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"So?" Nikki asked me and I shook my head "it's negative, third test and it's still God damn negative" I sighed and Nikki hugged me "it's gonna happen" he kissed the top of my head "but you have to relax for a bit baby because in a week you're gonna be a Sixx" Nikki smirked and I smiled. I threw myself back on the bed and hugged my pillow and started to close my eyes. I felt my pillow being removed from my arms and I opened one eye and saw Nikki looking down at me. I closed my eyes again but then I felt him poke my cheek making me smile and open both my eyes. He crawled into bed with me and I wrapped my arms around his torso, he put his arm out and I laid my head on his biceps and he wrapped his other arm around me "you know you can't lay here for ever" he kissed me before getting up and taking his shirt off "but I want to" I whined and grabbed the pillow again "we have places to be" he said taking off his pants and putting on his favorite pair of  black leather pants. I groaned and got up and Nikki just watched me walk across the room "as hot as you look in nothing but my t-shirt we have to get dressed and go" he said tying the strings. I shot him a look before rolling my eyes and I smirked as I walked up to him "well" I said putting my fingers on his chest and starting to run them down "as good as you look shirtless and in your leather pants" I started to say but he grabbed my hands and pinned them together "we have to go. Get. Dressed" he said and I smiled and walked off.

"Nikki! Jade!" Vince shouted at us and Nikki removed his arms from around my waist as we got to a non-crowded space in the club "happy birthday Cherry" Nikki mumbled and I rolled my eyes "oh come on Nikki don't be so down!" She jumped up and hugged him making me roll my eyes again, she let go of the hug and kissed his cheek then looked at me and cleared her throat "now that everyone's here I have an announcement" she smiled and looked at Vince "oooo what is it" Tommy said stumbling his way over to me and wrapping an arm around my shoulder "well...." She looked at Vince then shot me the most evil look "I'm pregnant!" She squealed and Vince dropped his glass and it shattered everywhere on the floor.

She continued to look around but I was just frozen "I found a failed pregnancy test in the trash so I decided, why not try and it worked" she said and winked at me. My fist balled up and Nikki grabbed my hand but I pulled mine out of his. I walked over to the bar and heard footsteps behind me as I rested my elbows against the bar "we'll isn't this gonna be fun" Cherry scoffed next to me and I turned to her "you know how long me and Nikki have been trying and how devastated he is about it! Why the fuck would you do that" I said looking over at Nikki who was sitting down at a booth, arms rested on his thighs and staring into space not even blinking, "we'll I guess Sixx will finally be a daddy after all" she said and smirked at me while I furrowed my eyebrows "what...." I said "oh! He didn't tell you?" She said taking a step closer me to "the last person I slept with before I got pregnant was Nikki....." she said before walking off and going to stand beside Vince. He wrapped an arm around her and shot a glance my way and widening his eyes then mouthing "help me" but I was too caught up in the bliss.....was Nikki really the father? No she was definitely bluffing....right...?

"hey baby" I heard Nikki say and kiss my cheek from behind me. We were now inside the house and I was sitting there quiet staring into space. I snapped back into reality. I turned around and hugged him and it took him a few seconds before he finally hugged me back "Nikki I-" I started to say, but I was still at a loss for words "I'm sorry..." I said and he pulled back from the hug to look at me "there's nothing you need to be sorry about honey" he said and put his hand on my cheek and started to stroke my hair. I laid into his hand and just stared at him trying not to cry "Cherry told me that you were the father..." I admitted and he scoffed before pulling away from me completely "of course she would say that, you don't believe her do you?" He asked and turned back around to face me and I thought for a second making him scoff again "baby are you serious? She's trying to get an rise out of you, of course she would say that cause we've been trying...she's trying to make you mad" he said and I nodded my head "I believe you" I said quietly and he kissed me "I mean you do still wanna keep trying right?" He asked and I bit my lip and nodded "ok good" he smiled and went to kiss me, then kept pecking my lips after.

"Now I'm gonna go run you a nice hot shower and your gonna get your ass in there and calm your ass down" he said resting his forehead against mine and I laughed before I pushed him away "your an ass" I said getting up and starting to walk away from him. He landed a harsh slap to my ass and when I turned around he just winked at me making me roll my eyes, he whistled at me and followed behind me all the way to the bed room, "let me help you with this" he smirked taking my shirt off and I smiled "wow such a gentleman" I joked playing my hand on his abs. He started to lean in but before he could kiss me I pushed him back "hey I was just helping" he said and looked at me with those eyes "well why don't you help me in here" I smirked opening the bathroom door and started running hot water. Nikki followed me in, smirking, before looking me up and down "I like that idea" he said closing the door behind him.

—One week later—

"Jade come on we have to go" Jen rushed me to get in the car so we could get to the venue and get ready. With a smile on my face I stepped out the door and locked it before getting in my car.

"There you go" Jen smiled and I turned around, she hugged me but let go before she got tears over my wedding gown "oh my gosh, my best friends getting married" she cried more and I frowned "stop crying your gonna make me cry" I hugged her. Just then, Tommy burst through our door out of breath and sweaty "looking good sis" he said catching his break, I furrowed my eyebrows and walked over to him "what's wrong?" I asked and he shook his head "can't find Nikki" he said out of breath.

In that moment my face dropped and all of the sudden my breathing stopped. Don't cry, You have your makeup all done. I thought but it was too late, tears started rolling "what—what do you mean you can't find him" I started to yell "we can't find him..." Tommy looked around confused at my question "well find him what the fuck are you standing here for!" I yelled louder "we looked everywhere" he said but once he say the look on my face he opened him mouth "you know what...I-" he said and ran off.

A/N: kind of a shirt and sucky chapter but I had a super bad writers block and didn't know what to write, but I hope you enjoy anyways😭💕

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