(Chapter 6) Where is Ein???

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The bell suddenly rings, Pierce feels a flood of guilt when he yelled at Ein. 

I walk to class guilty, why did I yell at Ein? I mean yeah he does tell me to fuck off a lot but he doesn't really yell.  As i enter the class and sit on my desk all the girls in the class give me hifts.

Girl person: "Pierce! ARE YOU OK!?"

Girl Women: "YOUR SAD! Here take this!" The girl gives me chocolates.

Giiiiiiiiiiiiiirl: "NO TAKE MINE!"

Girl Person: "HERE TAKE MINE!"

I sigh...

Pierce: "I am fine, but thanks ladies."

The girls smile and walk off blushing. 

I look to my right and see that Ein was not in class?

 (Ein and Pierce have: Math, English, Art, History and Japanese together.)

I hope he is ok...

(After English and Art class I am lazy AF)

I wonder where Ein is? He was absent from both of the classes... I better go find him...

I decided to buy myself some dumplings, I also bought Ein some since i know he loves dumplings i will give him some, well when I find him...I look around the school, nothing... Where is he? I walk up to the cherry blossom tree and see Ein curled up into a ball, his face in his knees. It looks like he has been crying. I decided to sit next to him.

Pierce: "Hey buddy..."

Ein gets startled and looks the other way.

Pierce: "Uhm... I brought you some dumplings..."

Ein looks at the dumplings but turns away. "I am not hungry..." Ein mumbles.

NOT HUNGRY FOR DUMPLINGS!? Did i hurt him this bad?

Pierce: "Look Ein i wanted to apologise for earlier... "

Ein looks at Pierce.

Ein/Pierce: "I AM SORRY!" Ein and Pierce both say at the same time.

Ein: " You go first......" Ein mumbles

Pierce: "No, Please you...."

Ein looks at his knee's 

Ein: "I-I am sorry for calling you annoying and saying I hate you I-I.... Just got overwhelmed by the moment."

Pierce: "It's alright, you know, you could have just told me..."

Ein: "I am sorry"

Pierce: "It's alright really, So, do you want your dumplings or not? Otherwise I will eat them."

Ein: "No, I don't want them..."

Pierce raises an Eyebrow and looks at Ein.

Ein: "Alright, yes! GIMME THOSE!"

Ein stuffs his face.

Pierce chuckles at Ein's sudden change in attitude and they both sit there for a few moments in silence, enjoying their dumplings.


Pierce: "Oh and Ein... I am sorry for yelling and swearing at you, i just got hurt when you said you hate me..."

Ein: "I don't hate you... Just when you hugged me you startled me...

Pierce: "Oh, I'm sorry about that. I didn't mean to startle you. I just wanted to help you get warm"

Ein: "It's okay, I know you meant well." 

Pierce: "Yeah, I always want to make sure you're okay. You're important to me, Ein."

My heart skipped a beat at Pierce's words. W-what am I feeling?

Ein: "I guess You're important to me too, Pierce. I'm sorry for pushing you away earlier."

Pierce: "It's okay, I understand. But please know that you can always talk to me, no matter what's bothering you."

I nod.

Ein: "Thanks, Pierce. I really appreciate that."

Pierce smiled at him, feeling a sense of relief that they had cleared the air between them.

Pierce: "So, are we good now?"

Ein: "Yeah, we're good. And thanks for the dumplings. They're really good."

Pierce chuckled, feeling happy to see Ein enjoying his favourite food.

Pierce: "No problem, buddy. Anytime you need some comfort food, just let me know."

I smile at him, feeling a warmth in my heart at the thought of having such a caring and understanding friend like Pierce.

Ein: "I will, thank you, Pierce."

Pierce smiles at Ein.

Pierce: "You know, we've got Japanese class next. Are you feeling up for it?"

Ein: "Yeah, I think I'm ready. Thanks for checking on me, Pierce."

Pierce: "No problem, buddy. We're in this together."

As they both stand up to head to their next class, Pierce puts a hand on Ein's shoulder.

Ein smiles softly, and they both make their way to Japanese class with a newfound sense of understanding and connection.


I hope your enjoying this cause i enjoy writing it! FAV SHIP 4 LIFE!

Mr Alpha~ (Ein X Pierce)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora