: "So a date..."

Pierce: "NO!" Pierce yells flustered.

Ein: "Alright jeez..."

Pierce: "So dinner?"

Ein: " Yeah, sure... Let me just- ahhh!"

Ein fall backward since his laces are un-tied.  But Pierce catches him.

Pierce: "Are you ok?"

Ein looks up and sees Pierce with a soft smile on his face. I then noticed my hair flipped upward.

Pierce's smile turns into a worried expression.

Pierce: "Oh... My god! What happened!? DOES IT HURT? WHO OR WHAT DID IT!?"

I quickly push Pierce away from me and cover my face with my hair again.

Ein: "Its nothing..."


Ein: "It's uhm.... Well i may have walked into a pole.... yesterday... So i am abuying this to cover it up... Happy?"

Pierce POV

I know that Ein may not be telling the truth but i don't want to push the issue further.

Pierce: "Alright... So! Dinner, what do want to eat?"

Ein: "Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm... *gasp* DUMPLINGS!"

Pierce: "Should have guessed..."

Ein: "Hey!"

Pierce: "Alright lets go get some food."

Ein: "YAY!"

Me and Ein go to some stalls and buy some food... But his bruise is bothering me... I don't know why it's just... does....


I mean what if he is in danger????????


PIerce: "Huh?"

Ein: "You like were standing there like a crazy person... "

Pierce: " I am fine... Just thinking..."

Ein: "about what? my charms~"

Pierce: "N-no."

Ein: "Awwww...."

Pierce: "But I was Thinking about you though..."


Pierce: "H-huh!?"

Ein: "Pierce... I am fine ok! Stop looking at me like i am not...

Pierce: "I-"

Ein: "Pierce... I walked into a pole... I am fine."

Pierce: "A-alright..."

(444 words D: )

I am getting lazier and lazier every time i write D:

Mr Alpha~ (Ein X Pierce)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن