The Tournament Begins

Start from the beginning

"Are you leaving already?" The halfa raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah. I need to go back earlier today. My parents are still worried about what happened."

"I'd have liked to, Mina," Danny said slowly. "But I got this power only yesterday, and in a very limited form. I practiced just a bit, but portals don't appear further than five meters away."

"Aw, man, this sucks," Mina pouted. "You would have been able to even visit your American friends whenever you wanted, Danny-kun."

The halfa's eyes widened. That...didn't seem as ludicrous as he could have thought. Of course Mina did not know the extra obstacle standing in the way of that goal — the ever-present veil separating the worlds. Looking at his hand, the halfa pondered on it just a little more.

"This sounds like a neat goal."

"It is!" Said Kirishima and grinned. "Let that jerk's Quirk be used for something actually useful."

"Alright, I'll see you guys tomorrow then!" Mina saluted and strolled away, leaving the two boys alone.

"So..." the redhead scratched his chin. "Any idea what else we can do?"

"Dunno. At this time I usually sit at home when I'm not with you guys."

"Come on, don't tell me our class rep is a hikikomori."

Danny raised an eyebrow. "Be sure to kick me when I start buying depraved figurines. I just never was a social guy before. My social circle pretty much ended with my two longtime friends."

"Is that because your Quirk awakened so late?"

"Nah. It's just... my parents are not just inventors. They are seen as nutcases, which they to some extent are. And hoo boy, if I didn't get bullied for my relation to the crazies that violate every single rule about adjacent constructions. You should have seen what monstrosity I lived in."

"I'm willing to raise my expectations. But hey, you are already the talk of the school, man. In a good way," Kirishima wrapped a hand around his friend's neck. Something he did quite a lot, actually. "And with you being the class rep, you ain't going into any shell."

"I could have been a ghost in the shell," Danny grinned. "Get it? Oh, of course you don't," he deadpanned.

"Sheesh, man. I'm not dumb," Kirishima huffed. "I just don't know your American stuff."

The irony of the statement was almost palpable.

The following day the studies resumed. The rumour had it that the day before had been spent in patching the holes in security, looking for villains that had hid from the heroes and assessing if anything had been stolen. Those rumours came from different sources, but not necessarily contradicted each other. The journalists had swarmed near the front gates of the school, but Phantom, who, per luck, was travelling to U.A. alone that day, easily avoided them. He still couldn't forgive them the whole 'Inviso-Bill' fiasco. Nonetheless, Danny made his way to the classroom, his enhanced hearing picking up the traces of conversation, where aforementioned rumours were being spread. He also caught occasional glances thrown his way, which was honestly to be expected. Danny was a part of the class that was the talk of the whole school.

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